Hi guys! Hope your week is going well. Mine is sailing along. Work is good, home is good, Ben is great and Alfie still needs a hair cut. Well, you can’t have everything. He’s a lucky pooch at the moment for escaping this particular event. But soon…just wait, he will be smartened up whether he likes it or not!
Why I do believe it’s Wednesday! Soooo another WIAW post if you don’t mind. And I’m finally matching the Halloween theme for this month!

I love getting involved in this because it really makes me conscious that I need to eat less boring food and make things exciting, for fear of boring the hell out of you. Well, you might still find it boring but I’ve put some effort into my eats this week…so prepare yourself.
This is what I ate Sunday.
Breakfast: I thought I’d throw something new out there (new for me, not for the nine billion other bloggers who have done and dusted this a million times before).
Pumpkin pancakes! These were undeniably delicious. Ben looked at me in disgust when I told him what I was having for breakfast. I ignored him; he just doesn’t understand the pumpkin craze. I used this recipe from Ashley’s blog. OK it’s meant to be a waffle but I don’t have a waffle maker…yet. [Mother, if you are reading this –> IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT]. I also didn’t have any chocolate chips but didn’t really fancy any so it worked out nicely.
I then jazzed them up with some raspberries and peanut butter sauce.
I was stuffed. I wasn’t hungry for hours! And they were so simple to make.
For lunch I wanted to use my little munchkin to make a quick soup. I roasted up the chopped munchkin (sounds a bit harsh doesn’t it?) and a couple of carrots while slowly sweating some diced onion in a pan with some garlic. Then I threw the roasted veg in with the onion.
I added some vegetable stock and some spices (cumin, a touch of cinnamon and nutmeg, lots of pepper). I simmered until it all smelt yummy and the veg was completely soft. Then I whizzed it up with a hand-held blender.
I sprinkled some pumpkin seeds on top but I hadn’t roasted them yet so they look a bit feeble to be honest. But the soup was very tasty. Warm and filling! Ideally I would have liked to have had a chunky slice of rye bread alongside but realised I didn’t have any (bad planning) so had to do with three rice cakes but added some Philadelphia to make them taste less like cardboard.
Not nearly as exciting but not too shabby actually. Dipped in the soup it worked out quite well. So a bit excessive on the pumpkin front, but tasty none-the-less.
Dinner: I decided to try a new recipe that I’d found here. Such an easy recipe with ingredients that I adore (hello goat’s cheese obsession).
Basically it’s sliced cherry tomatoes, fresh thyme, chicken, goat’s cheese and a splash of olive oil. In the oven for 30mins (or until the chicken is cooked through).
I served mine up with a corn on the cob that I got from the farm shop.
And for Ben I made some garlic bread (as we’d run out of our usual stash from the freezer).
Granted, it does just look like dry toast with bits on it. But I soaked the bread in some butter that I’d ‘infused’ with garlic and then oven baked. He said it tasted amazing and that’s all I care about!
Snack-wise was usual. An apple, a banana, another apple, Snack a Jacks, maybe another apple (who’s counting anyway??).
For my fitness I’ve changed my routine. Shocking news, I know. It’s just too damn difficult to get up half-way through the night at 5.30am. I’ve moved my runs to lunchtime. This actually came about because a woman at work who knows I run and wanted to start running at lunchtime and invited me along. I wasn’t too sure but thought I’d give it a try. I still do my strength training in the morning (three times a week) but I can start half an hour later because I’m not running the morning. Woohoo! And believe me, there is a BIG difference between getting up at 5.30am and getting up at 6am.
Anyway I was ready to run but unfortunately she was suffering from a cold. So I thought I’d still go and ‘check the scene’ you know – the lay of the land and find a route and see how it went. It went amazingly! I got a personal best time for 3 miles – 22mins 30secs!! Despite the fact that the hills around where I work are a NIGHTMARE.
OK, it doesn’t look so bad in the photo. But let me tell you, IT KILLED ME. Anyway, the next day I was aching like crazy – which I haven’t done after a run in ages.
