Here we go again. The weather is definitely on the change. The morning’s are not distinctly cooler and autumn is swooping in fast.
My weekend was a mixed bag really. Just rolling back to the start of the week I decided to book myself a sports massage with my normal physio as I could feel my shin/calf was a bit niggly. I ran on Tuesday night and it felt fine during the run but after doing some track work on Thursday night, it was definitely more grumpy. Luckily my massage was booked for Friday as I was working from home so it was nicely timed.
The physio wasn’t too concerned. She said it was just getting a bit inflamed which was causing the tightness. It’s annoying because I’ve managed to avoid all other injuries by strengthening my body; no IT band issues anymore, no knee issues, hip issues, groin issues etc. All of which have consistently plagued me in the past. After strengthening my body (specifically my glutes) I haven’t had any twinges, tightness or anything. The issue I’ve been consistently having with my shin/calf though I don’t know what to do about. I wondered if it was because I had weak calves and over the past few weeks have been doing lots of calf raises (single leg on the stairs).
After talking to my physio though she reckons that’s unnecessary and probably compounding my issue further. She said my calf (the one I’ve really focused on) feels very tight and this is probably making things worse when I run. Looking back it does seem to make sense as it has only got more niggly the more strength work I did. The likelihood is that it’s a biometrical issues caused by my flat feet (*sighs*) which gets aggravated when I do lots of mileage, but usually isn’t anything that comes to much (I do get a very slight similar issue in the other leg, but it never comes to anything). However adding in my quite enthusiastic calf raises most days (yep, I’m that keen) has just sparked it off. Thankfully though she’s given me some good exercises to work on my flat feet to strengthen my arches to try and stop this happening in the future. All about the toe-grabs 😉
And because I am such a paranoid runner and terrified of stress fractures I asked if it could be or was close to being a stress fracture (I know how ridiculous this sounds…especially as there was no actual pain). She knows my neuroticism and all but laughed at me. She ultrasounded my entire shin and calf area to reduce any inflammation and reassured me that if I had a stress fracture then the pain of the ultrasound would have been severe. The fact that I felt nothing proved I didn’t have one. Well, that’s something!
After that very long explanation, I ran parkrun on Saturday because I wanted to do it and because I wanted to know in my mind how bad it was. It didn’t feel amazing but no pain, just discomfort and, well, niggliness. It was very tender from the massage as well which probably didn’t help. I shouldn’t have run (my physio advised against it…yes I know, I’m ridiculous) but mentally I needed to know. It wasn’t any worse afterwards…
It was the first time in ages that I was cold before we started. I say cold, more chilly really. Nothing like as bad as it gets in the depths of winter when you dread taking your coat off to line-up.
The rest of the day was, again, sorting more house stuff out. Specifically the loft and shed. Everywhere else is pretty much sorted in terms of streamlining my stuff, separating bits and pieces between Ben and me and throwing out/giving away/selling junk. Just the loft and shed are a beomoth of crap and full of stuff that “we might use later”.
The next day I’d planned 16 miles but on the advice of my physio I cancelled it. I’m probably going to take the rest of the week off just to be safe. For once I’m not panicking. Obviously I don’t want to DNS Bournemouth but I don’t think it’ll come to that if I’m sensible. Thankfully this isn’t an injury, but it could become one. A week off now means things can resume again without issue (FINGERS CROSSED). I think I’m mainly not that stressed about Bournemouth because I have no goals apart from to just finish it. Getting close to my previous times would be nice but I want to enjoy the marathon and not rinse myself and stress out. I just love marathons and want to continue my streak of having another good one in terms of enjoyment.
So I ended up in the gym on Sunday morning. I didn’t set an alarm but woke up at 7.30am and realised I could make the 8.30am Spin class. Ultimately having someone yell at you to workout is so much easier than motivating yourself I find (if it’s not running that is).
I haven’t been to Spin in ages and was dreading it. But you know what, I really enjoyed it. The instructor was fantastic and played some great music. The sprints were hard but I found myself really going for it. Good workout indeed!
I wanted to exercise for around the same time I’d have been running for to maintain some sort of endurance (and sanity) so went on the elliptical machine, the rower and then followed by the stepper. I find it so hard to motivate myself or keep myself interested which is why I machine hopped (I tried to keep the breaks minimal when hopping between).
