So this weekend’s weather wasn’t exactly great, was it? Well not for us on the South Coast – or I suppose many places in the UK.
Saturday morning I was up and ready to volunteer down at Netley parkrun. Though I wasn’t running I still wanted to go. I like seeing the usual faces and catching up with people and it’s always fun cheering people on. I was hoping to take Alfie with me but it was a bit too wet.
I helped set the course up and then stood to marshal at the bottom of the hill that you go up three times. It’s a tricky area because you go up the hill and into the bluebell woods and then come back down the hill. When people go up the hill they sometimes forget the people coming down and it can be a bit of a car crash if people don’t keep right. So it’s a handy spot to marshal to remind people to keep to the side.
It was lovely because while I cheered and clapped, a lot of runners thanked me and said well done to me. Always nice to hear! I always try and thank marshals when I run because I know how much I like it when I volunteer. But it does hurt your hands all this clapping business
My view from afar just after the parkrun had begun you can see the tiny runners in the distance
After clearing away and a quick drink in the cafe, I headed home to shower before heading to my parent’s house. My birthday is on the 19th June and this always falls really close to Father’s Day so most years my dad and me try and combine our celebrations because it just makes sense. This year we decided to go to Nando’s and then the cinema to see the new X-Men film. Though my mum was more than welcome to join she was fine to let us have our dad-daughter time as she a) hates Nando’s and b) wouldn’t want to see the film c) was busy anyway.
I had my standard Nando’s: whole chicken with a side salad. And my dad had the more traditional half a chicken and chips.
What always happens when I go out with my dad to Nando’s is they think my meal if for him…it’s always funny to see the server’s face when I say “the whole chicken’s for me”.
There was a slight issue as we headed to pick up our tickets that I’d booked on the Thursday. My booking reference wasn’t working and when I inspecting the email closer I realised I’d bought tickets for Thursday and not Saturday. What an idiot. I spoke to an usher and they said if I ring customer service (joy) they’d refund my mistake tickets but I’d still need to buy new ones today. *Sighs*. But the film was good nonetheless. I’m not a comic book/superhero fan but I have a soft spot for X-Men. I like the characters and actors. A good watch if you like X-Men!
I spent the evening at my parent’s and enjoyed their facilities while we waited for the football to begin.
This helicopter chair thing is AMAZING. It just hangs there swaying gently. So comfortable. And Alfie quite enjoyed it too
We watched the match and though I’m not a big football fan, felt a big disappointment for England. What a shame as we seemed to play so well!
The next day I was booked in to go rock climbing in the afternoon. A bit random but my friend, Tom, put the idea into my mind last week. I love stuff like that and thought it would be a fun thing to do as I’m not running at the moment. Plus my granddad used to be an amazing rock climber (he’s written two books about it!) so I feel I need to uphold the family tradition. Just before heading to bed I checked my emails to make sure I had the right time…and found it was for Saturday not Sunday.
Honestly, why am I such an idiot? Why am I incapable of making online bookings? Do I not own a calendar??? I was actually really disappointed and angry with myself. I had no other plans for the next day and I’d been looking forward to it so much. It really sucked. I’ll now have to wait two weeks before I can go to the next taster session. My own fault but really annoying.
So instead I went to the gym, did some shopping and got some really exciting chores done (ha ha). It was a nice relaxing day and I went on a few walks with Alfie. Unfortunately one of those walks was cut super short as it literally tipped it down just as we got out the front door.
So we quickly headed back inside and tried again 30 minutes later.
Annoyingly I had hoped to have a great rock climbing adventure to recount but sadly not. In a few weeks I hopefully will. Then I can put to test all my upper body strength gains I’ve hopefully been making!! So it was a mixed bag of a weekend really.
Have you ever been rock climbing?
What did you do this weekend?
What’s your Nando’s meal if you go?
I love that Nandos never think that your order is for you! I love Nandos even though I don’t eat chicken – the bottomless Diet Coke is such a guilty pleasure of mine! x
LilyLipstick recently posted…Beauty: Summer Haircare
YES the bottomless Diet Coke is heavenly!!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
The weather was pretty rubbish in Sutton Coldfield all weekend. Rain, rain and more rain. I got soaked walking to the shops. I was meant to be running in the Aldridge 10k on Sunday. Unfortunately, my friend who was meant to be taking me, enjoyed a few too many beers during the football and failed to wake-up. I’ve never actually eaten in Nando’s, perhaps I should be brave and give it a go. I’ve also never been rock climbing, I suspect that my long arms and legs and lack of coordination would probably be a slight disadvantage.
