Still trucking along nicely. I do look out though to the (many) weeks ahead and think “how am I going to survive this?” I’m sure something will crop up injury-wise, I just only hope it’s something minor. How’s that for positivity?
I forgot to mention last week the commencement of the Ab Challenge (er so that would be two weeks ago?) I did complete the 30 days, but as I said previously, I amended it to be bicycle crunches and Russian twists (with the leg raises and plank). It was tough I’m not going to lie. But I felt like I gained some strength (but no six pack thank god). I’m trying to do something every day, whether it’s a plank, some crunches or what-have-you but at the weekend it’s hard because, well, it’s the weekend.
Monday – no running but I did this strength routine:
– 15×4 calf raises with weights
– 4mins crab walk
– 1min x3 plank with side leg touch
– 200/leg clams with resistance band
– 4.5min bridge
– 15×4 bridge leg lifts
– 15 press-ups
– 2min toe lifts
Tuesday – I did another hill running session. One mile warm-up, two miles worth of two hills running up and down, then one mile cool down. The bin men were out and they must have thought I was mad.
Undoubtedly I would be running faster with the running club (as is the nature of running with others) but I’m so motivated at getting up early and running that I’m quite happy to go solo. And I know I harp on about this, but I can fully listen to my body rather than get all competitive and carried away with the club. But I do miss it 🙁
Strength routine in the evening:
– 15 press-ups
– 4mins toe lifts
– 4x 15 calf raises with weights
– 3mins plank
– 3x 1min elbow plank to push up
– 100 Russian twists
– 200/leg clams with resistance band
– 4.5min crab walk
Wednesday – 4 miles easy recovery run in the morning. Kept around 8.30min/mile pace. Legs felt heavy and niggly though especially one of my calves. I promptly text the wonder that is Kyle, our local sports massage therapist, and he was able to come round that evening and sort it out. I’m all over prompt action for any sort of niggle. Kyle got rid of the issue thankfully. You might think I’m a bit of a paranoid over-reactor when it comes to running niggles. You would be right.
Strength routine:
– 2x 100 bicycle crunches
– 4x 15/leg weighted single leg dead lifts
– 200/leg clams with resistance band
– 1x 1.5min/side plank
Unfortunately I got bored with the side planks and kind of gave up and went home. It happens! Also it was annoying that I’d forgotten my hair bobble. You know when I get bored when I start taking plank selfies…
I’m not pouting, I’m grimacing!!
Thursday – speaking of Kyle, he was able to put me in touch with a guy at Southampton Solent University who is currently doing a study on endurance runners and athletes and needed participants for his current study. This involved me doing a VO2 Max test.
I’ll post more about this in a separate post as I have a lot to say! It was all very interesting but hard work. Probably 2.5 miles running at a guess.
Friday – had some time in the morning so did a few quick strength moves:
– 4×15/leg single leg squats
– 100 Russian twists
– 100/leg clams with resistance band
– 3min wall sit
Saturday – I knew I wouldn’t have time on Sunday for a long run, so I ran to parkrun (4 miles), did parkrun and then ran home again.
I felt really good on the run there and got a bit carried away with my pace but I was just enjoying it. It was so hot though. I made sure to arrive at parkrun just before the start so the gap of stop-starting would be small. I thought I’d put some effort into the parkrun but really had no idea how it would go considering the heat and the four miles already on my legs. Not sure quite why I was looking so happy!
A guy from my club kindly ran with me and helped pace me. I was intending on getting a negative split but it didn’t really happen.
In the end 22:32 which I was happy about. And then I scanned my barcode and dashed off to run home.
My legs felt considerably more tired but still fairly good, though I got a terrible stitch after a mile because I’d chugged down a load of Ben’s water before I ran off home. Rookie error. But a successful 11 miles in the bag!
Later Ben, our friend Nathan, Kyle and me met up for a 15mile bike ride round Durley. Initially I was really not up for it as I was quite tired but as soon as I started pedalling I felt the best I’ve ever felt on the bike. Really strong and comfortable. It spun my legs nicely.
Sunday – urgh. My alarm was set for 5.15am as we needed to leave the house to go marshal a local race at 8.30am. I wanted to get 6 miles and I really didn’t fancy leaving the run till later when I’d want to chill. Just a recovery run so kept it easy.
Ben had his alarm set for 4.30am as he wanted to do 12 miles. He was meeting another friend at 5.30am (madness!). Unfortunately he slept through his alarm and when mine went off I was like “er, Ben, why are you still asleep?” I’ve never seen that boy move so quickly in my life. Or heard such language so early in the morning 😉
It’s currently Monday morning and I’m shattered. Absolutely drained. Come on body, don’t fail me now please!