Less time than I would have been running but higher intensity I suppose. No way near as fun as a long run (and calorie stats and HR are so dull in comparison to having minutes per mile splits and elevation charts…) but it is what it is!
The rest of the day was spent having a long walk and chat with a close friend with Alfie. The weather was beautiful and it was lovely. Not much else to report sadly. Like I said, a bit of a mixed bag. I’m not stressing about my calf but I am bummed I can’t run…for the moment. But I have a far more positive outlook 🙂
Also, I’ve just started watching the Hannibal TV series. I was a bit reluctant as it looked a bit gory and scary for me but I liked the sound of the premise and the two guys in it are quite dishy (in a weird way). I AM HOOKED. It is rather grisly but it’s quite enthralling.
What have you gotten up to this weekend?
What TV shows are you hooked on right now? Do you have a particular genre you go for?
Calf raises: yes or no??
Clearing out the shed and loft are always left to the last minute when we move as we just store all our junk in their. Although, we often find things we have forgotten about.
I need some new TV shows to become obsessed with. All the ones I love have finished now.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Quinoa Sushi by Dannii
There’s so much good stuff out there. I’ve heard True Detective is good as well. I’m usually not interested in crime stuff but Hannibal is very unusual!
We’re avoiding clearing my flat and shed prior to moving (we get the keys on Friday. So Excited!). I honestly think the shed is going to disintegrate once its contents are removed. So we’ll have to dispose of it.
We’re on a Grey’s Anatomy jag. Interspersed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Citizen Smith and The Young Ones.
I am supposed to do some more calf raises, mostly while on the escalator at the Tube Station. I keep forgetting. Most of my problem is it seizing up when it gets cold/I’m tired at the end of a run. I’m booked in for more acupuncture in a week and a bit, pre-Berlin, just to make sure it’s behaving. And I am getting better at layering.
Jane recently posted…Stay tuned….
Oh god, I feel your pain about the shed. It’s a nightmare. I refused to go in there as there were so many spiders.
I LOVE Grey’s Anatomy but stopped about season 7 as it got a bit samey. Probably get back into it again though as it’s just consistently good.
Oh I like your multi-tasking there!! I would do mine when my porridge was cooking in the microwave. But going to give it a break for a while to let things calm down.
Oooh I love having a good TV series. We are watching Narcos on Netflicks at the mo- all about the drug cartels in Columbia in the 80’s and stuff- it’s a mix of real footage and then acted stuff, so a sort of dramatised documentary, but really good (but grizzly in places, and worse because it’s all based on fact).
Justified is a brilliant TV series – not sure when it is shown, or if that is on anything like Netflicks, but it is soooo good. Hard to describe (Timothy Olyphant is a US marshal, it’s all set in Kentucky as he tries to catch criminals- the scripts are excellent- he has some great banter with Walton Goggins- the main leader of the criminals)- anyway I was very sad when that finished because it was such good story writing.
Hope the shin continues to feel better, it sounds like you are doing the right thing by being cautious.
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Oahu- running gear spending spree!
Oh wow! That sounds quite intense.
Might check out Justified. I didn’t see you as a grisly, gritty crime show watcher 😉
Better be safe than sorry – I can’t be injured again! Not when I’ve had it so good for ages.
Hope the shin feels better soon. I’m hooked on Breaking Bad but I’ve only got a few episodes left to go – so sad! x
LilyLipstick recently posted…Feeling Floral – Interiors Inspiration with Darlington Crystal
I started Breaking Bad but lost my way through series 2 (or 3 – can’t quite remember). It got a bit dull. But I heard it picks back up again afterwards so really need to just get through it!
I’m currently clearing out my house and haven’t even considered the shed or the attic yet! Netflicks is great for TV show boxsets and I’m still trying to make my way through Breaking Bad that I have neglected a bit recently.
Yeah Breaking Bad is on my list. I watched a few series but then lost interest…but I know people rave about it and it does get better. Netflix is great though!
I had shin issues earlier in the year and my masseuse said it was due to tight calves, so I should be rolling them, I also do heel drops on stairs to stretch them out- they are super tight right now.
Lauren (@PoweredbyPB) recently posted…Struggling
Yeah doing calf raises so often really did a number on my shins as it just tightened them up so much. Will definitely avoid them for now!
Wao, your strength is great
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