I still have no date for moving. This seems somewhat of a reoccurring theme. For me it’s not too much of a bother aside from not knowing what weekend is going to be affected and not having any furniture in my lounge aside form a TV and a bean bag…For Ben it’s tricky as he moves to Switzerland at the end of the week and the money from the house sale would help for his side of things.
But anyway, another weekend gone by and I’m still in the house. On Saturday morning I still got up to go to parkrun, despite not being able to run at the moment. I like the social element to it and getting out in the fresh air so it was nice going down there, even if I was in “civilian” clothes.
It was a chilly and crisp morning so I bundled up nicely, knowing there would be no lovely run to heat me up. I took Alfie as well as I’ve always wanted to take him to a parkun but wouldn’t feel I could leave him tied to a bench while I ran and it wouldn’t be fair to see if he could run 5k if he’s never done that distance before.
Annoyingly we were on the cricket pitch, the last for the year before the winter course, which was a pain to miss as it’s a great time to test the speed out. But to be honest I’m not in shape for a PB attempt anyway!
It was great cheering everyone on and seeing people looking strong so soon after the marathon last weekend (which so many from parkrun had done) and I didn’t feel sad I couldn’t run. I saw my physio on Friday and she wasn’t concerned. She said my muscles were very tight, especially my left leg, which with the wrong trainers probably just built up during the marathon a bit of a niggle that I then exacerbated by continuing to run further on until the end. I’ve been severely neglected my foam rolling (which I always do when I’m no longer injured…) and I’m one of those people who needs to do everything in my favour to avoid injury. Whoops.
She said it’s likely it’ll only be another week as long as it continues to heal as quickly as it is. I’m still a little dubious that it will be OK in a week but I’d rather be cautious than overly optimistic. I can go to the gym (but no squats) so that’s cool. I miss running but it is nice to have a break.
My weekend was really very quiet if I’m honest. Lots of cleaning, sorting stuff in the house and catching up on Dr Foster (did anyone else watch?? SO good). And I saw some friends on Saturday afternoon and had a nice catch-up.
With no real plans for Sunday I had a nice lie-in. I floated the idea of going to the cinema with my dad to see The Martian as I’d seen a trailer on Friday which looked really good and had heard it was a good film. He was keen and suggested lunch as well…with my mum declining to come we decided to go to Ranchos (which my mum would hate).
Ribs are pretty much my favourite meal. I had the ribs with a parsley and garlic sauce which was divine. My dad had steak.
He had chips with his. I had nothing because did you see the size of my portion?? I don’t like things crowding my ribs experience 😉 As you can probably tell, we were both rather pleased with lunch!
The table next to us was an Asian family of three petite girls and, I assume, their dad. The amount of food they ordered (and the SIZE of the steaks the girls ate) was unreal. They had a large plate of ribs to share in the middle alongside all the sides, chips, mash potato, rice, and they just absolutely demolished it. I was quite impressed!
Anyway, we saw The Martian. I had a brief moment of embarrassment as after we sat down I headed back out to the loo (I like to get my seat first). I went towards the wrong side and stood, pretty much in front of everyone in the cinema, attempting to find the door in the wall (feeling my hands all over it to find the way out…)…then realising it was on the other side. In my defence, there was one of those Fire Exit signs in that area which I assumed meant exit. What an idiot.
I was a bit worried the film would be a bit dry and science-y (I enjoyed Interstellar but I found it dragged a little on the ‘science’ side – however unrealistic that science was!) but I was pleasantly surprised.
It was really quite funny and I felt like the storyline didn’t drag at all. The music was great as well. Fully recommend! (I also loved when they talked about Project Elrond and Sean Bean was there – aka Boromir from Lord of the Rings!). I also found it amusing when at the start they were talking about “preparing for launch” and I heard “preparing for lunch” and I was thinking, come on guys there’s a time and place for that surely – you’ve got a criss going on?! Hehe.
I love going to the cinema and need to do it more often. And if there are ribs involved, well so be it! 😉
What film have you recently seen?
Do you enjoy going to the cinema?
Do you still like to be involved in running stuff even if you can’t run? I think for me it depends how long my injury lasts. If I’m going to be out for months and months then I’ll probably take some time away from running-related stuff because otherwise it can get a b it depressing to see what you’re missing out on. But short-term I like to stay involved.
That is quite the epic plate of ribs! I did laugh at you saying you don’t like anything crowding your rib experience. You take your ribs seriously!