Emma recently posted…Race Report: Great Midlands Fun Run
Nando’s is pretty good but don’t expect it to be a culinary life-changer. It’s chicken and fairly simple but I just love it. I’m a big fan of chicken so for me it rocks my world 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
We have been rock climbing a couple of times and it’s so much fun, but a lot of hard work. I would love to do it more regularly though.
I also need that chair in my life, but with the rate in which I am growing, I might break it haha.
I didn’t realise our birthdays were so close together – mine is on Thursday 🙂
Awww no I’m sure you wouldn’t! It’s divine. So relaxing 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
Sorry rock climbing didnt work out like you wanted, but at least you didnt miss it! Im sure it’ll be fun when it does come! And how did I not know that you and my mom totally have the same birthday?!
kat recently posted…Chocolate Strawberry Overnight Oats Parfait
Aww amazing, happy birthday to your mum as well (soon!)
I’m going bouldering this weekend so I’m happy 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
So frustrating! I boulder regularly and sometimes rope climb too 🙂 I hope you love it, its totally camptivating!
I’m going bouldering this weekend now! Uber excited 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
I am always so paranoid when I book stuff that I’m going to do it on the wrong day! Totally been there. 🙂 That helicopter chair thing looks amazing!!
Lora @ Crazy Running Girl recently posted…Race day is almost here + recapping last week
Just frustrating as I was so looking forward to it but hey ho, you live and learn!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
I’ve always wanted to try rock climbing, it looks like so much fun! Hopefully, you get to try it out soon. We’re massive Nando’s fans over here, it never disappoints.
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes recently posted…Spring/Summer Capsule Wardrobe Edit
Nando’s is consistently good in my eyes. But you really have to like chicken I think!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
Super cute umbrella. That’s awesome that you volunteered. I have only done that a few times and feel like I want to do it more- it’s so fun and feels good to give back.
Elizabeh C. recently posted…4 Miles in 91 Degrees
I just love it. I love the whole social side of parkrun and that you can really make a difference cheering people on. I know how much I appreciate it!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
Love rock climbing. Taught my daughter. If you need a belay buddy give me a call. Promise I won’t drop you…
Oooh check you out! Well, I’m going to see how good I am first 😉 and if I enjoy it but maybe in the future! parkrun followed by rock climbing followed by lunch eh?? 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
I think we dodged most of the bad weather- it was fine for parkrun (very muggy) and then in the afternoon we walked into town (so novel!) and it rained for a bit while we were there, but it had stopped by the time we came out of the shops. Although I suppose Sunday was rubbish- I had a 9 mile run but we didn’t go out for a walk- we did more unpacking and then went to see Andy’s parents so I don’t think I paid attention to the rain then.
I have messed up haircut bookings before- I write them on my kitchen calendar but then a few times I got the time wrong, rushed to get there after work and then found out it was an hour later. Now I try to book in the place and not over the phone, because they give you a little print out on some receipt paper so I can keep it with me and double check the time!
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Tail running around the lake
Yeah I really need my own PA 😉 I have a calendar at work but that’s the problem, it’s at work. Hey ho, need to be more organised!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
That is nice that you and your dad get to spend the time together.
Too bad about the rock climbing, I have never been, but it seems very fun/interesting. I don’t think I have anywhere close to try it at. I might have to look into that.
Staci recently posted…Why I have a Coach
I was quite surprised at how many places I could go rock climbing. Not something I’ve ever looked into before so I was pleasantly surprised!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #32
I went rock climbing in the Peak District as a teenager. Never again, wrecks your nails 😉
I’m not too bothered about my nails! I’m a bit clumsy and tend to break them and scuff them a lot anyway.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Birthday weekend–part 1
I had pretty decent weather last weekend. Don’t hate me!
Friday was dog walking day for me – I borrow a border collie to take for walks on my day off, so we went to the river for him to have a walk and a paddle. Saturday was a total rest day, then Sunday was an excellent charity colour run. It did tip down Saturday night & very early Sunday morning but by the time the run started there was sun and a nice light breeze.
I’ve never been climbing because I’m terrified of heights, but it looks like such a fun activity. Someday, when I’ve got over my phobia, I really would like to try it. Maybe I’d better go back to the hypnotherapist who sorted my arachnophobia!
Laura recently posted…Word Meat Free Day revisited. And I’m injured.
Ahh that’s cool you borrow a dog 🙂 And the colour run sounds awesome. I do fancy doing one of those at some point.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Birthday weekend–part 1