These past few days have been a bit crazy busy. I had a work conference in Birmingham on Wednesday so headed down to the NEC stupidly early that morning.
The conference was great. Really interesting and genuinely insightful for my job. I got to see s lot of talks, take a lot of notes and just generally get my geek on. I was like a sponge. What was nice was that Wiggle were a VIP company so that meant free beverages all day, an area to chill in and free buffet lunch. Well, if you know me at all you know buffets are a nightmare…the fear of food running out means I over-compensate and just eat far too much. It was worth it though, very tasty!Handily James (fellow Marathon Talker) lives in Birmingham too so I took Thursday and Friday off and so we could hang out a bit. We planned to get some good running and eating in, which made the trek up norf so much more worthwhile.
On Thursday we had a solid eight mile run. James kindly slowed down for me as normally he’s rapid. It was an “easy” day for him – he trains properly, not like my randomness. The run was great, I felt strong and it was nice running with James as he obviously knew the area and I could leave the navigations to him (essential, I’m sure you agree).
After the run we freshened up and then went to Birmingham city centre to play mini golf at a place called Ghetto Golf. Birmingham just seems to have so many cool places and just the walk there from the train station was cool with all the cool shops, restaurants and graffiti. So much more exciting than Southamptom ha!
Ghetto Golf itself was so good. I mean, it was bat shit crazy but it was such a laugh.
The different holes had crazy themes and were just a bit mental.
Lots of old school themes like a Blockbuster video shop, a pool table and inside a bus to name just a few (as well as some rather risqué objects to navigate round!).
I lost, though I’d like to stress, just but it was just such a laugh I didn’t care. I allowed my competitiveness to cool a bit 😉
We even treated ourselves to a few beers. Neither of us are huge drinkers but the odd one or two now and again is quite nice. I’m quite liking beer as well…albeit only the lighter stuff.
Then we headed to the Meat Shack for some incredible burgers and sides. I had one with blue cheese and bacon with some cheesy fries and then shared halloumi fries and frickles. Oh my gawwwwd so good.
It was a great restaurant – super friendly and great service and the food amazing. I’m never normally a burger person but when a restaurant just does burgers you know you’re in for a treat.
I mean, ideal pre-parkrun food right? Easily burnt off after 5k…ha. James was kind enough to take me to Daventry parkrun to get my ‘D’ for the parkrun Alphabet Challenge.
It was drizzly and cold but finally t-shirt temperature. Though annoyingly probably not warm enough to not wear gloves as I found out during the run and finding my fingers very chilly indeed.
The parkrun is fairly small with under 200 people. It had a clever line-up area at the start with the paces lined up (35 mins, sub 30, 25 mins etc.) so people could position themselves nicely at the start without having to overtake a lot of get overtaken. The course is a mix of compacted trail and mud. It was good during the times on the compacted trails where I could stretch it out a bit (for me anyway) but in the mud and on corners it was a bit precarious. I could only imagine James finding it all too funny if I’d fallen over and was covered in mud…
The course was a one lapper which is quite rare in the grand scheme of parkrun. Usually there are at least two laps as generally parks aren’t big enough to have 5k’s worth of running available. The course was pretty, running through lots of trees and scenic paths as well as a nice stretch alongside the lake. It was lucky that it wasn’t that windy but I can imagine that stretch being quite hellish in the wind. I was trying to push the pace as much as I could and managed to overtake all the females bar one in front of me, who was running with a dog. (Photos from Daventry parkrun Facebook)
At mile three I felt myself flagging a bit and as I came round the corner to the finish it was a steep short incline that just killed my legs at the final push.
I got 20:52 and 16th place (2nd female) and I am more than happy with that! I wanted to see a 20 and I’m glad I managed it, even if I did just squeak it. James smashed his PB with 18:17 which just makes me wince thinking about it. So fast.
