Happy Monday lovely people. I hope you all had a great weekend.
Mine was bittersweet. Ben is sadly injured. He’s marathon training like me for Berlin (end of September, less than six weeks- PANIC). And, like I mentioned a few posts ago, he went to the Ultra 12 event and ran 4 laps of 5 miles over 12 hours. He was already slightly injured before going into it (although he hadn’t told me this – he’d only said he had a small niggle) and Ultra just pushed him over the edge. He’s seen our physio and the outcome is he’s sprained his knee and can’t run for a week and then see how it is.
This meant all plans for him running at the weekend dissolved and he was in a Dark and Shady mind space. I feel so sorry for him as I know exactly what this is like, being injured while marathon training. But he’s got so many miles in the bag already and if it’s only a week (even if it’s two or three weeks) he’ll be absolutely fine. Ben is determined and strong willed, even if he doesn’t get the training he wants he’ll still do Berlin.
But it meant Saturday I was off to parkrun on my own.
Ben decided to have a lie-in instead which I could totally understand and I went down early to help set up.
It’s always a nice crew of people who volunteer setting up so there’s always a bit of banter and good conversation which helped with me being Ben-less.
Ben and me recently got Steve Way t-shirts so I wore mine to test it out.
My not-so-pregnant-anymore running friend was at parkrun which was lovely. Ages ago I posted about how she was still running while pregnant and doing amazingly (find it HERE). Well she had her baby boy about 10 weeks ago and has been getting back into running. So when we started parkrun and she was running a good clip I decided to hang on to her a bit – it’s always easier following someone doing a good pace than doing it on your own.
Karen, my not-so-pregnant-anymore friend, running next to me
I felt good on the last lap so decided to speed up a little bit and managed to get 22:08 and third female which I was chuffed about. Nice tempo run!
Then, after clearing down, it was back to the Wounded Soldier. I let him off housework duties so he could mope a bit more and then we had to dash for some coffee with Ben’s mum.
Alfie loves Ben’s mum as she always gives him doggie chocolates
Then I managed to persuade Ben to go for dinner at Nando’s for our friend, Nathan’s, birthday.
Whole chicken and double salad = perfection
Chicken and beer, what more could you need? While chomping away on chicken Ben and Nathan planned to do a swim in the morning and then a cycle. I was planning a long run so decided to join the cycle afterwards.
The next morning I got up early and did 13.1 miles. It did feel like a hard slog for the first half and from mile four onwards I started getting very thirsty. I foolishly hadn’t brought any water thinking the temperature was cool enough. I started fantasying about drinks and wondered if I could beg for water from a shop as I had no money. At 7.5 miles I realised I was quite close to Ben’s mum’s house and as it was 9.15am it wasn’t too early…I rang her and she was more than happy with me dropping by to grab some water. Bliss! Bit of a strange experience to talk to someone on the phone mid-run though!
Ignore the fact that the mile numbers don’t make sense – I stopped to stretch after the first mile and randomly stopped my Garmin completely. So annoying! The run took just under 1:50 which I’m pleased with. I felt stronger towards the end so picked up the pace a bit. It’s funny because Saturday’s parkrun the work was all happening in my lungs and heart, whereas Sunday’s run my lungs and heart felt fine, it was all to do with my legs which is how it should be I think.
After getting back and foam rolling a bit I then had breakfast and quickly changed my top to get ready to cycle with the boys.
Straight away my legs felt like lead. It was a good cycle but it was tough. Usually our 15 mile route is fine and I can speed off along the straights but honestly I felt like an old lady. But it was nice to spin the legs. When we got home it took about 10 minutes for me to take my socks off though as I was so shattered.
As Ben and Nathan went to the pub to watch the football, I showered, reluctantly walked (shuffled?) Alfie round the block and then promptly collapsed onto the sofa with half a watermelon and chilled for a bit. Then Ben returned and we headed to my parent’s for the piece de resistance…afternoon tea.
Awkwardly Ben’s football team had lost and my dad’s football team had won (same match) but they were good sports about it (whew). It also helped Ben was four beers down by the this point and like a hyperactive child.
We went to the same place we went last week (The Tea Rooms in Lee-on-Solent) and it was lovely. Roast chicken sandwiches, a beautifully tasting scone with cream and jam and carrot cake. Ben had coconut and lemon cake and my dad had Victoria sponge (my mum just had cream tea).
As we went for a walk along the seafront Ben spotted an ice cream shop and jokingly (or so I thought) said he really fancied ice cream. I called his bluff and he so he went and bought one!
By this point Ben is both hyped up on alcohol and sugar. Bouncing all around the place, climbing walls and just generally being good fun. I’m glad he was feeling in a better mood (even if it was under the influence…).
Finally a happy chappy with his ice cream 🙂
And then we headed home to crash, both from exertion and sugar, on the sofa. Another weekend complete.
When you’re feeling down, how do you make yourself happy again?
What’s your favourite ice cream? I really can’t stand the Mr Whippy ice creams, I like the proper stuff!
Have you ever cycled after a long run? Triathletes are just amazing! It was very hard.
Ah sorry that Ben is injured, that sucks. Hope the rest does wonders and he’s able to sprint back into action soon!
Well done for all your running, fab time and place in the Parkrun and awesome job on the half the following day – I’m not surprised you found the cycle tough!
Ice cream and seaside would definitely cheer me up, hope the effects were long lasting for Ben!
Claire @ Flake and Cake recently posted…Eats and Feats
Thankfully Ben is feeling happier as he’s working hard swimming and *should* be OK to do 4 mile RR10 race tonight with the club (but taking it EASY – hope he reads this!)
