Although I was looking forward to the weekend gone, I was a bit down that I wouldn’t really get a good lie-in. I normally get up four times in the week at 5am to go to the gym and around 6am on the other day so I like to sleep a bit later at the weekend to ‘catch up’ (although I know there’s to much science to catching up on sleep but it feels good!).
My university friends were popping down on Saturday and as always I’d planned to do parkrun. But as I was meant to meet one of my friends at the station at 10.30am it was going to be a bit of a push, what with showering and getting myself sorted. It would also mean, to save time, I’d have breakfast before parkrun and this would mean a 6.30am wake-up. On Sunday I was doing the Stubbington 10k and wanted to run 6 miles beforehand, so again another early morning.
Luckily though I’d got Monday off so I knew I could at least sleep later then. But as I thought more about Saturday I realised it was causing me a lot of stress to make parkrun and meet my friend on time (and being on time is my New Year’s Resolution…). So to make life easier on me I decided to forgo parkrun. Sad times indeed. To be honest though, I probably did need a week off to reignite the parkrun love again.
So Saturday morning I slept in until 8am which was just glorious. Then I got my running kit on, walked Alfie and then got on with my lonely 5k round my block.
It was VERY cold. I’d decided straight off the bat to attempt to be speedy, which was ideal considering how cold it was. I put some music on and just focused on finishing. My hands, despite wearing my Nike gloves, were freezing. My face was numb. I know we’re very lucky to not have any snow but it was very cold!
I’m really pleased with my splits. It was a pretty flat 5k with a few turns and a couple of sharp (but short) inclines at the end) so the fact that I was able to do a negative split is really encouraging. My time was 22:41 and I came FIRST overall (in the race in my head… haha).
I was able to then sort myself out and get ready and be on time to pick my friend up without having to stress or rush. Obviously I missed parkrun and everyone there (especially as it was a couple of friend’s 200th parkrun!) but it had to be done.
It was lovely to see my uni friends, as always, and they got to see my new flat. Then it was time to head off for some lunch. So, er, this is embarrassing. We went to Coast to Coast… this was my fourth time in pretty much as many weeks. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you probably notice that when I like something food-related I’ll just keep eating it or keep going there again and again until I’m sick of it. Jamie’s Italian for example… Porridge for breakfast (this has been happening now for over 10 years – no toppings, just plain; yes, I am that boring)… Apples… Cake.
So apparently because I raved a lot about it they wanted to go. What can I say, it was their choice! 😉 And they all loved it and said they wanted to go again. Success! (Also, I’m not the only re-offender, I know several people who have gone back a few times… *cough* Mark).
This time I went for chicken wings with a BBQ rub for starters, which was simply divine. Then I decided to try the baby back ribs for main with sweet potato fries (last time I had the St Louis’ ribs which were huge) and then finally the carrot cake. The baby back ribs were far more tender than the St Louis ones but smaller (I’m the greediest person alive so for a normal person they’d be just fine). The carrot cake was delicious and on par with the brownie I had last time.
After my friends left I headed to my parents’ house which is just five minutes from the start of the Stubbington 10k, the race I thought I was signed up to. I realised from other people’s posts in my running club’s Facebook group that I was missing a confirmation email and my bib number. After scouring the entry list I realised I had in fact not signed up at all. What an idiot. I’m not quite sure how I had assumed I had!
So my plans of running 6 miles, then running Stubbington 10k were scuppered and I planned a long run instead on my own. I wasn’t too sad as I wasn’t planning on racing anyway and it saved a lot of faff in the morning of getting my bib and getting to the start in the morning. My parents didn’t have to come and support me so they could have a chilled morning – though my mum, bless her, did ask if I wanted them to come and support me somewhere on my long run! Haha, could you imagine?
I did run about 4 miles of the Stubbington 10k route anyway, just about an hour before everyone else did. I saw the 1km markers and the drinks station with the bottles all stacked up neatly and a few marshals. A friend from the club also ran with me a little way as she was warming up before the race which was nice. Then I veered off the route and carried on with my run. I felt really good running. I rarely look at my watch on long runs and just run at a speed I’m comfortable at. This will slow down when the long long runs happen though I’m sure.
Better than last week was how I felt post long run and for the rest of the day. I had no headache and didn’t feel drained. I ate well through the day and actually felt pretty normal.
Though I did have a nice relaxing evening of watching one of my favourite films, You’ve Got Mail. I literally smiled the whole way through it. It’s such a classic and I just love Tom Hanks.
Post run
As I said, I also had Monday off and had another lie-in. It’s quite amusing that on Friday I thought I’d be struggling with no lie-ins and I actually got three solid night sleeps and lie-ins! I went to the gym in the morning and then had a reflexology appointment at midday (more on that in another post – but, spoiler alert, it was amazing). And I got my hair cut, which happens pretty much once a year. My hair was so long it was driving me up the wall with washing it and blow drying it. Now it’s a lot more manageable and a lot neater, but pretty much exactly the same. I’m not one for huge changes to my appearance 😉 So a standard good weekend for me: friends, running, good food and cake!
Do you have restaurants and food you always go back to?
How has the weather been round you? I much prefer it being cold and dry than wet and mild.
Have you ever thought you’d signed up to something to find out you hadn’t?
I knew you had porridge every day for breakfast, but I didn’t know it was just plain with no toppings. WHAT?!! Haha, as long as you enjoy it 😉
We have a Lebanese restaurant in Manchester that I would happily eat at every day. I am just obsessed with that place.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Healthy Gingernut Biscuits by Dannii
Yep, I really just like it plain. Oats and milk, with a teaspoon of chia seeds to make it nice and stodgy.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #26
I tried dropping a Creme Egg in Sunday’s porridge. I don’t recommend it. Mini Eggs work much better. Or the Jamie Oliver marmalade and dark chocolate combo. Breakfast alternates between porridge and oatibix round here. My current favourite
I think I’m hungry after today’s run. I currently want your carrot cake and the fizzy pop that’s on a colleague’s desk…I can probably sort out both on the way to Rangers this evening. Oooh. Plan!
Jane recently posted…My favourite cup of tea
WOW a Creme Egg in porridge!? That’s amazing! Though yeah I can imagine it to be a bit sickly.
Hehe sorry about the carrot cake inducing hunger – I get that a lot when I look at my food photos… I just start craving everything I’ve previously eaten.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #26
Nice work coming first in your race! Whatever helps you get going 🙂
I did think of you when we went to Coast to Coast last weekend- it was OK but the service wasn’t good (only one waiter, so not his fault)- they had pancakes and French toast, and I went for the latter which turned out to be buttered and grilled toast- not cooked in egg batter at all- I wished I had chosen pancakes. Plus they were meant to come with berries and compote, but just came with a few berries. And they had a deal, (2 breakfasts for £10) but it ended up being quite expensive- our two breakfasts and drinks came to £20 for some reason, and I still can’t work out how.
Oops with the race- at least you realised before getting down there!
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Sport Relief
I don’t think us Brits have really got the whole breakfast thing down when it comes to restaurants, other than the simple fry-ups. It’s a shame about the service and the price. It is an expensive restaurant (which is probably a good thing as I’d be there a lot more often – which is saying something considering how often I’ve been going anyway!).
Isn’t the weather so crazy at the moment?! It was super hot just the week before. I’ve also had a couple of numb-face days just lately too.
I don’t think I’ve ever signed up to a race and actually haven’t before, but there were a couple of guys who swore they had entered at Country to Capital the other week, but weren’t on the start list, so you’re not the only one! I would like to think I would remember if I had entered a 45 mile race though… :S
Mary recently posted…A parkrun photographer once more