Another weekend and more time away from good old Southampton. This time Friday night saw me driving to Bristol. I know I always say it, but I do love Bristol. A nice friendly city with loads going on (especially good food spots, just saying…).
So anyway, I headed up to Bristol and stayed over at my friend’s Kate and Jay’s house where we ordered a mediocre Indian take-away. It wasn’t the best and we all agreed. But the pudding more than made up for it.We shared a tub of Ben and Jerry’s Fish Food and a tub of Half Baked. Pretty good (though a little too melted for my liking – I’m far more a fan of the more “solid” ice cream consistency). While we were in the shop I did spy my dream egg for half price (now £6!). The struggle was REAL to not buy it. I walked away feeling a better person for beating the temptation but equally disappointed.
Saturday morning the plan was to head to a relatively new Bristol parkrun called Eastville. Kate wasn’t going to run but she was going to take Doug the pug and support. Doug however was not impressed and really didn’t want to go, especially as the weather was pretty grim and rainy.
We picked up our friend Katherine, who’s a fellow parkrun lover and runner, and then drove about 20 minutes to Eastville.
We parked in the nearby Tesco car park and walked the miserable drizzly walk to the park.
The park was lovely, but it was essentially on a hill.
I knew this parkrun was not going to be an easy one but I did want to put in some effort. I went for a one mile warm-up (check me out being all sensible) and then Katherine and I headed to the start.
The course was kind of loops of the park but it veered off to go round a lovely lake and had several long inclines as well as some good downhills. A mixed bag really but all on tarmac so no mud to contend with.The start is nice though as you literally head straight downhill. This helped me gain some initial speed without jumping fully on the pain train straight away. Though the first loop curved straight back up into a long dragging incline back to the start area which was quite draining for the legs.
I heard a voice behind me and turned to see my friend Joe with his dog Barry run up next to me. I knew Joe was going to be there (he switches between Bristol and Southampton so it’s always nice when we’re in the same area for once and can catch up). Though I definitely wasn’t going to catch up while trying to maintain some sort of speed (for me). He breezed past nonchalantly and I shouted I’d see him at the finish. He said Barry would need a poo (a parkrun poo if you will) so I may catch up (spoiler: I did not and I’m not).
From there we headed downhill again to do a loop round the lake. There were no fences or anything for the lake so it felt a little precarious taking any of the curves close to it for fear of falling in (I mean, if anyone’s going to fall in it would be this idiot). I felt quite strong and happy with my pace but as we finished round the lake we had to climb this very sharp but short incline. And from there we then had to head back up the long incline for almost half a mile. It literally destroyed my legs. I felt my pace and will to keep pushing plummet.
And then it was back on the flat, picked the legs up a bit, and then downhill again. I caught my breath and felt my legs calm down a bit only to then have to climb back up that bloody long incline again. I saw Kate and Doug at the side but I could barely manage a nod (Kate told me afterwards I looked like I was in a dark place of hell. Accurate). Then a final flat stretch to the finish, whew.Jeeze that was tough, tough. tough. Thanks Joe for the photo bomb, ha!
I got 20:54 and third female which I’m super happy with. I put in a good amount of effort as well, which is what I’d wanted.
I knew I wouldn’t be able to get a great time so to have a 20:XX was confidence-building.
Katherine did well too. She wanted to run the entire way and smashed it. And Barry, the dog, got himself a parkrun PB. Happy days all round! A lovely friendly course marshals cheering despite the rubbish weather is always so appreciated!) – definitely worth a visit.
I was wearing my cow cowl because I thought I was going to be a bit chilly but actually I was really warm on the run and had to roll my sleeves up. I’d forgotten about the buff until a man came up to me and started asking me about which parkruns I’d done. I suddenly realised he was also wearing a cow cowl (the unofficial indicator that you’ve hit over 20 different parkruns). He was also doing the Alphabet Challenge as well so it was nice to hear about the ones he still had to do. Love how friendly parkrun is 🙂
Then we headed back to drop Katherine off and then Kate and I headed to Cheltenham to meet up with our other friend Shell and her adorable 10 month old Eloise and her lovely hubby Rob.We all went for lunch in a lovely pub at the top of a hill called the Rising Sun and had a solid lunch. I hadn’t eaten breakfast to save on time so I was really ready for food at this point!