I haven’t been to the cinema in ages. It has to be a film I really want to see to make it worth me paying to go to the cinema.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Crab Spaghetti with Watercress and Tomato by Dannii
Same. Cinema trips are a rarity unless there’s something I really must see. But I just fancied doing something a bit different. I didn’t have anything planned and, well, fancied a plate full of ribs as well!! 😉
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #21
How in the world did I miss the post about you moving to Switzerland. Say what?!! Are you moving for both you & Ben’s careers? What an exciting time in your lives. I’m actually quite jealous as well.
& those ribs.. that’s quite the stack. I’ve surprisingly never had ribs before. Crazy, huh? 🙂
Jessie recently posted…20 Questions + Sick Weekend
Ah no, Jess, Ben and me split up. He’s moving to Switzerland – WITHOUT me. I’m staying in the UK and moving into my own flat. Exciting for him, yes. For me, not so much.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #21
Those ribs look AMAZING! I really want to see “The Martian.” It looks really good!
Lora @ Crazy Running Girl recently posted…One more week + dealing with stress
It’s such a good film. Very easy to watch and humorous.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #21
Oh girl when it comes to not knowing when the move date is, I seriously feel you there! It was like every weekend we were told we would be moving and then….nothing. So annoying. I hope it all works out soon!
And I want to see that movie so bad! My sister read the book and said it was fantastic, so I hope the movie is too!
Kat recently posted…Zucchini Parmesan Waffles
I really want to read the book now…I was worried it would be very “science-y” but it’s had rave reviews…
I can’t begin to imagine your stress – you moved entire states!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #21
Alfie’s such a cute parkrun helper!
The last thing I saw at the cinema was Blade Runner (The Director’s Cut). Now I want to see the original version…
All of a sudden, they’ll exchange with about a week’s notice and then you’ll find yourself very relieved you’ve done so much packing up, because something bizarre will happen like completing within two days of that…which was N’s experience.
Jane recently posted…Yesterday I went running
I’ve never seen Blade Runner…one for my list!
Yesh I’m fully prepared for them to turn around and say “time to move!”. Living amongst boxes…fun!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #21
I loved the martian! We saw it last week- Andy had already read the book but I didn’t want to be half way through it when we saw the film (and was already in the middle of another book) so I am going to start it once I finish the one I am on.
Also, we are watching Dr Foster but are a bit behind and had to stop Gogglebox because I was worried about spoilers!
Argh so annoying about the moving date- hopefully it will come along soon.
I would still go to parkrun I think- and marshal or whatever- I love cheering people on, but I love running it more, so only tend to marshal if I have to rush off and have no time for a shower and hair dry, so I think if I was OK to walk I would go along and help out. You are right it is such a community event.
Some people recover so well after marathons- it’s amazing! I was so wiped after Brighton and even doing a 10K 2 weeks later my legs felt heavy and that was far enough for me. Although a month after I got my parkrun course pb, so I think by then the tiredness had gone but the fitness was helping or something.
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…My 50th parkrun!
I definitely want to read the book now. Just bought it for my Kindle 😀
It’s funny because it was Gogglebox that got me intrigued about Dr Foster (that and everyone raving about it). I made sure to finish it though before seeing any more though! I loved watching their reactions to it as well. Basically exactly like I reacted.
I know, people just seem to ping back after marathons so quickly. To be honest, I’d probably be running a few days after anyway (though how wise for me that is I’m not sure…). I just can’t at the moment because of my knee…which is probably a good thing for my general recovery I suppose!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #21
That is one epic plate of ribs! I heard the movie was good. Hope your moving date gets sorted. We’ve just had an offer accepted on our new house so I’m ecstatic!
Wheee nice to hear you’ve had an accepted offer 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Rants and Raves #21
I hope that you get your moving date sorted soon – how annoying for you! That plate of ribs does look pretty amazing. I LOVED Doctor Foster and was sad it had to come to an end.
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes recently posted…How To Create A Capsule Wardrobe On A Budget
It was such a riveting programme. I was hooked!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Current injury status
I don’t know anyone that foam rolls when they’re not injured!
I’m actually headed off to see The Martian right now, as a much needed mid-week break so I’m glad you’ve said its good! I’m not normally a massive Matt Damon fan but the trailer and concept of the film looked really good. I do love going to the cinema, and it tends to be my go-to night out of choice. It’s so expensive now though! 🙁 I’m on the committee for my running club as a website editor so am always still involved with what is going on running-wise whether I am able to run or not.
Mary recently posted…My running story