I know I begin pretty much every post talking about the weather but I’m British and it’s our small talk, what can I say. It is cold. Windy, freezing. Snowing (well, a slight smattering). This is not spring behaviour.
It is, however, What I ate Wednesday. Hurrah midweek already.

Thanks Jenn.
I have to say this week has been fairly quiet. Nothing exciting has occurred. Though I’ve found a programme on TV that I’m now inexplicably hooked on. 16 and Pregnant. It’s car crash telly. I only put it on when Ben was away so I could have some background noise while I chilled in the evening reading blogs and surfing the Internet. But I got drawn in and absorbed. It’s gripping. No judgement please
Breakfast this week has been the obvious. Oatmeal, almond milk, done.
Breakfast is one of my favourite times in the day. I eat it with my book. Currently I’m reading the Eragon series…yes I know, I’m a geek. I’m a very eclectic reader; I don‘t have a particular genre that I go for. I just read a blurb and if I like it I go for it. I read Michael Crichton, to James Patterson, to chic flics, to historical fiction, to classics, to non-fiction. Anything goes as long as it’s interesting. As soon as I finish one I’m on to the next.
I’m not a big talker in the morning so this time to myself munching and reading is bliss. Ben gets the Death Stare if he interrupts. And Alfie too.
I can’t say that lunch has been any more exciting than usual unfortunately. I’ve been loving my sandwiches. No more ravishing hunger towards the end of a working day.
Turkey and cream cheese sandwich with lettuce
And of course my side salad.
Lettuce, beets, random veggies (carrots, peas, broccoli and cauliflower)
After this I have a fruit salad (chopped melon, grapes, orange segments and peach).
Throughout the day I have a few snacks and drinks to keep me ticking over. Usually this is chopped carrots, a banana and an apple. Drinks are black coffees (usually one in the morning, one in the afternoon) and hundreds a few herbal teas.
Last night I had one of my favourite dinners. This is the main reason I stocked up on tinned pumpkin. I love this meal.
Chicken with pumpkin and cream cheese sauce
I made this ages ago and was desperate to recreate it but didn’t have any pumpkin. Unfortunately I didn’t have any tinned pineapple but it was still so good. Plate licking good.
Then my usual chopped apples. Nothing beats chopped apple as a pudding. OK obviously a lot of things beat chopped apples as a pudding (brownies, cookies, cake, ice cream, chocolate…). Nothing beats chopped apple as an everyday-eat-it-all-the-time-run-of-the-mill-working-week-healthy pudding.
And in the evening some Snack a Jacks and a hot chocolate. And maybe some Lindt chocolate…gotta get those important antioxidants from somewhere after all!
On Friday night I finally made something I’d been meaning to make for ages. Moussaka. As you might know, I’m not a big pasta fan. And big sheets of pasta do nothing for me. So I made a pasta-less (paleo/primal??) moussaka. The terminology escapes me.
Not the greatest picture I grant you (am I always saying this?? Whoops #mustdobetter)
I followed THIS recipe, though I omitted the kale and fill as I didn’t have any and I used beef mince as I prefer it to lamb.
Basically it uses aubergine/eggplant instead of the pasta. It made three good servings (one which is currently awaiting my consumption tonight). I know the recipe says 4-6 servings but it clearly hasn’t made the Anna Adjustment whereby I am a greedy hungry hector and require a lot of food.
Does anyone else find that recipes say a certain number of servings and then when you make it you’re like “OK that would serve a child”, or is that just me…?
Regardless, this was a good, hearty meal. But I will warn you, it took quite a while to make. What with salting a load of sliced aubergine, rinsing, frying, then making the filling, then making the topping. It’s not an easy mid-week meal. Fiddly and lengthy. But tasty.
In terms of my running…It is getting closer to the half marathon. I was frustrated to find on my five mile run Monday morning that I had a pain in my Achilles on the last mile. I thought I had gotten over this. However, I sensibly took the next day off of running and I’m taking it very easy for the rest of the week (probably two easy 3 mile runs). And I have my last session with the phsyio on Friday where she’s going to give me a good sports massage which she claims will give me wings for the race, or at least make me feel fresh. Here’s hoping.