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Foods and Alfie lately
Whew, what a busy and fun weekend! I love all of the running pictures and I think it’s amazing that your friend is back to running after having a baby. That is always inspiring!
Allie recently posted…The Ceremony
I know, I really hope I can follow her example. She’s very tough on herself (as we all can be) but I think she’s doing marvelously!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Foods and Alfie lately
What a shame about Ben’s injury, but like you say he has miles in the bank and you don’t lose fitness in a week, so he should be OK.
Andy’s brother came over yesterday to watch the football (Southampton)- they didn’t expect to win but then when they were drawing I think their hopes were a bit raised. He was OK though, whereas sometimes when they lose he is rather grumpy!
I have not cycled after a run, but I used to run or cycle to body pump (but then a lot of muggings were reported along the road I usually ran, and it didn’t feel that safe any more)- the run home was always pretty tough. I think the swimming part of triathlons is the craziest though, especially open water swimming. Someone at my running club is training for a 10k swim- mental!
That afternoon tea looks so good- you seem to have loads of tea rooms near you- I need to visit one while Andy is at football one week!
I do not like the mr whippy stuff at all, and I don’t think it is vegetarian either (which makes it sound worse I think, I mean, what is it made of??)- I like a proper scoop where they have to scoop it out of the container. And I like it in a cup with a spoon, I do not like licking it. I am fussy!
Fresh air always cheers me up- a run or a walk, either chatting with someone else or listening to a podcast.
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…New England
Haha yes grumpy men after football! I think we can all sympathise there.Yeah I couldn’t imagine swimming and then running or cycling. I find swimming very tough and I’m not good at it all. It’s such a all over body work out that I imagine it would be so tough.
Urgh yeah – it’s like McFlurries…what is IN those things? I daren’t imagine…I heard that most ice creams around are made from vegetable oil and not cream. It’s very rare for cream to be used, which is quite sad.
I always think you get more in a tub anyway. I’m not a big cone fan and the mess, oh the mess!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Foods and Alfie lately
Sounds like had such a jam-packed weekend! Sorry to hear about Ben’s injury, hope he recovers well. That’s afternoon tea looks pretty epic. It’s been a while since I’ve had one, I think I need to work on that. 🙂
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes recently posted…10 superfoods for super skin
It’s becoming far too regular a thing for me this afternoon tea business. I am just obsessed!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Foods and Alfie lately
Sorry to hear Ben is injured, I was also in the dark/mopey place of injury over the weekend, so I sympathise, it get’s easier each day I think though, just good to keep busy!
Lauren (@poweredbypb) recently posted…Berlin Marathon Training Week 10- Rest is Best
Yep I agree with that. It’s tough because a lot of our friends and social bubble are runners so it’s difficult to escape it all at times but you just have to stay focused on the bigger picture I guess.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Foods and Alfie lately
Wishing Ben a speedy recovery, it sucks when you are injured but it sounds like Nandos and Ice cream were a good way to cheer up! I have to admit Mr Whippy is a ‘guilty’ pleasure of mine, reminds me of being a kid so much!
I just can’t stand it – it’s sad. It’s like the McFlurries…I can’t have them at all. But they always look and sound delicious but I find them so disappointing. Ben and Jerry’s all the way!
Ah I’m famous on your blog 😉 so good to run with you again x
Karen recently posted…Getting there…
Hehe yes you are indeed famous!
Mmmmmmm cake and ice cream, nomm. Also I’ve totally been to that restaurant last time I went to England!
jessiebearwhat recently posted…Drinking Wine and Forgetting your Nice Camera
I’m surprised they don’t have a Nando’s in the US actually. But I just love it. So simple but so tasty.
Brilliant post… those cakes look amazing! I really need to get myself out for an afternoon tea. I haven’t had one since May – although thankfully I have had cake since then!
Poor Ben.. I hope he mends quickly. It’s rubbish at the best of times but when you have an event like Berlin looming.. I’m sure Kyle will fix him though ;o)
Depending on the cause of the sadness I find running, wine or chocolate the best remedies.. and sometimes all three (although not all at once!).
I’m not really the biggest fan of ice cream but my two favourites are Mr Whippy (doesn’t need biting so it doesn’t hurt my sensitive teeth!) or ‘proper’ mint choc chip.. otherwise I’m really not fussed on it at all!
I’ve really enjoyed reading your progress with cycling. I don’t cycle much but love it when I do even though my MTB makes it jolly hard work. I completed a duathlon on it after Lily was born and the bike was WAAAAY tougher than either of the runs! My legs just will not spin when I get to the top of a hill… But I am going to have to man up as I’m seriously considering a (very short) Tri next year.. Maybe I’ll follow Carol’s lead and get myself a road bike… Eeeeekk!!!!
Liz recently posted…The Early Bird…
Afternoon tea is just becoming far too a regular thing for me…there are too many close by!
Ben’s been seeing a physiotherapist who has been helping him. He should be OK to run at the RR10 (finger’s crossed!)
A road bike is honestly the way forward – it is so light and fast. I’m loving mine at the moment and will definitely think about upgrading my entry level road bike to something ‘proper’ next year maybe to keep up with the cool kids 😉
Hope Ben recovers quickly. My husband is injured too, and is miserable without running, he is having to rest and should hopefully be able to start running a short distance next week. I feel guilty going out for a run and leaving him at home!
Lucy recently posted…Tri Training- My Week 3
Ahh no sorry about your husband! It’s hard when one of your is injured and the other isn’t… we try not to get bitter. But it’s hard. Wish him a speedy recover!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Visit to North Wales
How you guys had good day i think..i’m really sorry to hear about Ben’s injury, hope he recovers well. 30 day abs