parkrun, afternoon tea and dogs – a few of my favourite things

For once, I was in Southampton this weekend.

I went to Netley Abbey parkrun on Saturday and was (semi) glad to see that we were doing the cricket pitch course rather than the winter course as there was an event setting up in the area on the summer course. The cricket pitch course (five laps around, you guessed it, a cricket pitch) is an exceptionally dull course. It’s flat and repetitive. However, I prefer it to the winter course has six hills and can be windy.

I helped set up, which was super quick because it’s a simple course, but all on grass so I gradually felt my feet getting more and more wet due to the previous day’s rain. Mike had sensibly brought a spare pair of shoes but unfortunately for him had not brought a spare pair of socks… haha. Wet feet all round.

The barcode sign in the distance in the middle of the field…

I did a quick warm-up (just over a kilometre) and found my legs to be quite heavy and tired. I had umm’ed and arr’ed as to whether I’d put some welly into this run but I could see it probably wouldn’t be that fast. We lined up and headed off. I had a long-sleeve on and even gloves as it was that chilly that morning! It was just a bit of a miserable morning – so different to last weekend (I’m sure all the London Marathoners and Southampton racers were feeling a little cheated).

Photo Credit: Ken Grist

The first mile was a slog and I quickly realised a quick time (for me) wasn’t really on the cards but decided to keep with the effort level and get a solid tempo effort in. I ambitiously wanted to stay around 7min/miles but on the second lap it just felt like a total graft to maintain any sort of speed. There were also tricky areas to navigate through as the grass got more and more muddy.

Photo Credit: Ken Grist

A man was running next to me who was using a metronome – basically it audibly gives off beats so he could work on his cadence (As he told me afterwards). At first I thought I’d find it annoying once I began hearing it but then it became very rhythmical and nice to zone out too. We stuck together for most of the run.On the final mile (and God knows what number lap – I had to keep count on my hand) I felt myself have a spurt of energy. Probably because at this point I just wanted to finish the monotony of running in circles on sodden grass. I finished in 21:19 and a surprisingly high finish of 24 (2nd female). I think a lot of people were resting their legs after London and Southampton half/marathon last weekend.I helped close down and had a drink in the cafe after. Two of my running friends, Kate and her husband Mark, are heading to Devon and it was fun discussing the parkrun challenges of them trying to get all the Devon ones – apparently there are quite a few! I think down South we do very well with parkruns, there always seem to be new ones cropping up all over the place. This is both good and frustrating because just when I thought I was almost done with Bristol and Brighton they start creating new ones!

Later that day I went for afternoon tea with my friends from home. I hadn’t seem them in a while so it was nice to catch up. It’s mental to me that so many have had babies or are pregnant. While also discussing about turning 30 and arranging a big joint birthday party and how we’ all getting “old” I had a moment of, “shit am I a failure here?”.

It’s so easy to find yourself falling down that silly comparison hole. I absolutely do not want a baby right now. I actually couldn’t think of anything worse. I have a lot of plans I’m excited about and I love my life. I love the freedom I have, my holidays and running… not that having a baby means that everything you once loved disappears but it certainly means change and a whole lot more responsibility and proper adulting. But I think it’s so easy to let society tell you you should be living your life in a certain way, especially when you’re surrounded by people who are living that way. I don’t regret the choices I made and the way things have gone – I’m very happy with my life 🙂 Random tangent over!Now onto the important stuff… 😉 Afternoon tea was good but it was a bit too “delicate” for my liking. I’m a big fan of the big slabs of cake and chunky scones and regular sandwiches. Teeny tiny “pretty” cakes aren’t really going to cut it with me. That said, I was the human dustbin for everyone else so I did get a good share of extra cakes and sandwiches!The scones were delicious and the sandwiches were nice but I didn’t massively enjoy the tart (which was like a bland egg custard tart) and I’m never really a fan of creamy desserts that are like posh yogurts (I think it was a lemon posset?). My friend Anna (good name) said to me, “Don’t look behind you Anna, it will really upset you”. Obviously I did… a whole table with so many scones and cakes left behind. NOT EATEN. What!?

