So since Chicago Marathon I haven’t run.
My knee is not happy. Straight after the marathon it felt quite battered, a little swollen and very stiff. Walking was fine to an extent but I could feel my knee.
I mean this is to be expected. The week before the race I woke up with a swollen knee and it felt very off and weak. Running 26.2 miles on it is unlikely to make the situation better of course.
But now over 3.5 weeks later the swelling has gone and in general it feels fine to walk but it is still so stiff and when I bend it doesn’t feel great. Kneeling on it niggles it too.
I am really trying not to scream and shout at my body in annoyance. I’m trying not to let this get me down. Of course I’m beyond chuffed that I managed to run Chicago without issue. I didn’t have to stop. I didn’t feel any pain. I did feel limited in how fast I could run for fear of aggravating things, but I remained at a consistent pace and finished.
Believe me when I say, I am so grateful. It could have gone a lot worse. Chicago was the goal of the year and I walked away with what I wanted – the Six Star Medal.

However, I’m still annoyed that after diligently resting nothing seems to have improved over the first week post-race. I haven’t run properly at all. A couple of times I’ve run up the road when walking Alfie to test things (because most of the time my knee feels fine) but then as I’m running I can just tell something isn’t right and it starts to feel uncomfortable and I know it’ll get painful soon.
Annoyingly I can’t quite work out exactly what is wrong. At times it’s like an IT band issue annoying the outside of my knee and feeling tight in my hip. Then other times it’s most definitely the underneath/inside of my knee and achy. I wake up in the morning and it’s very stiff (I sleep on my back and my legs are generally straight most of the night).
What is going on?!
I know I’m such a broken record and it’s laughable that I was deluded enough to believe I had a strong body to avoid the regular injuries I used to encounter when all I did was run.
*Sighs* Don’t be negative, don’t be negative…
I wonder if my hamstring injury is the root to this happening. Over the past few months I’ve avoided some of my usual leg strength exercises (like lunges and squats). My legs I guess have become weaker… my hamstring injury was the other side so perhaps I overcompensated? I could wonder about this forever but it doesn’t change the fact that I cannot run and I don’t seem to be getting better.
I’m seeing my physio tonight and hoping to have some answers. Fingers crossed.
How’s your running going?
Let’s hope there’s nothing permanent when you see the physio. I hate it when I get an injury. I feel like I’m forced to watch my progress melt away while I stand by helplessly. I’m always caught between whether or not a slight pain is my body’s way of trying to convince me to stop or if it is an actual injury that I need to be aware of. Sometimes I get this clicking sensation in my knee for the first few minutes of my run, but it disappears within the first 15 minutes.
Saguren Redyrs recently posted…Benefits of eating pork
Hope the physio was able to work some magic, or at least give some good advice. Lots of rest will hopefully do the trick
Rebecca recently posted…Week 1 of Liift 4 Complete
I hope you find out what the issue is soon.
At least like you say you got to the end of the marathon and had a great experience- just gaze at your six star medal!
Really hope you find out what’s wrong.
Well done for doing Chicago though and being grateful for what you *did* do, rather than can’t do right not. Still, would love to hear you better and smashing 2020 soon…
I feel (quite literally at the moment) your knee pain. Did you get any answers from the physio?Fingers crossed it’s something fixable and you’ll be back up and running again soon.
I knelt down yesterday as I was cleaning out my fridge. My knee definitely didn’t like the extra pressure I put on it as it was niggling away last night. This was after I walked home from a failed training run yesterday.
Stupid knees! xx
Emma recently posted…Couch to Half Marathon training Week 10
I’m sorry to hear this. Hopefully you get a resolution soon. But in the meantime, you just ran Chicago and were able to have that amazing experience. Some down time might be good!