So my weekend recap is a little delayed, but hey these things happen. Weekend’s are precious. Sleeping, eating, running (god willing!), cake (separate category to eating because it’s cake and amazing), friends, family…all the best things really!
After getting over the boredom that was pool running on Saturday morning I got home and pottered about waiting for Ben. He was out doing a 30 mile cycle ride. I was tempted to go with them instead of the pool running but I wanted to do something a bit more running-specific and frankly wasn’t up for a long ride.
After eating lunch we headed to go shopping in the wonder that is West Quay in Southampton. It’s like another world. It’s HUGE (I’ve blogged about the amazingness before HERE last Christmas). One of the main reasons I wanted to go is that it’s like the only place that sells frozen yogurt outside of London in Southampton.
I went in a few shops but just felt a bit…old. The fashion right now is just not me – all crop tops and weird skirts. I’m not a fashionista (can you tell? Ha!) and just like normal clothes. So Fatface is where I found success!
After that I was kind of done. We headed straight to the fro-yo!
Notice that my fro-yo has the fruit in it!
The server asked what size we wanted and we both went for the biggest – obviously 😉 And both chose salted caramel.
Embarrassingly as we were paying the lady went “you do realise your top is on the wrong way?”. Erm…nope I hadn’t been aware of this. Epic fail for a basic human skill: dressing oneself. Hopefully it was just after trying stuff on, otherwise it was a bit of an embarrassing day and my husband doesn’t look at me anymore 😉
Genius right there
On Sunday I ran 11 miles which went well. And then for lunch we went to Nando’s with our friend, Nathan.
I just don’t get bored of that combo: whole chicken (medium spice), corn on the cob and salad. It rocks my world. I could go there every week (let’s pretend I don’t…).
The other week I was contact by the people at Uzuma to test out some of their newly released products. Uzuma are a Dutch company and have released a “green slow juice”. Basically they are vegetable (and fruit) juices that have been cold-pressed and processed under high pressure (HPP) in order to preserve the drinks and give them a shelf-life of 21 days without adding any preservatives.
“We add nothing extra to our green juices, meaning there are no preservatives, fragrances, colourings or flavourings. Nothing. What you experience from Uzuma green juice is the 100% pure power of nature. Our green juice allows us to bring you closer to a healthier lifestyle in a simple and convenient way. We do not use destructive traditional spinning extraction to produce Uzuma. All our vegetables and fruit are slow juiced using the latest innovative methods, allowing you to benefit from maximum vitamin and mineral retention.” Source
Zen flavour – broccoli, cucumber, kale, apple, lime, avocado etc.
How is it different to other juice drinks? Basically it’s the method they use in order to extract the juice from the vegetables and fruit. It doesn’t involve heat and so has a better nutritional value than regular juice drinks (i.e. it’s raw). Read more about it HERE.
Rise flavour – carrots, apple, pineapple, orange, lemon
What did I think? Well, I love vegetables so this is right up my street. Some of them tasted a bit better than others – mainly the ones with more fruit in them as this made them sweeter. But saying that, I quite enjoyed all of the flavours regardless of their sweetness.
I think the big test was how Ben found them. I made gave him one each day to take into work to drink. He is a vegetable dodger so these were more beneficial to him than me who loves veg and eats it regularly.
Shine – melon, mango, carrots and orange
He much preferred the sweeter ones and detested the one that had beetroot in it (Vibe) as he doesn’t like beetroot. But he said they were “alright” and that he could “endure taking them” to maximise his health.
Each one literally just contains vegetables and fruit. They’re dairy, gluten and soy free and they’re around 100 calories (some more, some less).
Personally I wouldn’t necessarily drink these everyday, only because I get enough veg already. Maybe I’d have some if I’d been on holiday and hadn’t eaten much veg and needed a bit of a health boost. I would definitely recommend them to people like my dad and Ben who don’t eat that much veg on a regular basis. It’s an easy way for them to get a lot of nutrition quick and easily.
Do you like juicing? What are your favourite ingredients?
What’s a restaurant you regularly keep going back to? We have many pubs we go back to, but Nando’s is the main chain we visit a lot.
Ever had an embarrassing shopping-related incident?
*** Full disclosure: I was sent the Uzuma products for free to review. But all opinions are my own***
I don’t know of ANY frozen yoghurt places near us. This makes me very sad. 🙁 Mine would be filled with fruit too. I can’t believe the lady serving you told you you top was on the wrong way! I hope you told Ben off for not noticing! I loudly once said “That’s really poor advertising. Their TVs look all blurry!” to Dan when we were in a shopping centre, only for the guy behind the counter to point out that they were only blurry because I wasn’t wearing 3D glasses and they were actually advertising 3D TV! Felt a bit of a wally!
