I’m back from North Wales where I spent a lovely few days with my family. It just goes too quickly though, doesn’t it?
On Thursday afternoon I hopped into my dad’s car, with Alfie, and headed up the motorway to Stoke-on-Trent. My granddad lives there with his two dogs and had kindly agreed to look after Alfie and my parent’s three dogs while we were in Wales. My other granddad, who we were going to be staying with, is allergic to dogs so we sadly couldn’t bring them along.
It was nice to see my granddad in Stoke, albeit briefly. He makes awesome cups of tea and always has some funny stories. He’s also reindeer obsessed and every year he goes to Scotland to spend several weeks helping out with a reindeer sanctuary up there. He used to be a joiner before he retired and is always carving and making crazy creations from reindeer antlers that they’ve naturally dropped.
On his garage he painted a beautiful silhouette of reindeer too.
We then hopped back in the car for the last part of our journey to Llandudno. We left Southampton at 2pm and arrived at 9pm! I was definitely feeling a bit cabin feverish.
Friday morning we had a lovely walk in Conwy.
The weather thankfully was good and we enjoyed a nice coffee sat outside a quaint cafe.
In Conwy they have an interactive Alice and Wonderland trail for children to follow. There are wooden statues of different characters all over the town.
I saw Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and the Rabbit. I’ve previously seen the Red Queen but that’s all I’ve found so far.
We also did a little bit of shopping and I found an amazing sweet shop where I just couldn’t help buying a few chocolates and marzipan fruit.
I had a little mosey in Dorothy Perkins and bought a new top as well…the first non-fitnessitem of clothing I’ve bought in a while!!
My grandparents are keen golfers (and despite my granddad being 82 he’s still a very keen walker and cyclist!) so for dinner they took us to their golf club’s restaurant. I had a delicious gammon steak with fried egg and new potatoes. And for pudding a blueberry Bakewell slice with ice cream. Heavenly!
Before getting injured I’d hoped to be able to run the Conwy parkrun on the Saturday but sadly this wasn’t possible. Every part of me desperately wanted to go but I stuck to my initial decision. I’d rather keep on recovering rather than attempt something foolish and delay it longer. It was tipping down with rain in the morning which was some consolation to not running, but I was still grumpy.
Luckily there was the Convwy Taste Festival going on over the weekend so I could take my mind off things by enjoying stupid amounts of food. The festival was just next to the water and down from the Conwy Castle – only a few minutes drive from my grandparent’s house handily!
Despite the poor weather, the place was packed! You paid £8.50 for access to the large tents, where inside were loads of food and drink merchants selling their wares. And, importantly, letting you try them!!
I tried everything, as you can imagine. From chilli jams to sweet chutneys, from Welsh cakes to shortbread… balsamic vinegars, oils, hand-made marshmallows (the choc mint flavour was incredible), curry sauces, BBQ sauces, dried meats, pasties, pies, bread, waffles (best taster ever – a chunk of waffle dipped in caramel sauce…I considered sneaking back to that one to try it again), yogurts, fudge, sausages, meat and, of course, cakes!
I couldn’t not buy a slice of the rocky road…or the peanut butter millionaire shortbread style cake. And then later a large slice of blondie. It took all the effort in the world to not gobble them all up quickly.
After we had all enjoyed so many different foods we decided to head outside of the main tent to look for lunch (I know, because at this point we were soooo hungry ;-)). There were so many different street food options it was quite overwhelming.
Thai, Mexican, Italian, Indian, Chinese, English (bangers & mash, fish & chips), pulled pork and BBQ, Caribbean, Moroccan, mussels… I literally walked up and down the street for a good ten minutes having no idea what to have. I did really fancy a large skewer of tandoori chicken but seen as how we were out for an Indian that evening I knew I needed to go safe and not have anything spicy or similar to what I’d eat that evening.
In the end I went for a lobster roll and fries. I saw it being made and it looked amazing. And it tasted so good. Not the cheapest street food I’d ever had at £10 (compared to the £3.50 hot dog my dad had!) but it was fully worth it. My mum got a sausage roll from a different place to my dad and for the same price as my dad’s they packed in pretty much an entire pack of sausages!! Helpfully, we were all there to assist her 😉
After a quick warm-up coffee we carried on walking around looking at the other food stalls (a few more tasters…) and some of the craft stalls as well. My day was made when I saw a dinosaur walking about – with a fully functioning roar.
Such a great day. I loved it! We all agreed we definitely wanted to come back next year. It was a lot of fun. I came away with three cakes and a meat pack containing a zebra sausage (!!), a boar burger, pigeon breast, pheasant breast, venison steak, black pudding and a slice of bacon. Amazing.
That evening we went to a local Indian and had lots more food…
I had a mixed Asian BBQ started followed by my favourite, tandoori chicken with onion salad. Yum.
I had a great long weekend with my family and it was sad to leave on the Sunday. It was nice to not be at home looking at my empty house still not moving and still not running *sighs*. I would have loved to have done some running while I was away, in such beautiful scenery (and apparently my granddad was going to bike alongside me) but it wasn’t to be. There’s always next time I suppose!
How was your weekend?
Would you have enjoyed the Taste Festival?
Do you like street food? What would you have chosen?
Something we do not have enough of around here in my opinion is food festivals. I’m so jealous of that festival. So much good food! I’m hoping to get to a few Christmas markets this Winter, but our weekends are already filling up. 🙁
Sorry to hear you’re still not running, but like you say, the scenery and the parkrun will still be there next time you visit, and you will be able to enjoy it then, rather than hobbling along in pain. Glad to hear you had lots of fun adventures away with your family. It’s always nice to get away for a proper break. Dan and I are headed off to the Peak District this Friday with my parents. We’ve never been away with them before.
Mary recently posted…The first XC of the season: Wellingborough
Christmas markets are awesome, but they can be overpriced in the UK and stupidly busy. But the food…oh the food!! So many sweet things 😀
I’m really lucky that I get on so well with my parents that I can easily go on hol with them. Sad but true!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Eco-Friendly Choices
Loving all of your foodie photos, it all looks delicious. Also, that food festival looks fantastic and looks like something that I would really enjoy. Wales is such a beautiful part of the country, we visited South Wales in the summer and had a great time too.
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes recently posted…Salted Caramel Peanut Butter Crunch Bars*
I think a food festival is my favourite kind of festival. No mud, just food :P-D
I’ve never been to a food festival but I want to now!! The sound of the peanut butter millionaire shortbread style cake has made me very hungry!! Where was the pic of that?! Looks like a really cool place though and like Mary said you’ll be able to enjoy it next time you go there and can run again injury free! 🙂 April xxx
April recently posted…A very cakey post! Plus a little Joggbox review
I will have to take a photo of it sorry! It’s currently in my freezer…just waiting…
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Coming out from the slump
That dinosaur costume is brilliant! And the food festival sounds so good too- I think I would have not resisted the peanut butter shortbread either. I love going to Christmas markets for the food (proper hot chocolate, a nice crepe, maybe a pretzel..) but I’ve not been to a food one like that. We saw a small one in Brighton once but it was expensive to enter and because you couldn’t see what was there it didn’t seem worth it as if it was all meat and things I would not have even tried anything.
A shame you didn’t make parkrun, but that is sensible, and the good thing is they are on every week so next time you are there you can make it 🙂
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Iceland? More like Snowland! (Part 1)
I do love the Christmas markets…just so much food 🙂 But yes they are ridiculously expensive – and busy!
There was quite a lot of veggie stuff, not just meat. There was a magazine you could look through first to see if you wanted to buy a ticket. But you know me, I love my meat!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Coming out from the slump