Anyway it was lovely to catch up with my friends and eat cake. Good times.

The next morning I met my friend Martin (who I ran the Gosport Half with back in November). I haven’t seen him for a good while so it was nice to touch base with him again, especially while doing a very scenic (albeit hilly) 13 miles. We did an out and back route through Durley which was really very pretty and, for the most part, car free. The hills were pretty savage though!After finishing the run I dashed home to shower and eat breakfast quickly before heading back out to meet Mike for a dog walk. Mike has a 13 week year old Siberian Husky crossed with a Golden Retriever who is just adorable, called Luna. I brought Alfie so Luna had a new friend. We met up in Royal Victoria Country Park (where parkrun is held) and walked round the field before heading to the dog fair that was going on.Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many dogs in one day! There were just so many. All of different breeds and sizes. Alfie was a little bit more wary of the other dogs – he’s very much a lone wolf, whereas Luna wanted to play with EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Ahh the excitement of a little puppy. I remember when Alfie was like that. He’s almost nine years old. That is MENTAL. I still remember how tiny he was when we picked him up and he sat in my lap. I also remember feeding him a slice of apple and then him promptly throwing it up on my lap five minutes later. Lovely.Anyway, we walked round the stalls, chatted to other dog owners and enjoyed watching the “dog recall” competition (how quickly your dog runs back to you – there was a leaderboard and everything). Then we sat and had a coffee in the cafe outside while Luna enjoyed chasing every napkin that flew past her while Alfie rolled his eyes and tried to avoid getting jumped on.They got on well though despite the age gap. It’s a shame the weather wasn’t a bit brighter but thankfully we dodged the rain on all accounts.

How was your weekend?

Do you like dogs?

How many courses does your parkrun have? Netley has several!

26 Replies to “parkrun, afternoon tea and dogs – a few of my favourite things”

  1. That puppy though! What a perfect weekend. But what was with the people leaving their scones and stuff? That would have made me cry!

    Although as an “adult” I’ve had cats, I grew up with a dog so love them too. I’m very easily distracted by dogs when I’m out and about lol!

    Our parkrun has a few courses now: our official one, the alternative one for when it’s too sodden (2 loops of the path so we can change the direction whenever we fancy) but there’s another alternative we’ve tried which is a bit closer to our main route as well as some “emergency” routes that were created a couple of years ago when there was flooding and bad ice. We try REALLY hard not to cancel!
    Allison recently posted…Week In Review – Here We Go!!!My Profile

  2. I don’t mind dogs- we used to have one when I was little but that many dogs sounds not like my thing at all. I get very nervous around dogs that are jumping and running around. We once went to a baseball game and it turned out to be a “bring your dog to the baseball”, where people paraded on the pitch before it started- weird (and that was Canada not even America!).
    St Albans has a winter course if the paths around the lake flood, but Ellenbrook and Panshanger have pretty much the same routes, with sometimes a slight diversion (a bridge needed to be repaired at Panshanger so the last 200m or something were up through a different field).
    Maria @ Maria runs recently posted…Hot and cold weather, gardens and bluebellsMy Profile

  3. Ahhhh, I love this post! My dog’s name is Theo and he is a yorkie/shih tzu mix (I think). I adopted him from the SCPA near me so they weren’t able to tell me what he is exactly other than just yorkie mix. I would love to know if he loves me but also if I annoy him. Every time I look over at him he’s doing something too cute and I go over to pet him or hug him. I think he gets annoyed sometimes when he’s trying to nap. oh well.senior dog

  4. I almost had pancakes too, I was reallllyyy craving them this morning but had overnight oats in the fridge so I resisted, plus I was still tired so no extra effort for me today 😉 I love all the mexican inspired food you guys had, enjoy your sunday!savannah cat for sale

