Another recap from a couple of weeks ago…Continuing my parkrun Alphabet Challenge. The letter ‘I’ was always going to be a tricky one for me.
Inverness parkrun would have been a nice option and my initial idea was that I could do the Loch Ness Marathon in September and do the parkrun the day before. However, that weekend my parents need me to dog sit as they’re on holiday. So that scuppered that plan.
Happily though I have friends in Ipswich and I reached out to Ade and Bex (who I’d met on a Marathon Talk run camp and have been friends with since) and asked if they’d be about so I could catch-up and have some brunch after with them. Bex was super lovely and offered to have me stay on Friday night. This was so helpful considering it’s around 4 hours from Southampton to Ipswich. I didn’t really fancy a 4am leave time on Saturday morning.
I took Friday off as I thought driving to Ipswich straight from work Friday evening would probably be pretty gnarly with traffic. So it meant a nice little lie-in Friday morning, a quick gym visit (always nice before you sit in a car for hours), lunch and then I was on the road by 12.
Ideally I wanted to have left by 11am but I’m always late so 12 wasn’t too bad. What was bad was the then 5.5 hour journey that I endured to get to Ipswich. Oh the M25 is just a joy isn’t it? I also managed to plan a very badly timed service stop at South Mimms which proved to be a nightmare leaving the motorway for and then joining the motorway after. But it was an absolute necessity considering that I was absolutely bursting for a wee. My water bottle was getting dangerously tempting let’s put it that way!
I’d planned to meet Ade and Bex at Pizza Express in the middle of Ipswich as Bex had the Twilight 10k that evening and it seemed like an ideal early dinner location to meet-up. I could also then support her at her race. Unfortunately, being the idiot that I am, when I got back onto the motorway from the services I had unknowingly put Bex’s address into my SatNav rather than the car park near Pizza Express. So instead of arriving there I ended up outside her house… I therefore missed dinner at Pizza Express (I urged them to carry on as I was now going to be later and I didn’t want her eating too late to her race). I managed to get into Ipswich, buy myself a Subway and then meet them just before her race. Ah well! As Anna’isms go, it wasn’t the worst thing that could happen.I enjoyed watching Bex’s race. She did really well, though missed her PB that she was aiming for as it was quite humid. It was a two lapped flat course going through the centre of Ipswich. Ade and I stood and cheered outside a bar enjoying the fact that we weren’t running (I hate 10ks). The lead guy was miles ahead of everyone else and finished in an impressive 30:xx time. I mean whaaaat.
The next morning we headed out to Ipswich parkrun. It was a very warm morning and I knew that the course wasn’t a flat one so I decided to just see how it went. To be honest, I’m not in my best shape having let the speedwork decline a bit for a while to give myself some time off intense training before my New York marathon training ramps up. My calves have intermittently been a bit tight as well so I’m trying not to aggravate them into a full-blown niggle.
Ade was timekeeping as he had suffered a probable calf strain earlier in the week, so it was just Bex and I. As we got started from the cricket pitch I felt my legs responding and finding myself sitting nicely at 7min/mile pace. It was mostly on grass but easy underfoot.
It was an undulating course but not hilly, and a one lapper which is always novel, with lots of windy turns. We also ran past Chantry mansion which was a very beautiful and old-style building.
(Photos from Facebook)
I kept pushing the pace and as I ran past a marshal they told me I was first female. I didn’t think I was but after a couple more said the same I decided to believe it. I wasn’t running full-out though so this was a nice surprise. There is a nasty hill towards the end which I pushed up and then it was back round the cricket pitch to the finish. I finished in 22:03 and in 18th position (1st female) which I was quite surprised about. I think there were a lot less runners though due to the 10k race the night before. Bex did well considered she ran the race!
The parkrun was lovely and friendly and offered teas, coffees and cake in the pavilion house for a small donation. I love this! They didn’t have a cafe nearby so this was perfect for keeping the community feel going. I also got to meet the lady behind the Twitter handle which was quite amusing as she’d commented on one of my Tweets not long before the start of the parkrun.
Afterwards we headed for a ‘parkrun fresh’ breakfast in the Suffolk Water Park, a proper greasy spoon affair. We sat on the benches outside overlooking the fishing lake and it was very peaceful. I went for a full English (of course) and swapped the fried potatoes for black pudding #winningIt was very tasty!
After showering I parted ways and began my next part of the weekend, driving to Hatfield to see more Marathon Talk friends, Chris and Kate, who were also lovely enough to let me stay at theirs that evening. Kate works for the National Trust and it was an event she was organising, single-handedly I hasten to add. What a superwoman, eh?
I got to Kate’s and then we headed out to Hatfield Forest to get cracking on setting up some last minute event bits, such as the goodie bags and the course signs.They got an assembly line of volunteers together to fill the bags with a banana, a KIND bar, leaflets, medal and water. It was cool to see the behind the scenes stuff.