Ever set your alarm ridiculously early to make a workout?
Have you ever done a VO2 max test?
Have you ever done any 30 day workout challenge?
Great post, it’s really inspiring to see how others train and gives me ideas for new things I could add to my week.
I can’t wait to read the full VO2 testing post.
How funny about Ben sleeping through the alarm.. Absolutely my worst nightmare and I can guarantee an early alarm will mean a rubbish nights sleep! The last time I had to set a silly alarm was the day after Endure.. As if no sleep at that wasn’t bad enough, we had to be up at 2am the day after to head to Gatwick!
I love reading other people’s training plan’s too. I’m always so nosy!
Oh god the worst possible time to have had an alarm set. Endure absolutely sucked me dry of energy for days after.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #5 Marathon Training
Oooh I’m doing the ab challenge – it’s killing me but is also giving me some focus and making me feel less pathetic as I can’t currently train due to a knee injury after crashing my bike last week 🙁 Glad the marathon training is going well 🙂
Oh no!! What a shame about the injury 🙁 Hope you’re alright and have a speedy recovery. Good luck with the challenge, it’s tough!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #5 Marathon Training
Another fab week in the bag Anna – well done! I think it’s great that you’re so in tune with your body and any niggles are seen to straight away, it’s better to be safe than sorry as they say!
That V02 test looks interesting, looking forward to hearing about it!
I used to get up at 5am to run but I just couldn’t keep it up on top of my regular 14 hour days. Sleep is more needed! If I was training for a marathon, however, I’d probably have to get back to it again.
Claire @ Flake and Cake recently posted…Simply a lovely weekend
Yeah you have stupidly long working hours I’m not surprised you don’t get up at 5am! That would be beyond hard core…
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #5 Marathon Training
Seriously you look SO happy when you are running! I love it. That would definitely not be my face…unless of course I saw cake at the finish line or something….
Kat recently posted…Currently Loving
Haha I’m not sure why I was so happy – didn’t feel like it! Maybe I was thinking about cake hehe.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #5 Marathon Training
Nice week of training, intrigued to hear about the V02 max stuff!
Lauren (@poweredbypb) recently posted…Berlin Marathon Training Week 5
It’s very interesting! 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #5 Marathon Training
The VO2 max test looks proper hardcore! I don’t think I would like that at all- I hate my mouth being covered when I breathe.
I think 5.45 is the earliest I have got up for a run- I have to leave for work at 7.30 so then working backwards drying my hair, breakfast, a shower, a run and time to get changed etc means I can manage 3 miles but this is only on very rare occasions. I get a bit stressed about what would happen if I hurt myself and had to walk home instead- I would be so late for work, so generally the runs aren’t good as I spend most of the time worrying.
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…And the winners are…
I felt very constricted. It was such a strange way to run, with all those cables and things stuck to me.
I allow myself some buffer time for my running so if I need a bit longer I’ve always got a bit of extra time (which I try to use for stretching if I don’t need it). I just prefer to get it done in the morning and only have to have one shower that day!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #5 Marathon Training
I do quite a lot of 30 days challenges, as I like something different each month to keep me motivated.
That test looks scary, but I imagine it was really interesting too.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Tomato and Basil Summer Spaghetti
It was definitely a great way to get me motivated! Really pushed me.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Week #5 Marathon Training
Wow Anna, sounds like a lot of hard work!! Good for you!! I can’t wait to see how you’ll do on this marathon- I have a feeling it’s going to be even better than you expected!
Chelsea @ Chelsea Eats Treats recently posted…How to Start Your Own Employee Wellness Plan
I’ve still got time though for something (i.e. injury) to happen. I just really hope I get to the marathon!!
That’s an ace plank selfie! 🙂 Great pictures from the parkrun too. Your orange top you’re wearing looks great. Love the colour and it looks comfy too.
How exciting that you’re involved in the endurance runners study. I’m really interested to hear more about this and your VO2 max test.
I was up early for marshaling duties on Sunday too. Except we had to be at the course by 5:30am! Uggg! I think 5:30 is the earliest I’ve set my alarm for a run before, but I do enjoy running in the morning. Not sure I’d go as far as Ben and set it for 4:30 though!!!
Mary recently posted…My first tri (as a marshal!)
It’s a great top (Nike) – really thin and light material so perfect for such hot weather.
Omg 5.30am at the course!? You are so much more hardcore haha.
Well I think Ben’s body wasn’t sure about 4.30am either which is why he went back to sleep without realising tee hee.