What are your old favourites that you keep going back to in terms of meals/snacks?
What trashy TV can’t you give up? I’m all over any reality TV. Kardashians, Made in Chelsea, The Hills, Real Housewives…I draw the line at Big Brother though.
What’s your favourite book genre? Or do you read anything and everything?
Oh I wish James liked aubergine or I’d be all over that, I do quite like lamb mince so would make it with that. I have so many old favourites – things like beef mince in tomato sauce with spiralised courgettes is something I’ve loved for dinner for years. Of course smoothies are my version of your oats!
Well I soon discovered from this meal that Ben doesn’t like aubergine either… men! I really want to try the spiralised courgette, sounds really yummy.
I would have never thought to try pumpkin and cream cheese sauce. Sounds really good!
It makes it super creamy. Really really good.
Yes. That “pasta” dish is happening. I absolutely LOVE eggplant!
Hehe it’s definitely one I’m making again!
Mmmm I love moussakka (it is meant to be layers of potato and aubergine I think, no pasta)- I have it with lentils and silken tofu whizzed up to make the creamy sauce as I don’t like cheesy sauces.
I love Jersey shore for my trash TV! Although I tried the UK one and it was just awful, but the US one is actually OK to watch in that trashy way.
Ahh OK, I’m an idiot! Yeah I did wonder how it was different from lasagna then haha.
I’m ashamed to saw I watched two series of Jordie Shore. Horrific TV but positively addictive.
I started my post talking about the weather too- what are we like! I love a Moussaka, but it doesn’t usually have pasta in it anyway, just potato slices and aubergine! I wish I could find some tinned Pumpkin, I would love to experiment with it.
Oh whoops…! Well, either way, potato/pasta-less it was good hehe.
Oh my, plate-licking good is right! Chicken with pumpkin cream cheese sauce sounds like heaven! I’m going to check out that recipe the second I’m finished here. 🙂 The moussaka is a meal I’d adore, too; eggplant (as we say in the States) is one of the most underrated vegetables, in my opinion! I’ve never tried substituting it for noodles, but think it’s a brilliant idea.
Hmm…a few standby’s I turn to over and over again: roasted salmon, seared scallops, roasted butternut squash, and stuffed sweet potatoes (<–the options are endless!). Oh, and I can't forget salads, omelets, and yogurt bowls! All are great go-to "there's nothing else in the fridge" options. 🙂
I'm so sorry to hear that your Achilles was giving you trouble during that last five-miler; I'm sending healing vibes your way! <3 Enjoy that massage, too! xoxo
Yeah I need to use eggplant more. I love how shiney they are as well haha!
Seared scallops sounds like an absolutely dream stand-by meal. I’ve never made them myself but I always adore them at restaurants.
Thank you for your good vibes hehe 🙂
16 and pregnant is such an addictive show! I currently watch Teen Mom 2 and love it. That pumpkin/cream cheese sauce for chicken sounds really good! I’ve never tried anything like that. And way to go taking some smart extra rest after some Achilles pain. I hope that does the trick for you! I’m sure you will rock this half coming up 🙂
I only just realised that Teen Mom is the follow up programme. This is brilliant, I have hours of great TV ahead of me hehe.
I looove reading and have to be reading something every day. Like you said, I finish a book and am on to the next one. I also read in the morning during breakfast and it’s bliss. I also read on the metro which is only for about 5 mins each way, but I really enjoy my reading time nonetheless. I am not at all picky about genres either but I will read whatever someone recommends. If they say it’s good I give it a try!
Best way to approach books I think. I sometimes get sucked into a genre for a bit, like when I read a lot of Phillipa Gregory historical fictions, but then I want a change and something completely different. It’s definitely a good way to pass the time!
I have never heard of moussaka, but I LOVE eggplant so it sounds fabulous!
I actually LOVE Big Brother!! Obsessed a bit, maybe, even! 😉
I love moussaka – and much prefer aubergine/courgette/cauliflower to pasta and rice… my to-go old favourite is cauliflower rice with spinach, mushrooms, garlic, red pesto and cheese, it’s fab!
I’ll read most things and I’ve read my favourites over and over again 🙂