Chris, the ranger Ben and I headed out to the course (the forest itself) to set the signs up for the race. We packed the Jurassic Park jeep (my name for the little off-roader car) with all the signs we’d need (“Keep left”, “mile X”, “Water ahead”, etc.). It was a hot
At first this was good fun. The off-road vehicle was so much fun to be driven around in. It just cruised along nicely over the uneven surface and the (albeit warm) breeze in our faces was nice as we got to the first point we needed to mark out with signs. It was nice as well for Ben to be with us as he gave us inside scoops of the area (where Roman roads used to be, where a plane crashed…).
We were using the course map with Kate’s annotations of where and what signs should be used. The course was a two lapper so at least that meant we didn’t need to travel 13.1 miles about the place but it still took a very long time. The fun soon wore off. We were all hot, tired and a bit frustrated.
Eventually Kate rang and suggested I come back with her and her kids while Ben and Chris continued. I was the only one running the race the next day and probably needed to come back and eat something for dinner. Ben and Chris were absolute troopers though finishing it off (it took until well after 8pm!).
Kate and I ordered some Domino’s Pizza for want of a better idea. We were all too exhausted to go out anywhere and that seemed the perfect option. I went for a medium Meteor pizza with mozzarella meatballs as a side and, as always, am ever surprised by my seemingly insatiable appetite. I rarely ever order takeaway pizzas (Indian being my takeaway of choice) buy I polished it off quite easily. But it was a solid (wellll, fairly solid) pre-half marathon meal choice and I went to bed feeling well fueled and with a very good idea of what the course would entail in the next day’s race!
I’ll recap the race in another post!
Have you ever set up a race course? I’ve done parkrun many times but this was another level!
Have you ever had a takeaway pizza as a pre-race meal?
How far would you drive for a parkrun?
Nice work on getting yet another letter- you have a lot more dedication than me! I think an hour is my limit to drive somewhere new, although of course having friends to visit would change that. The trouble is, where I am there are lots theoretically within that time, but add in the M25 to the mix and the journey there might be OK, but the journey home will take a lot longer so it just eats into the rest of the day too much.
That Suffolk water park looks like a lovely place to sit outside and enjoy the view.
I used to live in Hatfield (and it’s where Ellenbrook parkrun is- a very pretty basically one lap one) but Hatfield forest would not want to be associated with Hatfield as they have slightly different reputations (and probably nearly an hour drive away).
Setting up a race course sounds so interesting- good in a way to see the variations in the route. I’ve seen race signs being put up in Brighton before, and it’s always a bit exciting to see the sign and think “next time I see this I’ll be running it”. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes though.
I hardly ever get a takeaway- although I did have a takeaway pizza the night before the last 10k I did, but that was because we were out all day and got home late and tired so we decided on that versus buying one and cooking it at home.
Maria @ Maria Runs recently posted…Cream teas, cinnamon rolls and sorting by colour
Yeah the M25 is such a faff and headache, I don’t envy your proximity!
Ohhh I didn’t know that about Hatfield. In my eyes it seemed a lovely place hehe 😉
Yes it definitely made me appreciate the hard work that goes into a race set-up.
I tend to try and meet up with friends who live locally like you did if I go to a far away parkrun (Furthest I’ve done that is Copenhagen) but if a local one 90 mins is about my limit I’d say. Think I might push that rule to get through the alphabet challenge though.
Only ever helped set up parkrun but have the biggest respect for anyone who helps set up races. Certainly not for the faint hearted!
Not tried pizza as a pre-race meal. Did it work for you?
Copenhagen would be such a cool parkrun to do for me! I’d love to go there.
Pizza is my standard go-to meal for before races, especially marathons and half marathons. They just work the best for me. To be honest, most of the time I don’t have a take-away one but I’ll buy one from the supermarket which is a bit less fast food-esque.
Pizza has pretty much become our go-to meal the night before a race or long run, but not takeaway, home made. Steve used to be a pizza chef before becoming a PT.
I probably wouldn’t drive more than about an hour on a Saturday morning for a parkrun, but I’ve no objection to going further afield if I was making a weekend of it.
All of this sounds like so much fun. Congratulations and it’s great you were able to enjoy it so much!
Adorei, incrivel!
The answer to the question Ipswich Parkrun one letter left is Mail Box. If you remove the letter I from I Ipswich, you’re left with Ipswich. The parkrun clue hints at the remaining letters forming Mail Box a common phrase that connects well to the concept of receiving mail or messages. To fit the theme, consider how important communication is in our daily lives, much like the role of a mailbox in receiving and sending information.
Mail Box recently posted…Po Box 6184 Westerville oh