Hi guys, another week of training done. Now I know I said I probably wasn’t going to document my marathon training every week but I guess I am…sorry, I know it’s quite running heavy and probably boring.
Anyway last week was a mixed bag. I felt very tired and getting up really early in the morning was taking it’s toll. But I guess I need to ‘woman up’ and get on with it, this is what’s it all about.
Monday – no running but this strength routine:
– 4x 15/leg single leg squats
– 4x 15/leg weighted calf raises
– 200/leg clams with resistance band
– 4.5mins crab walk
– 3mins plank
– 100 Russian twists
My lovely theraband has snapped like three times…
Tuesday – 5 mile tempo run (one mile warm-up, three tempo miles, one mile cool down). I went off too fast on the first tempo mile. In my head it went like this: “Wooohoo yeaaahh! So speedy! Yeaaahhh!” then 7 minutes later “I’m dying, god I’m dying. And here’s a hill. I’m dying.” And that trail of thought continued for the rest of the run. Well done, Anna, brilliant pace control.
Wednesday – I was supposed to do a strength workout but I was working from home and it never happened because when I finished work there’s so many more cool things to do at home than workout. I did manage some toe lifts and 100 bicycle crunches. Then I just lay on the floor watching a film (Gone Baby Gone <—amazing).
Thursday – 6 mile easy run. Usually I wouldn’t bother showing my splits for an easy workout to avoid my ego being enticed but this run annoyed me. I spotted a fellow runner ahead of me who was running a little slower than me. I eventually overtook her, said good morning as you do, and then had to pick up the pace to get a bit further ahead (it’s that awkward over-taking moment, you know?)
Anyway she starts getting faster to catch up! And all I can hear are her footfalls behind me. Like seriously, BACK UP. I overtook you. Don’t try and repay the favour on my easy run. I had her hound my heels for two miles (mile 3 & 4) which meant I had to run faster than I wanted to to avoid her overtaking me. This is probably all in my head I know.
Strength workout in the evening:
– 4x 18/leg weighted calf raises
– 4x 15 single leg squats (15 more on weaker leg)
– 4.5mins crab walk
– 200/leg clams with resistance band
– 4mins wall sit
– 4mins toe lift
– 2x heel taps
Friday – Alarm set for 5.10am, walk Alfie, out the door 5.45am for a 15 mile bike ride…One mile in feeling great “wooohooo cycling’s not so bad!” …a few minutes later “hmm feels so bumpy, better check my wheel”. GARGH flat tire. Even if I did have a puncture repair kit I wouldn’t know how the hell to fix it. So I turned around and walked a rather miserable 1 mile home. I was not amuse so took my frustration out with cleaning the bathrooms and hoovering.
My lovely husband (finishing at 12.30 on Fridays) fixed the puncture for me so when I got home from work I could try again. I loved it, really enjoyed it. But got to almost 12 miles and bam another puncture.
But a really nice guy on a bike stopped and helped me. He was very nice and helpful, fixed the puncture after like 20 minutes worth of sorting as my wheel is so tight.
I was very grateful, we then parted ways and two minutes up the road another puncture. Seriously. Ben had to come and collect the bike and me.
Saturday – we went to our local (Netley Park) parkrun. I thought I’d just see how I felt and push it if I fancied. I went with it, pushed hard and got 21:56 and first lady. Quite happy with that!
Sunday – Ben and me and some guys from the running club did the Stansted Slog half marathon. Unbelievably hard. I’ll do a recap post soon. I finished in 1:53:09, fifth female. Brilliant race.
And now I’m shattered! But a good week of training. I’ve got a sports massage tonight with Kyle thank god as my legs ache so much. Good aches though (*touch wood*).
Have you ever had an annoying failed workout?
Have you ever done an off-road, hilly race? It’s like an adventure but so much harder than a road race.
Are you good with maintaining tempo speeds or a set workout without getting carried away?
Well done on the trail race, looking forward to the recap! That sucks about all the punctures 🙁
Lauren (@poweredbypb) recently posted…Berlin Marathon Training Week 6
It’s just not something I’m used to. A workout cut short due to something out of my control. Very frustrating.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #6 Marathon Training
I feel your puncture pain, maybe get some armoured tyres? Gatorskin hardshells are really good – and don’t give *too* much extra rolling resistance 🙂
Thanks for the recommendation. I’m going to look into those gator things as someone else mentioned to me too. But I have no idea what you mean by rolling resistance!!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #6 Marathon Training
Boo for punctures! Id absolutely LOVE to train with you sometime – I think you would teach me a think or two about motivation, hehe!
Lucie recently posted…Potato Kale Cake Recipe (With A Little Motivation)
Haha I don’t know, I think I just have a huge fear of failure!!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #6 Marathon Training
Another spectacular week Anna – First Lady is an amazing achievement as is your half marathon time. I think one of the reasons I don’t bike is because I can’t change tyres haha!
Claire @ Flake and Cake recently posted…Easy low-sugar swaps for everyone
Thanks, I’m proud of the half time as it was so damn hilly. I can’t do anything technical with my bike. I’m seriously a cycling dunce. Ben does it all for me!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #6 Marathon Training
That’s really nice that guy stopped to help you out. Proves there are lots of nice people out there 🙂
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Chicken Burrito Bowl
Such a nice guy. He spent a good 20 mins looking at it when he really didn’t have to – on a Friday night as well. Top bloke.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #6 Marathon Training
So many punctures- that sucks 🙁
I am OK with pacing myself, but when I run with Andy we tend to go too fast at the beginning and then drastically slow at the end! It is tough when you are running a long way though to judge how you will feel after 10 miles or whatever
Nice job on the parkrun first lady too! And on the half- sounds brutal in this weather.
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Not so much running
Yeah the longer you go the harder pacing is – you feel great at the beginning but what about in an hour’s time? It’s so hard to judge.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #6 Marathon Training