  5. There are also several dams for the dogs to wade in, and an abundance of bird life to keep an eye on. As an added bonus, the park also boasts ample parking and security.Cats

  6. I have known a number of people who have ‘bought ‘ (it makes me shudder) a dog and they find out the breed is prey driven or perhaps is very high strung. Also buying a dog you are never sure if i involves a puppy mill. Shelter animals do take a bit of adjustment just as people do, it is a natural thing, it is all new to them. pretty kitties
    lisa recently posted…Why are cats so cute when they sleepMy Profile

  7. Virtual pets have come on leaps and bounds since when we had Tamagotchis in the 90s. Today’s digi-pets are almost as good as the real thing and are a great way to encourage kids to be responsible for feeding and looking after an animal. One key benefit of a robot dog toy over a real dog, is that you won’t have to deal with the poos!Nodytalk

  8. The Bengal cat is a unique example of the successful crossbreeding of wild and domestic breeds. They are active, playful, and sociable pets. The Bengal breed combines the best features of their ancestors: not only an attractive appearance, but also intelligence, curiosity, activity, and friendliness. Learn more about Bengals at Bengal Cat Breeder list

  9. Excellent! it is very useful post and tips for puppy training. How to train your puppies is a question asked by almost all dog owners. It seems everyone has advice and tips, and opinions on the best way to train your niche with breeds

  10. Overall, while boiled food with no oil content and minimum spices may be an option for some dogs with specific dietary needs, it’s not necessarily the best or only option for all dogs. A balanced and varied diet, in consultation with a veterinarian, is key to keeping your dog healthy and rocks

  11. don’t forget to schedule regular vet visits and stay up-to-date on your puppy’s vaccinations and medical needs. This will help to ensure that your new pet stays healthy and happy for many years to come.giant maine coon

  12. Hi
    While boiled food with no oil content and minimum spices may be an option for some dogs with specific dietary needs, it’s not necessarily the best or only option for all dogs. A balanced and varied diet, in consultation with a veterinarian, is key to keeping your dog healthy and happy.Pet Advice Pro

  13. Just like humans, pets can be at risk for sunburn and skin damage from prolonged exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays. This is particularly true for pets with light-colored hair, short haircuts, and those with thinning hair due to age or other medical conditions.Personalized Pet Fashion

  14. If you’re open to the idea, consider adopting a Siberian cat from a shelter or rescue organization. There are often Siberian cats in need of loving homes, and adopting can be a wonderful way to provide a second chance to a deserving cat. siberian kittens for adoption

  15. Pets bring joy and companionship to our lives. They become an integral part of our families and provide us with unconditional love. Whether it’s a playful dog or a purring cat, pets have a way of brightening our days.
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  16. Hi,
    The joyous moments shared with pets become cherished memories etched into the tapestry of our lives. From the jubilant welcome they give upon our return home to the quiet moments of companionship shared by the fireplace, these memories become a treasure trove that wme hold dear. Their playful antics and endearing quirks bring laughter and light into our lives, reminding us not to take ourselves too seriously.
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  17. Spending a day out enjoying Autumn in Auckland, visiting friends with a new Siberian Husky puppy, and then tackling the challenge of a quick dinner preparation after a tiring day sounds like a fulfilling experience. The choice of a simple yet delicious meal like Creamy Chicken & Leek Pappardelle, using leftovers and easily available ingredients, showcases practical and creative cooking skills. It’s interesting how everyday life, including a parkrun and time with family, can inspire such culinary creativity. In your experience, what are some essential pantry staples that enable you to whip up a tasty and nutritious meal on short notice, especially after a busy day?
    Aca Baranton recently posted…How to remove tick from dog with alcoholMy Profile

  18. My dog’s name is Theo and he is a yorkie/shih tzu mix (I think). I adopted him from the SCPA near me so they weren’t able to tell me what he is exactly other than just yorkie mix. I would love to know if he loves me but also if I annoy him. CBD for Cats

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