Week #1 Marathon Training

Morning all.  Don’t worry, I’m not planning on documenting every single week of marathon training (assuming I do manage to complete all the training without getting injured…there’s confidence for you). But as it’s the first week, why not.

My marathon training plan is HERE. Alongside this I’m also doing the ‘Ab Challenge’ which I started on the 1st June. This includes, every day (except for a few rest days), sit ups, crunches, leg raises and a plank. Each day the number increases (for the plank, the length of time increases). It’s no joke now having done Day 15.

Monday – no running, but I did a 45 minute strength workout after work.

This included:
– 100 weighted squats
– 3x 10 weighted calf raises
– 3mins toe lifts
– 2x 20 of kick-backs, leg swings and hydrant lifts

Tuesday – 3 miles easy run in the morning. For my easy runs I’m trying to keep to around 8.30mins/mile which is a comfortable speed. I also did another strength workout after work.

This included:
– 3mins calf raises (no weight)
– 3mins toe lifts
– 3x 1min side planks
– 2x 1min plank with leg touches to the side
– 3x 30 Russian twists

IMG_6898 Wednesday – We had the RR10 that evening. This was an off-road 4.5mile race (the RR10 is a set of league races with all the clubs in our area).

I really wasn’t feeling motivated. I was in a bit of a bad mood anyway. Then they delayed the start by 15 minutes and that just furthered by lack of motivation. I ummed and arred about whether to run with Ben or on my own and push it. I decided to push it. Within the first mile I knew it wasn’t a good run. My hip was niggling (possibly because of the unstable terrain?) and I just felt tired.

RR10 #5 One of my team mates who wasn’t running cheered me on but at this point (maybe mile 2) I was considering dropping out. She shouted “just enjoy it!” when she realised I wasn’t feeling it. This really helped. Suddenly I realised, “hey, yeah I can just run this as slowly as I want and it doesn’t matter. Just get the miles in.”. My whole mood changed and I dropped the speed and just ran comfortably. Loads of people overtook me but I didn’t care. Eventually my friend Matt caught up (I was hoping Ben would catch up and I could run with him but he was having a rubbish run as he was exhausted (*cough* and hungover *cough*) after getting back from Bucharest earlier that day). So I ran with Matt instead and helped push him along (well sort of, I’m not sure who was pushing who!)

RR10 #5 2

I finished 39th or 38th position (can’t remember) out of the females. Previously I’ve been 10th and 11th but I actually didn’t mind. I’ve also come to realise I don’t like the RR10s one bit. They’re heavily competitive (you aim for position not time), they’re in the evening, they’re always a very short distance and they’re off-road so there’s a big chance of turning your ankle (which a guy at our club did). To me it’s not worth it during my marathon training. Sure it’s a good speed session but I’d rather do that with the club Tuesday night on road or on my own where the pressure (that I put on myself I hasten to add) is less. I know I sound extremely ‘sour grapes’ but the relief and weight off my shoulders felt when I decided not to do anymore was huge. I felt so much better.

Thursday – another after work strength session:

– 2x 1 min side planks
– 3x 30 heel taps
– 3mins toe lifts
– 3mins calf raises
– 3min bridge
– 10x 3 bridge leg lifts

[I’m focusing on areas that I know I’m weak and also making sue I have strong shins and calves as I’m terrified about getting shin splints – because let’s be honest, that’s the next thing I’m bound to get]

Friday – another easy 3 mile run in the morning.

Saturday – I didn’t get to Parkrun because my uni friends were down so I went for an earlier 3 mile speed run. I was chuffed with this. Not my fastest but on my own not too shabby!


Sunday – 5 mile ‘long’ run (fairly amusing but it will get longer later) I really enjoyed this.


I ran very comfortably, rarely looking at my watch and was happy to see my paces were around 8 minutes. Bodes well!

Total run miles: 18

After getting back from my run and Ben returning from his, we had breakfast and then (without showering – yep we’re that gross) we headed out for a 15 mile bike ride with our friend, Nathan. It was fairly hilly and we didn’t blast the speed so it was quite nice.

I was fairly shattered for the rest of the day. Onwards to Week 2!

Do you put pressure on yourself to the point you stop enjoying something?

What workouts have you enjoyed this week?

What workouts have you hated?

13 Replies to “Week #1 Marathon Training”

  1. I love reading about your training Anna. You’re so focussed, even if not with the RR10’s. I hate them too. I hate the lack of a time and also the off road but I love the club camaraderie. It always makes me giggle.
    Good luck with your marathon training x

  2. I think when you stop enjoying running due to the pressure you are putting on yourself it’s not worth it, you were totally right to take it easier and enjoy it. Your strength workouts sound really good. I had a good parkrun this week which I enjoyed, and my worst workout was a spin class on Friday which I just did not feel good through- heavy empty legs, so I just took it a little easier!
    Lauren (@PoweredbyPB) recently posted…Berlin Marathon Training Week 1My Profile

  3. Your comment about feeling the weight lifting off just shows you made the right decision for you. At the start of each week I decide when I will do my runs, but over the last couple of weeks work has been even more busy, and a few times driving home I made the decision not to run, and once that decision was made I felt better as then I would have time to do my work in the evening. You don’t want to turn an ankle or anything either, so it sounds like a very sensible decision.
    Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Not the best preparationMy Profile

  4. Great start to what I just know is going to be a great training and great race Anna (there’s some super positive vibes for you ;-)).
    I rarely plan runs, just aim to achieve 3-4 per week and see where I can fit them in.
    Claire @ Flake and Cake recently posted…Eats and FeatsMy Profile

  5. I’ve just started doing the ab challenge but missed out on the big surge of people starting it on the 1st June so am losing out on all the support everyone else seems to have. And I feel a little feeble that I’m only doing 20 situps at the moment and everyone else is up to 75! Your workouts are sounding well rounded. I need to get back working on my arms and back as well. I don’t do a whole lot of work on my legs alongside running, just stretches, I’m working on the abs…now to target my arms again!
    Mary recently posted…My first vlog: Wedding hair and makeupMy Profile

  6. I used to run because I loved it. But injuries and joint pain is starting to catch up to me. I’ve been doing this a long time, and may have to rethink things. Ellipticals and biking is much easier on my knees. Still not as good of a workout, but I’ve got to think long term. So I’m at a crossroads on my training now.
    Randy recently posted…Reflexology and Massage TherapyMy Profile

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