I was meant to go to Brighton this week but sadly my lovely friend wasn’t very well so we decided to give it a miss. It’s a shame but I’m seeing her the weekend after and I want her to get better so it was for the best. That left me with a strangely free Saturday – one I hadn’t had in a while!
I considered joining some running friends to Alice Holt for a bit of an adventure but ultimately decided I’d quite like a bit of a lie-in and a run to Whiteley parkrun when a bunch of my Hedgie run club friends would be whom I hadn’t seen in a while. It was only 4.5 miles to Whiteley and I wouldn’t have to leave until 8am so that was great. The lie-in until 7.30am was much needed as well as I went to the cinema on Friday night and didn’t get back until gone 11pm! A very late night for me (#grandmastatus). I went to see Battle of the Sexes which was brilliant. And ate about 600g of pick ‘n’ mix… whoops.But anyway, back to parkrun. So I was out of the door (amazingly for me on time) at 8am and into the cold wintery morning. I was very much glad I’d put my running gloves on (my handy eGloves which I can use my iPhone with) and a long-sleeve top. I was wearing shorts but my legs are, in general, never too cold (well, let’s see how that continues anyway). The sun was shining and it was very frosty. The route was a lovely one that went past lots of fields and along country lanes, so a photo stop was a must!
The day before I’d planned out the route and about 60% I was fine with as I knew the way, but then the rest required looking at road names and not getting lost… I had a piece of paper with a few directions written down. I thought I was doing fine as I got to the right road names but clearly it’s never that simple for me as I felt like I was going further and further from the direction I needed to be going. As it was now 8.30am and I was still about 1.5 miles away I decided to stop and check my phone. Yes that’s right, I was going the wrong way. So I turned around, kept my phone out and headed in the RIGHT direction.
I arrived, happily, not to long after and saw my Hedgie friends assembling (Transformer-style) in the car park. It was lovely to see them all, but they were all very cold. I was nicely warmed-up due to my run but as we hung about hearing the briefing (which included a lovely Hedge End Running Club shout-out) I was soon shivering like everyone else.My friend Mark was there and he’s super duper fast and he, very nicely, decided to run with me. I knew in my head I wasn’t going to run as fast as I had the previous week. I wasn’t feeling in the right frame of mine and I’m not a huge fan of the Whiteley course. Despite it being very flat, it’s very windy and there are a couple of sharp turns and it just doesn’t feel like you can get a good amount of speed consistently going. But anyway, excuses aside, we started running and Mark was chatting away to me. I could chat back at the start but wondered how long I’d be able to maintain the conversation as we started at 7min/miles.
It’s a funny thing as you begin to get more fit, speeds that a few months ago were really tough and barely maintainable were now my “fast but not that fast” speed. It works the same with endurance. At the start of a marathon training cycle, running 4.6 miles to parkrun and then doing parkrun can be quite a feat, but after weeks of solid long runs it now feels like nothing (can I stress how much I love where I am right now with my running and how I know it won’t last forever and it might all disappear in the blink of an eye. I know this all too well).
That said, it was hard to go much faster that morning. My answers to Mark during our conversation became shorter and eventually left to just bursts of random words through gasps. He was breezing along nicely beside me chatting easily about races and things like that (this being his easy pace considering his PB is sub 18 minutes). It made me remember those times I’d had conversations with people I’d been pacing and they said “Just talk to me and don’t expect a reply”… Oh how the tables had turned.
Whiteley is three laps and as we got fully into the second lap I tried to push a bit harder because “it’s only three miles” (a statement reserved for only certain times during the training cycle). There was a precarious moment during the start of the third lap where I couldn’t quite get the turning right and almost careened into a lady. I apologised and carried on, she didn’t seem to bothered thankfully! As we head to the end, Mark went on ahead and I clung onto his heels as best as I could. Then LITERALLY right at the end where the Finish sign points straight on and he decides to veer off left directly in front of me to where the old finish area used to be, almost taking me out in the process. Luckily neither of us tripped up but it was a bit hairy for a moment. It was somewhat amusing after the event and actually as we stood cheering other runners in something not uncommon! It was clear it was confusing.
Awkward selfies for the win
My time was 21:13, a solid fast time for me lately! Considering I was feeling it at the beginning I’m really pleased with that, and first lady. Happy days.Then, after a brief catch-up with my running friends, my dad picked me up (yes, a fantastic perk of living at home).
