Rants and Raves #30

Well I haven’t done one of these in a while! And boy do I have a lot to get off my chest Winking smile No not really to be honest. If only my life was that interesting!

Rave: After a successful second year of half marathon and 10k fun, Southampton ABP are considering hosting a full marathon in the future, possibly even next year. They’re getting feedback and seeing what the interest is like to begin with. This is very exciting. To have a road marathon so close to where I live and through a city I know so well – I love this idea. Some people are unhappy that it might be a two lapped course, but realistically I can’t see it being a full 26.2 mile loop. The cost and mayhem of road closures would probably prevent this from happening. Personally I don’t mind lapped courses (to some degree) so I’m not too bothered, even if it does mean twice over the Itchen Bridge and up Burgess Road.



Rant: I can understand that as a non-runner the thought of having the city being disrupted for even more races in the centre of Southampton may not sound that appealing, but it’s only one weekend. Why are people so bloody grumpy? This was a comment on one of the local newspapers online:


For goodness sake, there are more marathons than just London. Thank God, because the chance of getting into London through the ballot is almost impossible! (Has anyone entered??) This just reminds me of the idiots at Littlestoke parkrun trying to charge for the use of the park. Let’s not pour water over ways to encourage people to exercises and get healthy.

Rave: Sunshine! But of course. Finally good weather seems to have arrived. It’s glorious. I don’t even mind being woken up super early by the sun streaming through my windows (I tend to keep my blinds slightly open so I’m not in a total blackout).


This was on n early morning walk with Alfie. I didn’t even need a coat!

Rant: People in the gym being inconsiderate. I mean this is a post in itself but specifically people not putting weights back after using them.


Four 25kg plates (plus a 10kg) on both sides of the leg press machine! This is just so ridiculously rude. To use that machine, as I’m actually not the Hulk, I have to take each of those plates off to then put the weights I want to use on. It was a bloody workout in itself!! Why can’t people just put things back? It really isn’t that hard – especially if you can press over 160kg (the machine already has 46kg default before you add any weights).

Rave: My parents have a furry little friend living in their garden.


They’ve been spotting this rabbit on and off for a few weeks now. Apparently it’s not that bothered by the dogs – or it has a great hiding space. We can’t work out if it’s wild or lost. My parents checked with nearby neighbours for any lost rabbits but no one is. It seems quite content for now anyway.

Rave: When I was at my parents house on Saturday evening I really needed to do some foam rolling but I’d forgotten to bring my roller or tennis ball with me. I hunted around but the only thing I could find that might be useful was a ball-shaped candle. My mum said I could use it but not to make a mess (i.e. ruin the candle) so I covered it in foil.


It worked perfectly! It was more firm than my tennis ball – a bit like a cricket ball. It manage to survive my rolling as well so my mum happily received her candle back in tact.

Rave: When I was working from home the other day I decided to put the Boston Marathon TV coverage on in the background (you can find it online). It was fascinating to watch the elites, especially when one of the females picked up a water bottle from a supporter at the side and then passed it around the entire elite group. It was a really nice show of comradeship despite everyone competition.

It was also amusing to see the volunteers on bikes high-fiving the crowd.

Boston marathon TV

Rave: How talented is my friend Lou? She painted the entire wall of her son, Jacob’s, room.

Pirate painting childs roomYou can see Jacob photo bombing at the bottom right

His furniture and shelves are all pirate-themed too. She’s so creative! Jacob is very lucky. As will be her little one on the way Smile

Rave: Game of Thrones. Enough said.

What are your rants and rave this week?

Are you watching Game of Thrones?

Would you be interested in the Southampton Marathon?

10 Replies to “Rants and Raves #30”

  1. I hope that Southampton does get a marathon as well. I have run the half for the last 2 years and thoroughly enjoyed it (even Itchen Bridge and Burgess Road!!) and have signed up for next year as well. If they do have put on a marathon next year then I may be tempted to try it as it’s on my doorstep and have thought I may try a marathon next year!
    Also totally agree about GoT 🙂 Hope the rest of the series carries on as well as the first two episodes.
    Keep up the great blog 🙂

  2. That rabbit is so cute! I love seeing wild rabbits- although that one has very short ears for a wild one. Near work there are wild ones, and every now and then a black one, and I always wonder if a pet escaped and has joined in with the breeding so the genes get a bit mixed up.
    I saw that about the Souhtampton marathon- it might be one for a few years time for me (as I think I’ll do another one before I am 40)- That time of year is good as I like training in the spring, plus hopefully it would fall in the Easter holidays one year- the bridge puts me off though as Stockholm was sort of two laps (one lap was longer) but you had to do a bridge twice. The first time going over the bridge felt fine, but then the second time (probably 20 miles in, not sure) was more like torture! I did the 10K last year and thought it was very well organised so I am sure a marathon would be good too. Plus a nice chunky medal and technical t!
    The sunshine this week has been lovely! I only needed a vest on Wednesday on my run – I have only worn it a handful of times this year. I kept stopping for photos as the bluebells looked so pretty in the afternoon sunlight. Long may it continue!
    Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Cakeathon!My Profile

  3. Love your improvisation with the foam-rolling candle!
    I am watching Game of Thrones but more because I started it now than anything I think. At times there just seems to be too much going on for me to keep up with, especially as Dan always wants to watch the next episode after a day at work when my head is already overcrowded and needs to wind down…not be fed with seventy three different storylines all happening at once in the episode!
    Mary recently posted…The Milton Keynes Rocket 5kMy Profile

    1. Try reading the book, it’s a nightmare!!! I want to read it again but honestly it’s such a mammoth task. I agree though about needing an easy watch to wind down. I love GoT so I’m happy to watch it Monday but all other nights I tend to watch easy programmes like ITV rubbish. Though saying that, I’ve just gotten into Black Books and it’s really good…
      AnnaTheApple recently posted…The worst race of my life?My Profile

  4. I am really sorry for spamming you with comments! I am having a good catch up on my lunch break.

    How adorable is the rabbit! He looks like he might be a domestic rabbit, as his ears are quite short. I can’t remember what the breed is called (dwarf something-or-other), but he looks a little similar.

    Isn’t the sunshine lovely! I am a proper pasty pale person, but even I caught a little bit of the sun this weekend.

    I haven’t caught up on my GoT watching yet. I got a bit annoyed that S5 veered so far away from the books and stopped watching it. I really need to pick it back up though and get over the fact that it is now quite removed from the book.
    Steph recently posted…T minus 1 to my Whole 100My Profile

    1. Don’t apologise – I like your comments! 🙂
      Yeah it’s tough now with GoT and the books because George RR Martin is taking SO FLIPPING LONG to get the next books out the producers need to continue on. I think they have creative discussions to get an idea of what he’s thinking but it’s probably just going to go its own way now. It’s a shame though as I love the books and I love the show. I wish they remained on the same path.
      AnnaTheApple recently posted…The worst race of my life?My Profile

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