So I now only have J (which I’ll do in June in Jersey), Y, I, V and Z left! All the hard ones really! Yeovil will have to be a bit of a day-trip I think
After parkrun we headed to the nearby American diner-themed restaurant, Buddy’s, for brunch. The restaurant was really retro and had lots of crazy decor, like retro signs and posters. It was really quirky.We both ordered the Seattle breakfast (they had lots of American themes). I swapped the hashbrowns for toast and added black pudding. It came with grilled gammon, beans, eggs and mushrooms. I was going to share the pancakes with James but in the end I didn’t fancy them. I’m not a huge pancake fan unless they’re covered in ice cream and chocolate…
Anyway it was delicious and served with unlimited tea. Perfect post a soggy run! I was covered in mud and felt a bit gross but to be honest the need for food won out of social etiquette. It always does for me 😉
That evening James had worked his magic and found a local half marathon race for us to do the next day. We’re both training or the Brighton Marathon so we’re in the market for a long run. Having a half would be a great way of getting in some solid miles – we could run before and after to make up the distance we needed.
However the half he’d found, the Ironbridge Half Marathon, was sold out. But James emailed the race organiser to ask if anyone was dropping out and if there were two places available by any chance. Amazingly there were! After some back and forthing he secured us two places. We’re super grateful to the organisers for letting us slip in last minute! I was super chuffed because I’d been gutted about Reading being cancelled last weekend and I’d been to the Ironbridge quite a few times as child with my grandparents and parents as my grandparents live in Stoke, not too far from there. It was going to be a blast from the past! And having s race to do is always a nice way to mix up the drudgery of long run training.
So an early night of solid sleep and up early bright eyed and bushy tailed for the half the next day!
Have you been to Birmingham before?
Have you ever entered a race last minute?
What’s your essential item in a fry-up/breakfast?
You should come to Milton Keynes sometime – we have two one lap parkruns. Both really scenic (in fact the ‘main’ MK one was voted most scenic UK parkrun!)
Oooooooh very tempting indeed 😀
The breakfast question is too hard! I think I’m going to say baked beans as the tomato sauce just pulls all the other goodness together and everything tastes awesome dipped in it. Damn, I just ate dinner and now I want breakfast
Allison recently posted…Week In Review – Local Tourism
Haha good choice. I think mine would be bacon though. Bacon is an absolute MUST.
Nice work on the alphabet challenge- you’re doing so well. I am sort of half heartidly doing it, but mainly only when I happen to add a new letter. I am hoping to go up to Milton Keynes in a couple of weeks time and do the other one there (around Willen Lakes) with my Dad’s cousin- we did the other one (Linford Wood)- they are both one lappers. I much prefer them and we are lucky here in Herts as we have a few one lappers.
I’ve just added the tourist tool plug in to my computer (it’s on the tourist parkrun facebook page)- it shows you the progress towards each club which is brilliant because I always lose count of how many I have done scrolling up and down the screen. Plus there are some challenges I didn’t know about (I’m 3/4 of the way through the compass club- who knew!).
Unlimited tea with breakfast is the best (I suppose quite American as the diners would jut top up coffee or bring more hot water).
Maria @ Maria runs recently posted…Oak Hill parkrun for a new letter
You’re doing so well on the tourist front though! I’m going to have a look at this tourist plug and then see what else I can do. Fully addicted now haha.
It is such a fun thing to look at- you also get badges for things like volunteering, doing so many runs in a year and that sort of thing. I am really enjoying visiting new places for parkruns – I’m planning on going the Portsmouth Lakeside one tomorrow (was going to be the Queen Elizabeth country park for a Q, but the weather is so bad that I think it will be a quagmire so I will save that for later in the year).
Maria @ Maria runs recently posted…Oak Hill parkrun for a new letter
My essential breakfast item is sausages!! I entered last years final 5K of the summer series down at Bayside the day before I think, I took someone else’s place. And I feel like I’ve mentioned this before but I’ve been to Birmingham quite a few times. I had a friend that used to live there.
Rebecca recently posted…Aviemore parkrun