So on Sunday I will be running the New York Marathon. My 16th marathon and my 5th Marathon Major.
On the note of Marathon Majors… I have entered Chicago and will (all being well) will be running my final Major next October. Words cannot explain just how excited I am about that. I’ve heard Chicago is one of the best of the bunch so I’m pleased I have that to finish on.But first New York…
Now I’m obviously super excited for this marathon but it is very much a flying visit to New York itself. I’ll be leaving midday-ish Friday and then arriving home Tuesday morning. So I won’t be hanging out there that long. And a big part of me is sad that I won’t have my amazing support crew with me. But money doesn’t grow on trees and I decided to do this so do it I must!
I won’t be entirely alone though as I’m staying with a great bunch of girls in a palatial-sounding AirBnb, organised by the lovely Charlie, from The Runner Beans blog. So I know I’ll be in good company. And though initially I was terrified that I somehow had to make it from JFK all the way to East Harlem on public transport ON MY OWN (likely I wouldn’t make it without some sort of Anna mishap or drama, let’s be honest), one of the girls is on the same flight as me. HURRAH. THANK GOD. So that’s a major worry off my (and everyone who knows me) mind.
So the marathon. Sorry to be an absolute boring disappoint to everyone but I actually have no ambitions to race this one. I’ve heard it’s the hardest of the Majors due to all the bridges and the final 5k through Central Park is relatively undulating. I don’t want to smash myself to pieces, I want to take it all in and enjoy myself. I’m thinking 8.30-8 minute miles, though *hopefully* closer to 8 minute miles if I do feel good. But as I always seem to say, I’d like to get under 3:45 as I feel that’s a natural pace for me without busting a gut.
I want to take selfies. I want to smile. I want to wave at the crowds. So far my Majors have been all pretty enjoyable (though I found the first 10 miles of Boston very tough). I don’t want to be disappointed or injured at the end. It’s a big deal – and getting a good time doesn’t make a marathon any more enjoyable or memorable to me.
That said, if I feel good in the race, I might push it and see what happens. WHO KNOWS. It’s a marathon mystery. In general, I never really know how I’m going to run until the day – until I’m literally running. I do know for almost 100% certainty that I’m not in PB shape (in body or mind). I don’t want to go after trying to beat 3:16 as it would be painful and I’d fail – I know where I am with my fitness and I’m realistic. I’m not sandbagging here, I assure you. Unless something crazy crazy happens on the day (who knows what those NY doughnuts will do to me eh) I won’t be pulling a Brighton.
So, to be clear. My goals are:
- Remain uninjured
- Smile 100 times
- Cheer madly at the lovely people of New York
- Take approximately 759 selfies and photos
- Get under 3:45, but who the hell really cares!
I’ve hit some solid long runs, I’ve managed to get some good paced runs in, I feel healthy, I feel injury- and niggle-free. I’ve basically fueled the last few months with cake, meals out and sugar. But I’m the strongest I’ve ever felt. I’m loving running. I’m loving the gym. I’m loving how I feel in myself and how my body looks. And in general, life is very good right now. So I’m going to celebrate with a little run round a big city and then eat a lot of food. Sounds good, right?Have you run any of the Marathon Majors?
Have you ever been to New York?
I’ve only run one marathon – St. Jude Marathon in Memphis, TN. That was probably the most challenging event in my life and I proceeded to pass out at the finish line. I do NOT plan on trying this event again.
I’ve also NEVER been to New York City but I will be following along with you on Instagram to see the city from your eyes. P.S. you should do some talking videos on Instagram when you’re in the city!!
I love your marathon mindset! We do this running thing for fun…all that fun disappears if every race becomes all about getting a PB.
I am rather jealous that you’re off for the NY marathon. It’s one I’d love to run one day but at the moment the cost and the time don’t allow. One day though!
The only marathon major I’ve run at the moment is London, which I’ll be running for the second time next year. I haven’t even raced abroad yet. We were in New York for New Year several years ago but I didn’t realise until we were there that there is a race through Central Park which starts at midnight that night.
Have fun! Don’t get lost! 😂
Mary recently posted…Squeaky Bone Relay race
Good luck for the NYC marathon! Hope you have an amazing day!
These are the best goals for that race. Definitely just soak it all in and enjoy it- not really a PR course or anything. I’m excited for you!
I hope you are having the most amazing time! Taking photos and enjoying yourself sounds like the best way to run one anyway- who wants to do sightseeing with really sore legs anyway?
Maria @ Maria Runs recently posted…Wendover Woods parkrun and a Gruffalo!
Best of luck to you! I hope you have a great time. I’m not a city fan so New York is probably a place that i’ll never go, but I guess life is funny and who really knows?! 😉
Good luck in your race!
Kat recently posted…Currently – October
Thank you for sharing. It’s amazing
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