I got ready quickly as we were heading to Chichester for some Christmas shopping – a tradition we tend to do every year. Chichester is just so lovely at Christmas with their decorations and lights. First port of call was brunch though! None of us had had breakfast so we were all ready for something tasty. We headed to The Fat Fig, where I’ve been before and is just so lovely.
My dad and me ordered the large English breakfast and my mum had the more reasonably sized poached eggs on toast with bacon. My dad did make the statement that he’d never imagined one of his daughters would be capable of eating the same large fry-up as him. He was proud, ha!
I appreciated the separation of the beans from the rest of the meal (I hate bean contamination) but I was sad there was no black pudding. I also don’t like hash browns so they got left behind, but everything else was hoovered up.
And then we were off for a spot of shopping!
We tend to go to Chichester every year before Christmas as a family, a tradition I really enjoy. I know it’s only November but I do love how Christmassy everything was. And especially free Christmas snacks in shops!
Mulled wine and mince pies! Lovely. I believe this was White Stuff (one of my mum’s favourite shops).
And we obviously had to go into Montezuma, the amazing chocolate shop. We were delighted to be offered a free sample as well. Hotel Chocolat however did not give out free samples (which is surprising as they normally do) so we were a bit disappointed 😉It was very cold walking about but nice that it was sunny rather than raining. And then we headed home, glad to be back in the warm car.
That evening I had a solid dinner and watched Bad Moms with my mum (free on Amazon). We wanted to see Bad Mom’s Christmas bit thought we should probably see the first one beforehand. It was alright – a good mum and daughter film, but honestly Mila Kunis looks FAR too perfect all the time to be playing a so-called busy and stressed out mum. It did annoy me a little…even when she was hung-over she looked amazing!
Then I was off to bed ready to get up the next day for a long, long run at the On The Whistle Festive Frolic event.
How was your weekend?
Are you feeling Christmassy yet?
Do you have any Christmas traditions for where you go shopping?
Nice run!! I need to stop reading your posts before I have consumed some food. I always end up hungry from the pictures!!
I try to do all my shopping online. I am not a crowd lover, I prefer to shop in peace so I have time to think about what I am getting.
Oh I fully agree with you! Online shopping is definitely my preference!
Nice work on running to parkrun- at least you noticed you were not going in the right direction with enough time to spare!
I’m really looking forward to Battle of the Sexes- I think that will be this week’s cinema trip 🙂 We nearly went this week but Paddington has been out a while and I really wanted to see that too, so it won over.
Going to a place like that is such a nice Christmas tradition- I think I don’t have things like that with my family as they are not big on Christmas (they hardly ever have a tree or anything) but with Andy we tend to go to a Christmas market (or two) which I love. I just love browsing the stalls and hearing the carols and having a hot chocolate or mulled apple thing- off to Bath this weekend and Winchester next weekend for some of that.
I am feeling a bit festive but it’s too early to have decorations up! We are doing the nativity play at school so that sort of gets you in the mood.
As for shopping, online is the best for me, and a few bits in the markets if I see things I fancy.
Maria @ Maria runs recently posted…Wintery walks, cold-busting and Paddington inspired marmalade
I want to see Paddington – looks so good 🙂
I love a Christmas market too. Sadly I won’t be at any this year I don’t think. Just don’t have a spare weekend 🙁
600g of pick and mix – you are my hero!
Love these photos – I can actually sense how cold it is from them, it’s still 25 degrees in Dubai so it’s hard to feel Christmassy quite yet, although I think after our National Day this weekend the decorations will be going up! x
Ooh National Day sounds interesting!
I’m a sweet eating machine hehe 😉
We don’t have a Christmas shopping tradition, but Steve and I do take a trip to Edinburgh every year. We go ice skating on the festive rink, drink mulled wine, browse the Christmas market and have some food in the chocolate lounge in one of the department stores. Such great fun!
PS I hate hash browns too!
Allison recently posted…Week In Review – Stop The World!
Chocolate lounge?! I need to find me one of those! Sounds like a lovely tradition 🙂
Oh you HAVE to find a chocolate lounge!
Allison recently posted…Friday Finds – 1st December