My blog has been a little neglected recently. It’s hard to find things to consistently post about when realistically nothing is happening.
I’m sure we’re all feeling this. In the running community, there are no races and no parkruns. And in the wider setting, with lockdown 2.0, you can’t go anywhere or do anything (again).
(I will stress that I’m hugely grateful that the lockdowns haven’t personally affected me in a big way and my complaints are very much “first world problems”).
For running, it’s hard to create any goals when we still don’t know what 2021 is going to look like. Since my first lockdown marathon in April, I’ve just been running intuitively in that I run what I fancy when I fancy. I mean arguably this is generally how I run anyway as I’m not a big PB hunter and never follow any firm and hard plans. However I do usually have a marathon in the plan to aim for so tend to have a build-up of miles and then a peak, then recovery and then we go again.

I’m very grateful that during this year I’ve managed to run three marathons, one official. I mean I know I am very lucky to have achieved these, but now it’s hard to know what to do. What to aim for. I thought I’d definitely have the Portsmouth Coastal Marathon at the end of December but as that’s been cancelled I’m now a bit lost.

Each weekend I seem to just randomly pick a long run distance and see how I feel… I feel good? Run a bit more or run a bit faster. Don’t feel as good? Slow it down or run less. There are minimal pressures in my running life right now other than slight feelings of mediocrity and lack of purpose. Injury-wise its pretty good because I’m not trying to squeeze in another marathon or pushing the mileage. And I’m being super consistent with my strength routines, despite not being at the gym anymore. Because I don’t spend as long on my strength workouts as I would have done at the gym I prioritise the stuff that I know works and keeps injuries at bay (touch wood).
So in way my running is generally been quite consistent with very few niggles. Compared to last year when I had two major injuries that knocked me out of the running game for months, this year has been pretty plain sailing. Maybe a few calf niggles here or there but nothing that has really stopped me running or caused me major issue.

But running is something which is helping me mentally. Keeping fit, staying healthy, getting outside, doing something I enjoy. It’s part of my weekly routine. And if lockdown has taught me anything it’s the necessity of a routine to stop me going slowly mad.
What also helps is that Kyle and I have something each week to look forward to. Or a few things. So Friday night is always takeaway night and we tend to get something a bit more exciting than the standard Indian or pizza affair.

We try and choose something local but a bit crazy (I say “crazy” lightly because in all honestly it’s not crazy at all but times are tough to reach the lofty pre-COVID excitement heights).

We’ve been enjoying lots of hot dogs, chicken burgers, chicken wings of all varieties (of course) and loaded, dirty fries. While of course we’d love to actually go out for dinner or lunch, getting food delivered is the next best thing. And eating in your comfy clothes in the comfort of your own home is pretty damn good too.
Lockdown roasts on a Sunday help too 😉

Perfecting my roast potatoes…

Going forward? Well, I’ve run out of steam a bit for another lockdown marathon. I’m just going to continue to run whatever I fancy and just take each week as it comes. After all, a lot can happen in a few months! A lot can change.
How are you surviving?
Are you ordering more takeaways?
How do you stay motivated with your running?
It is so weird at the moment, a sort of limbo really. I think the weekends are hard because I am finding work tough (usual stress plus added covid pressures) but then there isn’t much to look forward to at the weekend if that makes sense. Of course running, baking, pottering around at home are all lovely, but they all blend into one and don’t make me feel like I am making the most of my time at home.
I think we if lived near some takeaways that we liked we would be more tempted, but there aren’t any options here really (not even a Wagamama’s close enough for delivery) so we don’t get them at home, only on weekends away.
This past week I’ve met a couple of people for a run (eg one person for one run) and that has been lovely- I’ve looked forward to it all day at work, and it’s been fab to chat and run and have some different company. So hopefully that can continue.
I totally agree about not having much to look forward to! But I definitely don’t envy you in your position with being a teacher.
We’re very lucky to be living where we live that we get a lot of takeaway options as Southsea and all their restaurants are so close! Though the Tenth Hole is a dangerous place to be in delivery distance…
We’re under tight restrictions but not full lockdown and since I’m going to work as “normal” sometimes things don’t feel too different, yet the way we have to work and the extra pressures on us mean there are times when I find it hard. Running has been my absolute saviour to stay calm, so that’s what motivates me to get out the door.
We don’t often get takeaway and have only had one this year when we fancied fish and chips a few weeks ago. Steve went out to collect it since I’m really limiting where I go (going to work is more than enough!).
Allison recently posted…Week In Review – The Corona Chronicles Part 34
Ah I don’t envy you with your job. You’re doing an amazing job I’m sure tho!
It is good to see that you’ve kept up with running despite the lockdown. Many fitness enthusiasts clicked on the pause button to their workout routines when the pandemic broke out. I’m sure that many will draw inspiration from you, and be consistent with their workouts. It is the best way to manage our physical and mental health during lockdown 2.0.
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Now I am ready to do my breakfast, afterward having my breakfast coming over again to read further news. Nisse Sol Ammann