Let me first begin this with patting myself on the back for getting too cocky about running and basically jinxing myself. I’m well aware of the irony of my posts leading up to the calf niggle, believe me!
As always with niggles and injuries I was running so well. Then the calf became uncomfortable and my running took a nose dive. It’s one of those things. I can’t get too upset because I kind of knew my bubble of good running needed to burst at some point. I am after all still an injury prone runner.So, the chain of events as far as I can see was that I changed trainers to ASICS after really enjoying a solid period of good running in my Adidas Supernovas. Both calves became super tight but I continued to run in them despite this and then decided, as they got worse, to quickly re-purchase the faithful Adidas again. But it appeared the damage was already done. This was during my time in Wales with my family and my calves felt tight on each run – the left more so.
Then I ran the Portsmouth Marathon… calves not 100% but nothing terrible. Though speeding up at the end probably didn’t help things, nor did running so soon (and up a giant hill) a few days later.
I believe this is what we call a “dick move”. I only have myself to blame. My glorious period of amazing running convinced me I was a new woman and my legs didn’t need the normal recovery. And then the left calf became uncomfortable and no longer just simply tight. It felt “wrong” and almost painful in the back body of the calf muscle.
After a very uncomfortable Christmas Day parkrun where the calf was still unhappy, I took just over a week off. I ran on Wednesday of last week…still a bit grumpy but far better. Then I ran a back-to-back on Saturday and Sunday (another dick move). It ached straight after the run on Sunday. A little panic ensued as I wondered, for the first time, if I could do Dubai (don’t get me wrong, I’d still go, I just wouldn’t run the marathon if I still felt the discomfort. I’ve run enough marathons now to care about DNS’s. I want to run long-term not just for a race. I’d enjoy my time in Dubai regardless).
I found a Physio nearby (South Physiotherapy Gosport – I can really recommend) and booked in for Wednesday. I planned on using the elliptical machine in place of running and my mind calmed and I felt quite chilled. Action plan in place. No point stressing. I know I can run a marathon as long as I’m not injured. I would just get rid of any time goals and hope to run an issue-free relaxed race.
By the time Wednesday rocked up my calf felt absolutely fine. I’d previously been feeling it when I walked Alfie or when I’d walk up stairs (pushing off from my toes caused it to feel very uncomfortable). To clarify things in my mind I decided instead of walking Alfie in the morning I’d run with him round the block (a mile). Firstly, Alfie thoroughly enjoyed himself! His very first whole mile of running – I’m so proud! And he only stopped once for a poo (necessary on his morning walk you see) and happily would have carried on after the mile. My calf? Absolutely fine. No discomfort. Now I felt silly.
I still went to the Physio appointment and explained the issue and the fact that it felt better now (who know show it would have felt after the single mile). The Physio examined it and got me doing lots of exercises. Then he massaged the area, cracked my back in different places, massaged my hamstring and did acupuncture all over my legs, glutes and back. He suspects I had a very mild calf sprain a few weeks ago (probably caused by the change in trainers tightening up my calves and then over-exerting my calf while it was still super tight).
He told me I could give attempt an easy run the next day (today). I’ve never had such a positive physio appointment. He was really thorough and super friendly. He also treats the RAF and Army – very cool.
So finger’s crossed for today’s run. The plan, if today’s run does indeed go well, is to run a gentle parkrun on Saturday and then run as normal the week after. No speedwork! In a perfect world I’d get a “long” run done the Sunday before I go to Dubai (21st – I go on the 22nd, the marathon is the 26th)… 10-13 miles maybe. Just to give me a bit of courage! But as long as I’m running discomfort-free I’m happy to crack on with the marathon.
Keep your fingers cross for me please!
Have trainers ever caused you an issue with running?
Do you calves ever get really tight? Mine are usually fine.
Have you ever had acupuncture?
I can’t remember the last time I ran niggle-free… Oops. I’m terrible at taking time to recover unless it turns into a full blown injury. Current discomfort is a tight ITB – must remember to keep stretching!
Looking forward to seeing how you get on in Dubai!
Joanna recently posted…JD Williams sports kit review
Fingers firmly crossed!
It’s taken me a long time to find trainers that “work” for me and now I just won’t change them. Adidas all the way for me.
Hope the run goes well.
Allison recently posted…Week In Review – Happy New Year!
Good luck with your run- hope it goes (went?) well.
Trainers are so annoying- some feel fine when you first put them on and then it’s only after running for a while that they feel too stiff. I’ve gone back to Mizuno’s this time as I have had Asics for a while but they have been less comfy than the first lot of Asics that I had- when they update the model they change things.
That physio appointment sounds so useful- I’ve only been to a physio a couple of times but she didn’t really do much, just made me do some stretches, and gave me a resistance band (which broke) and a few stretches to do with it. I’ve not had acupuncture but my Nan had it for her arthritis and found it very useful.
Maria @ Maria runs recently posted…Just like that, back to normal
Hope the calf is better now. Bless Alfie having a run. Baxter was absolutely terrible on our one and only run- he wanted to stop constantly and sniff everything, we abandoned it hah
Lauren (@poweredbypb) recently posted…December Streaking
Glad you’re hopefully on the mend! Well done for Alfie for his first mile run. Sounds like your physio is great, although fingers crossed you won’t need to see him again soon! x
I have to stretch / roll my calves constantly. They’ve been really tight, which means sore shins, since before Christmas and are just now getting better so that I don’t have to take stretching breaks while I warm up – that means during the first 3-5km of every run. I think just as long the niggles are niggles and come and go, it’s ok. I think you’ll be fine for the marathon, you’re resting and not making any more ‘dick moves’ 😉
Lina @ Mind Over Matter recently posted…I’m a lone runner, you won’t see me running in a pack*
That’s really frustrating. I don’t think you jinxed yourself but it is always good to be careful about changing footwear and not recovering as much as you typically do. I hope your calf comes around quickly!
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