Hello September! I think September is my favourite month. It’s the month where I feel everything is starting again. Does that sound weird? When I was at school, college and university the new year would begin in September. It was the month Ben and me got married (it’s almost our one year anniversary!) And it’s the month where you can see summer disappearing and the colder weather creeping it.
Don’t get me wrong, dark mornings and dark evenings can be so depressing. As can cold blustery winds and relentless rain…but there’s something so lovely about curling up in bed hearing the wind outside and being snug and warm inside. And runs that aren’t stupidly hot!
This weekend has been great. A nice quiet one, while also having dinner with friends and seeing my mum for a coffee and slice of cake. Unfortunately Ben has come down with a cold. SORRY – man flu. So I’ve been making him lots of hot lemon with honey drinks and giving him some TLC.
And I finally went for a run! Hurrah! This whole week has all been about avoiding running and mending myself. This is what my workouts this week have looked like:
Monday: LBT (due to spinning fail) and circuits
Tuesday: Spinning
Wednesday: Spinning
Thursday: Pump
Friday: Spinning
Saturday: 4 mile easy run
Sunday: 11 mile long easy run
Yeah I sort of went spinning crazy. I really enjoyed it. OK it wasn’t the same as running but it was still good to get that “oof that was tough” buzz afterwards and sense of accomplishment. Don’t get me wrong, I will always choose running over spinning though.
One thing that annoyed me about spinning was one of the instructors kept talking about weight-loss and fat-loss – “burning those calories”. That is not why I go to spin. I go to spin to help compliment and improve my running without actually running. Spinning is a tough workout and really works my legs and works muscles that I don’t use when I run so I become stronger overall.
It just annoys me when people can be so narrow-minded. The gym is not all about losing weight! I get a lot of judgements from people as well when I tell them I go to the gym. Comments like “you don’t need to go to the gym!”. It just irks me that that’s all people think I’m doing.
Moan over. So as you can see I did go running eventually. I decided not to do Parkrun because I couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t go into ‘race mode’ and do something stupid and reignite my groin problem (hmm, maybe I should call it something different? That sounds weird haha). Instead I ran the 4 nice and easy miles to Parkrun (while Ben drove) and then marshalled. I love marshalling because it’s great to cheer people on and a few people afterwards said it really helped
Later Alfie and me had such a lovely long walk while I listened to an old MarathonTalk podcast (interview with Nell McAndrew one running a stupidly fast marathon – she is amazing and sounds lovely).
Then we had dinner at my friends house which was great. Felt like proper grown ups having a dinner party!
Then Sunday I tentatively went out for my long run. I was so worried it wouldn’t happen. That I’d aggravated things the day before…but it went fine! My groin didn’t hurt but it didn’t feel completely sorted, still an annoying niggle, so I kept things nice and easy.
I don’t think I’ve ever run at such a consistent pace! It didn’t hurt and it felt amazing to get out for a long run. It just cleared my mind wonderfully of any stress.
This week I’m still going to take it easy on the running front. Probably keep going to spin but see how I feel for the Thursday running club session and then maybe Parkrun Saturday.
It’s two weeks until my next half marathon (Bristol)!! So I’m glad things are getting back on plan…finger’s crossed!!
How was your weekend? What did you get up to?
What’s your next race or big event your planning for?
What’s your favourite time of year and why?
Hahaha I love using the man flu as an excuse and getting away with it- Hi 5 to Ben! That is really annoying when gym instructors presume your sole purpose there is to burn calories or lose weight! My weekend was study filled, and I’m looking into entering a colour run- even though I’m the worlds worst runner! Hope you have a great start to the week- I think the UK is sending the heat to Australia now 😉
Haha yes Ben is rather pathetic when he’s ill bless him.
Ooooh the colour run sounds cool! I’m sure you’ll be fine 🙂
Enjoy the lovely warm weather!
Ah! Happy Early Anniversary! Can’t wait to hear what the two of you have planned <3
Hehe thanks 🙂
I see that you have causght the spinning bug! 🙂 It’s such a great class, I wish I could go more.
We’re very lucky at our gym because it’s literally on like 2-3 times a day which is great. I prefer the morning classes though just to ‘get it done’, you know?
Sounds like you had a sensible week, changing things up with spinning. Nice job on the 11 miler, I did one on Friday too. I worked all weekend, and felt totally run of my feet and drained after it, I’m off today thank god! I’ve got the Cardiff half in 5 weeks so I’m training hard for that at the moment, although I’m dropping my mileage for a set back week this week- legs need a little rest. This is absolutely my favourite time of year, I love bright crisp days, wrapping up in knitted cardi’s or jumpers, the colours and leaves on the ground (not when I am running mind!), also Kabocha squash ha!
That’s a great idea about having a week of ‘easier’ mileage to gie your legs some time to recover. It’s a tough balance of wanting to run run run but also listening to how tired your body is and how the different muscles are feeling. I think you have a great balance!
This is my hubby and I’s anniversary month as well!! I actually DONT like September because for some reason, its the hottest month here in LA! Its been like 90 all weekend long. I don’t think Ive been sticky and sweaty for the past 4 days…which is gross by the way 😉
Woohoo for anniversary month! Oh I didn’t realise it got hotter in LA – hope it’s bearable!
I totally agree with you on the gym thing- when I used to go to aerobics the instructor (who was lovely) would always go on about “come on girls, it’s nearly bikini season”/ “come on girls, nearly time to squeeze into those Christmas party dresses”/ “who ate too much chocolate over Easter” etc- whereas the Pump instructor always is focused on strength “we need to be able to lift all those shopping bags” etc, which I much prefer.
I love marshalling at Parkrun too- I think cheering people on is really fun, and at least you managed to get a gentle run in too. Sounds like the best of both worlds!
Interestingly it was our guy instructor who was all about the fat burning. I love that your pump instructor mentioned training for lifting shopping bags haha – good plan 😀
I’m with you all the way re. September and a fresh start 🙂 Happy Anniversary when it comes! I’m so glad to hear that your groin is feeling better too – well done on the runs – I still can’t really comprehend anyone describing an 11 mile run as ‘easy’! Haha 🙂
Well easy is a relative term I guess hehe. Easier than a speedy run! But still tough I guess, all runs are.
Great job on the workouts this week! I’m always so jealous of your pace- I need to work more on my speed!
It just takes a bit of time, annoying though I know! I hate speed work. I’d much rather run everything at a nice easy pace.