This weekend didn’t fully go as I’d planned but it was still a good one. As is standard for running and me, after doing those ridiculous runs straight after the marathon (the seven miles, then the nine miles off-road in Swindon) my ankle had become slightly swollen and very stiff.
If I’m entirely honest, I felt it start to faintly niggle on the first run… then I continued to run the 3ish miles in Bristol, then the off-road run in Swindon. I mean I really only have myself to blame. Especially straight after the marathon. My body, so delicate and sensitive, was clearly still getting over the marathon and though I felt fine didn’t appreciate jumping back into the mileage so quickly. WHY DON’T I LEARN? WHY DON’T I EVER LEARN??
I tried running on Thursday evening but it just wasn’t happy. It wasn’t painful but just very uncomfortable and stiff. So I stopped – I had nothing to gain to keep going. Finally being sensible! But too little too late. This meant my weekend of running, of which I had parkrun planned and a long run with a friend, was cancelled. Humph.
I still went down to Netley though to volunteer and see everyone as I hadn’t been for ages. It was nice to chat about the marathon and to see the usual crew.It was annoying not to be able to run but I enjoyed cheering everyone on and then being the funnel manager. I’ve never done the funnel manager job before (basically you stand there ensuring that people don’t overtake each other within the funnel so everyone gets their right barcode. You check with the timekeepers and the people handing out the barcode every now and again to make sure the numbers are corresponding). To be honest it’s quite a boring job.
And as more and more people started finishing, cakes started appearing as quite a few people had their milestones that day. I watched with envy as the tins were passed around but I couldn’t leave my post… The run director who saw me looking longingly over took pity on me and said I could go and grab some quickly (he himself had a stack of three so he could hardly stop me if I’m honest ;-))
In the end I had FIVE different bits of cake: half a chocolate cookie, a chocolate brownie bite, a delicious chocolate traybake thing, a chocolate crispy thing and, for a change, a lemon shortbread. I felt quite sick as it started to settle! The run director declare me volunteer of the week for this feat, teehee.
Then I had a tiny bit of bread pudding in the cafe that was going spare. Look, I can’t be trusted around so many different cake options!! I have no self-control.
I’d planned on having breakfast after parkrun and heading to the gym but in the end I obvious didn’t need breakfast and just headed straight there (I was in my gym gear already).Trying to get as much wear out of the t-shirt as possible 😉 Not that anyone at the gym cares at all! I did about 30 minutes on the elliptical machine and then some upper body strength work, such as lateral pull-downs, cable face pulls, lateral raises and rows. I felt very well fuelled!
Later I went to my friends’ house for dinner and a movie night, which was great. They made slow-cooked pulled pork with potato wedges and I brought salad. They’re trying to lose weight (they’ve both done so well so far!) using SlimmingWorld so everything was really healthy and tasty.We attempted to watch a film but in the end we were chatting through it so just gave up and chilled. It was a nice easy evening catching up with good friends. They’re also going to help me host my Divorce Party. Yes, that’s actually going to happen 😀 I’m officially divorced and I think that deserves a bit of cake and a knees-up.
Sunday I was meant to go for a long run with a friend… but this obviously wasn’t the wisest idea. I saw my sports massage friend, Kyle, the day before and he’d loosened things up for me and had done a bit of acupuncture to it so it did feel better but I was advised to give it a day or two.
So after a lazy lie-in I headed to the gym again. I did an hour on the elliptical machine this time, and it felt good to get a sweat on. You might be wondering why I bothered now that I’ve done the marathon…but I have a potential goal coming up and as long as my niggle disappears and I remain uninjured I think I can manage it. But we’ll see. More on that another time.
After that I did some leg strength work, such as goblet squats with a pulse (these BURN), some high rep/low weight Romanian deadlifts (for muscle endurance), some cable glute kickbacks and randomly worked on my bench press. I’m feeling really good about my strength increases in this area. I remember a time when I could barely manage any weight.
Though I didn’t get to run it was a nice chilled weekend where I could catch up with life admin and housework, having spent the last few weekends all about the place. So not a complete loss!
What’s your favourite position to volunteer at parkrun?
What do you do to cross-train when you can’t run?
What did you get up to this weekend?
Sometimes you just need to lay back and take things easy for a while before kick-starting an awesome new weekend! Am I right?? 😀 You’re really an inspiration, please keep going!
Wish you a good start of the week 😉
Dorothy@ Fitness recently posted…The Benefits of Roller Skating for Kids
Very true. Resting does make later running sooo much better.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Unpopular opinions #2 and more things I’m loving
Oh to live and learn. I’m 37 and I’m still doing silly stuff and learning from it. Sorry to hear about your ankle and I hope it feels better soon. We had a lovely dog walk in Druridge Bay yesterday and I watched the Rugby on Saturday night. I’ve scanned at parkrun before, very stressful! I prefer to be dotted around elsewhere and offer some clapping and words of encouragement.
Paul recently posted…Looking At Labels
The dog walk sounds lovely 🙂
Doing the timer at parkrun is very stressful as well!!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Unpopular opinions #2 and more things I’m loving
Sometimes you just need a bit of a break- I was surprised just how tired I was after doing a half marathon the other week, so a marathon, plus the jet lag, and the holiday a bit before that- you’ve had a busy time.
The divorce party sounds like a good idea- it’s a life event after all.
All that cake sounds very good indeed! Although the funnel managing doesn’t sound so good- both my parkruns are not big enough to have one I don’t think (I’ve not noticed it anyway). I love being a marshal if I am not running, as it’s fun to cheer everyone on. Surprisingly I like the new runners briefing too- I’m not one for public speaking but it’s great to cheer on new people, and to find out where the tourists have come from. Tail runner is good if you fancy a walk and potentially a chat, or just enjoying the scenery and taking photos. I think token sorting is my least favourite, and being the timer was too stressful!
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Spring means less porridge
Yeah I’ve never really heard of funnel manager either. To be honest, we didn’t really need it!
Yes timer is horrific. So stressful and awful if you get it wrong.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Unpopular opinions #2 and more things I’m loving
I hope you feel better soon Anna. I bet that pulled pork cheered you up though, it looks amazing! I’ve never actually completed a parkrun yet. I’m up to two miles so hopefully I’ll pluck up the courage and attempt one soon.
Definitely give parkrun a go! It’s the best place to be encouraged and supported 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Unpopular opinions #2 and more things I’m loving
There’s a lot to be said for playing catchup and getting your life in order. I did a lot of cleaning this past weekend which needed to happy. Sorry that you weren’t able to run – that stinks. I hope this isn’t anything major and that it just goes away.
Elizabeth C. recently posted…Recovery Reflections
It’s already feeling a lot better so thankfully just a small niggle.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Unpopular opinions #2 and more things I’m loving
I do the same thing with my body girlie – I totally feel you! Time and time again I push, push, push and then am left wondering why my body is run down and hurting. I’m glad that you listened to what your body was telling you this past weekend and took some time off to rest. I know you’ll be back to running in no time! Plus, now you have more time to lift 😉
kat recently posted…Brussels Sprouts & Quinoa Breakfast Skillet
We just don’t know when to stop do we?? We suck at rest 😉
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Unpopular opinions #2 and more things I’m loving
My favourite volunteer position is barcode scanning. I love that little 30 second chat with people as I scan their barcodes. It’s amazing how much chat I can fit in to that time!
I’ve never scanned barcodes but I can imagine it being quite a satisfying and fun job.