I went for the pulled pork, brisket and mac and cheese burger. Now when it comes to burgers for me, more is always better. A burger in a bun is never that appealing to me, but add in about 14 other things and I am THERE.
It was heavenly. Any burger that you can’t actually pick up to eat (in public) is a winner to me. So much filling haha. In a bid to have a little health I swapped my fries for vegetables… and then cancelled everything out with the chocolate fudge cake pudding. Be still my beating heart.
I did get a bit of pudding envy though when Rob ordered the double chocolate brownie. It amused me greatly when he asked the waiter which out of the fudge cake and brownie was bigger. This is my kinda thinking. Though the fudge cake was said to be bigger, the brownie was richer apparently so Rob went for that.
We swapped bites (I rarely do this FYI. Only in very rare circumstances…but I really wanted to try the brownie) and though it was nice, my cake was better 😉
I had an amusing moment with Rob (a non-runner) when he asked me what Strava was. Ahh to have no awareness of such things, eh! I tried to explain it as a running/cycling Facebook.
Then it was back in the car and a drive to Birmingham! Whew. Busy indeed.
Brownie or fudge cake?
Favourite burger topping?
Favourite UK city?
In response to your questions…
Brownie, always Brownie!
Favourite burger topping is a tough one but the chilli, mushroom, cheese and bacon combo I had on the Monster Bob burger was a good combo
Favourite UK city is equally as tough as the UK has so many good cities! Obviously my home city is number 1 but after that there are so many good ones to choose from!
Rebecca recently posted…2018 Running Goals – An Update Part 1
See chilli I’d be worried about. Don’t want something majorly spicy spoiling a burger!
I don’t know! Probably the fudge cake but I’d want to try a bit of brownie!!
My favourite burger topping is chilli, because apparently the burger just isn’t enough meat for me ha!
Allison recently posted…Week In Review – Reaching the Peak!
Mmmmm yeah it’s a tough choice right??
Out of the two, I’d go for brownie.
For the burger topping I would go mushrooms in a creamy garlic sauce/dip, avocado, crispy onion pieces and bacon.
Not sure I have a favourite UK city as each has different things to offer but if I had to plump for one (excluding my local) it would be Edinburgh. Which is your favourite city?
Oh yeah creamy garlic sauce yesss. I love Brighton and Bristol. And Cardiff!
Half Baked is my mother in laws favorite 🙂
Favorite burger topping would have to be caramelized onions!! I could eat an entire pile of those things…
Kat recently posted…Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread
Omg yesssss.
You are doing so well with all the parkrun tourism and also the speedy times. I think it’s so funny with the cow cowl- I sometimes forget I have it on and then get surprised when someone starts talking to me (once I was running and someone shouted “tourist” at me, and it was only a few hours later that it dawned on me that it was because I had the cowl on!).
Hmm, I think I’d choose brownie, but it depends on the restaurant really, because sometimes they are too cakey and the fudge cake would be better.
I love pickles in a burger- they are not often with veggie ones though.
Probably Brighton would be my favourite place to visit- long walks by the sea, lots of nice cafes and the best place for breakfast, good parkrun and race options 🙂
Maria @ Maria runs recently posted…The Easter weekend including plenty of cake
Yes exactly this. A too cakey brownie is disappointing!
Fully agree about Brighton 🙂
You have got your icecream all wrong. It is THE BEST when half melted and all soft and gooey. Especially Ben & Jerry’s!
You reminded me I still need to order my Cow Cowl! I’ll be running my 22nd different event this weekend, so it’s about time I ordered my Cowl to show off!
1) Fudge cake – but only when it’s done right, – warm and with icecream
2) Despite not being a massive fan of meat, I do like a good burger. I love blue cheese and gherkins as a must. Anything else is a bonus, but I’m with you on the more the better!
3) I really can’t choose just one UK city! I did really enjoy York the other week, and I love Edinburgh…
Mary recently posted…Summer has finally arrived and changes to my race plans
Yes order it!! It’s a great convo starter.
Yes yes warm fudge cake 100%!
I’ve never been to Edinburgh or York… two places I’d like to run a marathon haha.