I think Christmas is probably my favourite time of year. I don’t care that it’s usually cold, dark and miserable.
I just love the festive cheer, the music, the happiness and of course the food. As if I need anymore of an excuse to eat silly amounts of chocolate, cake and roast dinners. It’s all part and parcel of the good times.
I also love doing parkrun on Christmas day. It’s kind of a non-negotiable thing for me (unless I’m injured and feeling thoroughly bitter and sad about not being able to run). To me there is nothing better than starting the festive fun with going to parkrun, seeing my friends and having a 5k bimble. Who cares about paces or PB’s, it’s all about the fun and the people (arguably, this is all parkrun should ever be about really).
I got there early to help set the course up. I’ve recently been slacking in this department. I would say “unfortunately” but realistically life has gotten in the way – and in a very good way. Sometimes parkrun has to take a backseat! I love to wear a bit of a fancy dress for the Christmas parkrun and having used my elf outfit last year and my “sort of Santa” outfit a couple of years, I needed to spruce things up.Anyone who knows me knows I’m very bad at arts and crafts and I’m not that creative, so when I came up with my tinsel outfit and actually made it myself I was SO proud. I got so many compliments as well! It cost me NOTHING as well as we had the tinsel and safety pins already (I knew there was a reason I was saving all those pins from races!).
As I’d only run the marathon a couple of days before, and my legs were really tired and achy (all that slipping and sliding and a faster pace than anticipated) I wasn’t expecting anything more than a proper slog.
Happily my friend Mike offered to run with me which was nice. We could just plod around and chat. I also saw my super fast and amazing doctor friend, Jo, beforehand which was lovely. We seem to only catch each other very occasionally (she’s a doctor up North while her parents are down South) so it’s always lovely to see her, though we keep in touch through the wonders of social media.
My legs felt like bricks. And actually I felt very unfit in general. My breathing was struggling and it was just felt very hardwork. I was grateful for Mike taking pity on me and staying with me. It’s amazing how one day you can be flying and the next you can feel like you can barely run.
It was very muddy and the finishing straight was somewhat precarious – no sprint finishing unless you wanted to go head over heels! My time was 24:39, which considering how I felt and the state of my legs I will happily take!Then it was a case of quickly clearing up the course and getting home to start the Christmas celebration with my family.
Christmas with my family is usually quite chaotic and, well, manic. I have a small family but it still manages to be very busy, loud and crazy. We’re not particularly organised so when Christmas dinner cooking happens it can be quite stressful. I usually help my dad and my mum sorts out table settings and things like that (it’s best for everyone she doesn’t get involved in the cooking ;-)).
Anyway, due to some good forward thinking the day before and writing a list of all the different things we needed to cook with their timings, we were fully on the ball. We’d vaguely said 1pm sounded like a good time to eat and I kid you not, two minutes to 1pm saw us all sitting down to eat! WHAT.For the starter, my dad made these delicious roasted cabbage, goat’s cheese and bacon things… so good!
Then for main we had the turkey and full trimmings. One of my favourite meals of the year!
Yes I realise broad beans are a weird addition but it’s a fun family tradition to include them (hilarious I know… *cough*). I’m not a potato fan, but there were roast potatoes on offer I assure you 😉 I’m very much a stuffing, parsnip and pigs in blankets fan though!
The rest of Christmas was spent playing games with my family, walking (I love a Christmas Day walk!) and then heading to Kyle’s to do much the same. I’m very pleased that I have the stomach capacity to do round two of ALL THE FOOD 😉Kyle’s mum did an AMAZING buffet spread (bless her, she’d done buffalo chicken wings especially for me). The above plate was plate one of many! I also had some cake pops made by Kyle’s lovely sister Lucy followed by silly amounts of chocolate lebkuchen.
I got so many lovely presents from Kyle’s family, and of course Kyle. I was OVER THE MOON to have received a Nintendo Switch from Kyle, which I’m now fully addicted to (Crash Bandicoot, how I’ve missed you). We also played a Friends Trivia game which was ridiculously difficult – I mean, we thought we knew Friends but clearly not well enough (who even remembers what WENUS stands for??).
On Boxing Day we headed to Kyle’s dad for even more food.Gammon, beef, pork, turkey… I was in heaven.
Christmas is definitely my favourite time of year. Spending quality time with your family, playing games, watching films and eating silly amounts of food. It’s just the best time of year. Spending it with Kyle as well was really lovely. I’m very glad that we both get on so well with each other’s families – something that is very important to the both of us.
Here’s to many more fun Christmases ahead!
How did you spend Christmas?
What#s your favourite Christmas food?
Did you do a Christmas parkrun?
Ah, it looks like you had a great time! I think it’s great to spend time with people at Christmas, and to just have a bit of time to slow down a little too. Christmas food is so good- my favourite is all the piccalilli and cheese, anything with marzipan, fruit cake, gingerbread…
Your parkrun outfit is very impressive, good effort!
I would have gone to a Christmas parkrun had there been one, but the parkrun in Berlin didn’t do an extra event.
Maria @ Maria Runs recently posted…A look back on 2018
Yes to marzipan all day everyday. I have some a bought in Berlin when I went in November and I’m really reluctantt to start eating it because I know I’ll wolf it down within days and then it’ll be gone 🙁
Looks like you had a lovely Christmas. I spent Christmas Day parkrunning and eating haha what more do you need?!
Looks like you had a brilliant Christmas. I would definitely have gone all-in on the food too.
Our Christmas Day began with parkrun (and the decision to run there and back in full festive attire haha!) followed by bacon rolls, Buck’s Fizz and later our meal. Since it was just the 2 of us this year we opted for steaks from the farm shop and just made it when we felt like eating. Very relaxing.
Allison recently posted…Week In Review – The Big Ho! Ho! Ho!
Sounds fab, so pleased you had a good Christmas… and took full advantage of all the food.
I really love Christmas too, once you actually get to it (on the other hand I can’t stand all the stuff that starts weeks and weeks beforehand). And doing parkrun on the day was brilliant, first time I’ve done that. Really sets up the day!
Ahh glad you enjoyed parkrun. It’s such a lovely fun event – everyone is so merry and happy. I love it.
Ooooh steaks sound lush – especially from a farm shop. Sometimes it’s nice to do something a bit non-traditional. I do love turkey tho!
It looks like you had an awesome Christmas. I had a low-key Christmas; no parkrun, loads of food, drink and TV with my mum and step-father. I actually enjoyed the peace and quiet #grannyEmma I also got to eat all the bacon rolls :o)
We have a couple of slightly strange family Christmas meal traditions; one is parsley stuffing using my nan’s recipe, the other is always having salmon, prawns and the works as a starter. I do love random traditions.
My favourite Christmas food? Difficult but I have to go with turkey. I make sure I only eat turkey on Christmas Day so I enjoy it even more.
Emma recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
Oh I am full on Granny Anna most of the year I assure you!! 😀 Sounds like bliss to me.
Ohh we tend to like prawns as a starter too. We had that last year I think.
Thanks for sharing