Those uzuma drinks would be great for Dan too. It’s often like I’m trying to force feed a small child when I get the vegetables out on the dinner plate!
Mary recently posted…Five things Thursday
Hahaha oh dear that’s something I would have done too about the 3D TV.
Ben always says “what’s that green stuff on my plate?” whenever I put vegetables with his dinner…*sighs*
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Weekend fun and Uzuma drinks
The juices sound really good. I love beetroot juice, really like it’s earthiness.
Lauren (@poweredbypb) recently posted…National Fitness Day 2014
Yeah it’s strangely nice. I also tried those Beet It flapjacks – and they taste AMAZING.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Weekend fun and Uzuma drinks
You get through a whole chicken?! Fairy play that is impressive!!! Also I thought Nandos do all you can eat frozen yoghurt? Thought you would be all over that!
I am a chicken eating MACHINE. Sometimes I even help Ben finish his HALF a chicken (poor effort).
Like I said in the Tweet, chicken trumps fro-yo in this scenario sadly.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Weekend fun and Uzuma drinks
Oh I wish we had somewhere that did frozen yoghurt near us, I always binge on it when I go to Brighton on holiday! I have tried those juices, James was same as Ben and really liked the sweeter ones 🙂
It’s amazing. In America on every street they seem to have one. It’s the norm – and not just in the hot states. It really needs to be more prevalent here. I’m sure Brits would be all over it.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Weekend fun and Uzuma drinks
Those juices sound fun. Ah I’m totally with you on the fashion front, I just don’t get so much of the clothes that are ‘in’ at the moment. I’m definitely a boring dresser but it doesn’t overly interest me!
Nandos spread looks so tasty 😉
Claire @ Flake and Cake recently posted…Review: Borrow My Doggy
I like clothes that I can keep wearing year after year – wardrobe staples! I don’t want to have to worry if I’m wearing last summer’s trend you know?
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Weekend fun and Uzuma drinks
I now get tagged if a friend wears something backwards, as things do confuse me. Most embarrassingly I bought a dress, and tried it on the way round it was on the hanger. The label was in the front which was a bit annoying, but it didn’t bother me too much. I wore it to my cousin’s wedding, and it was probably a good year later when I was hanging it up that I realised that the waist band had elastic on one side (what I thought was the front) and a solid patterned band on the other. Yup, had been wearing it backwards for years. More recently I bought a top and it had a scoop neck and then lace, but that turned out to be the back too which is annoying as my hair covers up the nice bit!
I am not into fashion either- I often order stuff online. My ideal shopping day would be going to 2 shops, then Starbucks (or afternoon tea!), and then coming home!
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Apples
Haha oh dear! Well I’m sure you rocked the dress. If no one told you otherwise you were fine. I think it was just so overtly obvious about my top with my label flapping away and the words on the front not making any sense haha.
Yep your ideal shopping trip is mine too. In fact, I’d rather just go for afternoon tea without the shops!!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Weekend fun and Uzuma drinks
Salted caramel! Oh my good lord this sounds so good! And you aren’t the only one who has gone out before with your shirt on the wrong way around! I remember going to the doctors once with my tights on inside out and she wanted to examine my….so embarrassing!!!!
lucie recently posted…Comfort Food Confessions – Stuffed Sweet Potato & Smoky Hummus
Haha oh no!! How embarrassing.
Anything salted caramel gets my vote – fact!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Drowning iPhones, beetroot and chocolate fudge cake
I like that you put cake eating in a separate category to regular eating.
I tried those juices too and I had pretty much the same thoughts as you. I like that they had such a long shelf life.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Tomato and Basil Soup by Dannii
Yes the shelf life was brilliant! Really long lasting.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Drowning iPhones, beetroot and chocolate fudge cake
Ah West Quay, that brings back memories! I went to uni in Southampton, but haven’t been back there since 2006 when I graduated. I’m thinking of doing the half-marathon in Southampton in April, just for a chance to go back to my old uni town- are you doing it?
Lucy recently posted…Om Yoga Show ticket giveaway
Ahh amazing that you went to Southampton uni 🙂
And AMAZING that you’re doing the half marathon. It’s the first year they’re doing it! I will be doing it if Ben doesn’t get a place in the London marathon as otherwise we’ll both be running London. But if Ben doesn’t, then we will (we’ve already got our place!) Be cool if you did it too 😀
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Drowning iPhones, beetroot and chocolate fudge cake