Blogging and me

My blog was offline for a couple of weeks which was beyond frustrating but also very strange.

I’ve written my blog since 2012 and unless I’m on holiday I’m writing at least one blog post a week, but usually two or three depending on what’s going on. I felt a bit lost without having my blog to update. I was also very concerned that the problems I was having with it (a nasty virus) that I would lose everything.

This realisation was actually very upsetting. I’ve documented a lot of what goes on in my life, to some degree, through my blog. Memories of events I’ve done, fun experiences, times with friends and of course the bad times too. There are nuances and tiny details I remember at the time and write about that would probably fade from my mind later. It’s nice to go back over and read old posts. It is very much like a diary.

And I can go back and find gems like this…my very first post-run photo? Mental. Running in leggings and a cotton t-shirt…Of course I don’t write about everything and I do try and keep it positive, but ultimately it is my life and the things that have happened. To lose that would devastate me. So lessons have certainly be learnt. And big ‘thank you’s to the support I had from different lovely people to get it back online and working again. I’m beyond grateful. I just need to go back through some posts to add photos that were lost during the fix but that shouldn’t be too hard.

It’s also highly annoying that my blog went down at a time when I had a lot going on and a lot I wanted to talk about. Doing well in my Alphabet Challenge, doing races, doing fun things with cool people. Maybe I will recap everything that I would have ordinarily done. At the time I generally take little notes of things going on to remind myself when it comes to writing later so I don’t forget things and I have written some posts already (I’m too used to writing to stop now and I knew my blog would eventually be back, in some shape or form). But we’ll see. I don’t want to get boring with “a few weeks ago I did…”.

I know blogging is probably a dying form. I know realistically we live in the world of fast, quick information in the shape of Instagram, Snap Chat and Twitter but there really is something so cathartic to me about writing more than a quirky one liner or paragraph about something. I love writing and I don’t get to do it enough in my life. As I’ve always said, I’d still write even if no one read it. So if I waffle and meander, apologies, it’s just nice to be back.

Did you ever write a diary?

Do you enjoy writing?

10 Replies to “Blogging and me”

  1. Glad to have you back! I would still write my blog too, even if no one read it – I love having an online diary to look back on and still enjoy reading blog posts and writing my own. I still have a paper diary, too, but that’s definitely for my eyes only! x

  2. I am glad that you haven’t lost things- that photo is fab!
    I love writing a blog- I always used to write diaries when I was younger and I do find it cathartic. I also like to ramble on about running, which saves poor Andy from listening to me go on about something he isn’t that interested in!

  3. Anna I am so glad you’re back to blogging. I was confused when there were no new blog posts for a while. Good to know that there was an issue with your blog and not that you had given up blogging. I really think you should recap all of the past races you’ve done because down the road you might want to look back and see how you did in those events and you might also want to see where you’ve traveled and where you haven’t! Just my 2 cents.

    1. I was so frustrated not being able to blog! If I was to give up (no plans any time soon – the break showed me how much I still enjoy it!) then I would let people know. I wouldn’t just disappear don’t worry πŸ™‚

  4. It’s so good to see your blog back up and running (sorry for the rubbish pun).
    I actually found the diary I wrote when I was in my GCSE year. It was so full of dramas and I clearly had a *thing* for Keanu Reeves.
    I’m so pleased I started to write weekly training updates. It’s good to see that how I managed to overcome injuries in the past. If I’ve done it before, I can do it again. It’s also good to see how much progress I’ve made. I know I’ve said it before, but without my blog, I wouldn’t have so many photos to accompany the time I spent with my amazing friend Geoff.
    Emma recently posted…Keeping it Real # 2My Profile

  5. I totally agree with you. I love writing my blog, and it’s fun to go back to things I might otherwise have forgotten. Lots of people use video, etc now, but I much prefer to write than to have to listen to my own voice sharing content!

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