The shower at work is, er, adequate…
Not too bad I suppose! So the verdict is, I prefer now to run during work. It’s so nice to get out in the fresh air at lunch time. It makes me feel less bitter and grumpy at the world in the morning – I’m in a less dark and twisty place And gone are my slug dodging mornings.
The change in routine is working out really well. I do three sets of strength training a week (more to come on that in another post), two runs a week at work, one at home (so I can push Ben out of bed and come with me) and then Pilates at the weekend. Whew.
So good food, good runs, happy Anna!
When do you work out? Morning? Evening? During work?
What have you been eating and loving recently?
You’re food looks so pretty.
Pancakes and soup sound goooood!
Thanks! I’m definitely loving the more warm and comforting food at the moment 🙂
Your dinner recipe sounds and looks amazing.. oh & about your apples, I don’t think theres a thing of eating too many 🙂
Oh good, because honestly I can’t cut back on my apples 🙂
Pumpkin mad…especially in pancake form! Aren’t we all! – we’d be mad not to be!
Exactly! Embrace the seasons 🙂 The only problem is how many recipes I can possibly try before the season is over??
You truly are a pumpkin queen! Haha! The corn on the cob looks especially great to me – it’s so fun to be able to buy it straight from the farmer’s market!
I adore corn on the cobs. I used to eat them every week but stopped for some reason, so it was lovely to have it again!
Wow, so lucky that your work has a nice shower! We don’t have anything so a lunchtime run is out of the question. I vary from preferring morning workouts to evening…I’m on an evening kick right now…but I think a lot of it has to do with it being so dark out in the mornings still
Yeah it is nice to have that flexbility to go at lunch. I couldn’t do the evening, I’m just too tired and all I want to do is veg out on the sofa. Yep dark mornings are so depressing.
Girl, those pumpkin pancakes look SO good 🙂 I wish I had time during the week to make them!
Haha yeah they are amazing but they do take some time. They’re nice as a treat at the weekend 🙂
Those pancakes look amazing! And your soup also sounds like heaven:)
Thanks – they were pretty yummy. I need to make more soups I think, it was such a lovely lunch!
LMFAO! How dumb am I? I totally just REALIZED what, WIAW means! AHH HA HA HA HA HA! Way to catch on quick GiGi, seriously!!!
Your food day looks YUMMMAYYY!!!!!!!! Esp. those pancakes! Gotta love the pumpkin, it’s just so smooth and creamy, I love to just open a can and dig my spoon right in! Ah ha ha ha! 🙂
Hehe yeah the pancakes were great. I’m really loving pumpkin at the moment!
Wow. That soups sounds really good. I have made soup with noodles and vegetable chunks before, but never a puree-type recipe. Sounds really flavorful!
I like pureed soups but I do love ones with a bits and pieces in them. Makes it a bit more interesting!
I usually cycle in the mornings in case I’m too tired/lazy in the evenings and it does set me up for the day – but I always get out at lunchtime for a walk round town too…
Woop for goats’ cheese; my favourite is one with a red label from Asda, it’s immense but I can’t remember the brand name, which isn’t much help 🙂
Your chicken looks fab – and I can see those hills would be killers, long gradual slopes are the worst!
Yeah definitely doing it in the morning is my ideal as it’s done then and you can feel happily smug for the rest of the day hehe.
You just cannot beat goat’s cheese. Little cheese of heaven!
I am SO jealous that you can run at lunchtime!! I would totally do that too if there was a shower 🙁 And I’m totally with ya, it used to be so easy in the summer to wake up at 5:30 but lately it is SO HARD!!!
It’s nice to get out at lunch and I’m so lucky to have that choice. Mornings are just so miserable 🙁
Those pancakes look delicious!! I work out over lunch during the week and yoga in the morning on the weekends, I love the schedule I’m on! I recently switched to Paleo so I am enjoying sweet potato fries (along with everything else) more than ever!
Those pancakes do look delicious! I definitely prefer to work out in the mornings, but during the school year I can’t bring myself to get out of bed at 5!