Last long run and dating frustrations

This was my last weekend before the Chester Marathon. I had one last long run to do and decided on 12 miles, an arbitrary number based on the fact that I had a good route for 12 miles.

I would have done it on Sunday morning but I was going to be marshalling fairly early at a local race so I decided to do it Saturday…But this also meant a very early morning and sadly not being able to do parkrun as my dad and me were heading to the O2 at 9am. We had gotten tickets to Empire Live, which is an event done by the Empire film review magazine. I’m a huge fan of their podcast and we had tickets to watch the it being recorded live. We also had tickets (it came as a package) to see some old and new films at the cinema there but the timings didn’t work out (we’d have had to have left super early or stayed there later than we fancied) and really we were only interested in the podcast, having a nice meal and a wander around.

Anyway, so Saturday morning saw me up again at 5.45am to be running by 6.30am. I felt very tired in general and like I should be in bed during the first mile but then I woke up a bit and got going (basically woman’ed-up). I saw a gorgeous sunrise over a farmer’s field that was growing pumpkins and it really was a beautiful sight. I wished I’d have taken a photo but I couldn’t be bothered with the faff. A bit later on though I did decide to snap a photo as I was a bit more compos mentos…img_5306The run seemed to fly by quite quickly. The temperature was lovely and cool and only started slightly warming towards the end. I did have a near miss moment with a squirrel that I almost ran over. I don’t know who was more shocked, the squirrel or me! He (she?) lept out of the bushes and in a comedy-esque moment stopped dead-still wide-eyes when he (she?) saw me. Then ran away.


And my last long run was done! Woohoo! It’s funny because this twelve mile run was exactly the same as one of the first long runs I did when I started this marathon training. I did that run in an average pace of 8.20min/mile and for this run I did it in 8min/miles. Good progress I think!img_5329Then I got showered super fast and we were on the road to London. I decided to just have two apples for breakfast en route as I wasn’t that hungry to have anything bigger straight away and we were having a big early lunch as soon as we got there that I didn’t want to spoil.o2I’ve never been to the O2 before so it was quite cool seeing it – it’s huge! We’d booked a table at a Brazilian restaurant called Rodizio Rico which was fantastic.rodico-o2It was the usual Brazilian-style cuisine with a huge salad bar and the waiters offering different meats on skewers. I was in heaven. I was so proud of my dad who was very restrained and careful about his choices (he’s trying to lose weight). In fact, I think we were both quite good. I ate a lot but not so much that I felt uncomfortable (like I do so often!). It was very tasty but it did start to get really busy as a Marvel event finished and about 20 families with little children came in. Our cue to exit fast 😉img_5341The live podcast was fantastic and really showed how good the guys who run it are as they’re exactly the same on and off mic. They’re so charismatic and knowledgeable about films. There were two guests interviewed as well, Tom Bennett (from Love & Friendship and the Ricky Gervais film) and Mike Colter (he’s in the new Luke Cage series – I didn’t really know who he was but he was a really nice guy and built like a house). It was a really fun thing to watch. We then had a mosey about and a (free!) drink in the Empire Hub (which was like the main congregating area) and then we headed home.

The next morning I was up at 7am to help marshal the Perform 5 race, which is very local to me and is helped run by my club. I took Alfie with me and we walked to the cricket stadium, the Ageas Bowl, which is just up the road and we collected our bibs, signs and instructions.img_5348My instructions were so confusing about which side of the road needed to be closed and for how long. It was really quite stressful. I would have to stop traffic but it wasn’t clear from which way! I was so worried about telling cars to stop but not knowing if I actually should be telling them to stop. In the end another marshal came and joined me on my spot to help out as no one could work out what the instructions meant.img_5354

We worked it out thankfully after coordinating with the marshals up and down the road and could relax a bit until the race actually began. We were around 4ish miles so it would be a while until the first runners got to us. We were right next to Burger King so we used their facilities and bought some coffee 😉

img_5359The lovely Louise and me

I think our position is now a coveted one due to how convenient it’s location is 😉 As the runners started passing through I really got into cheering them on. I started yelling silly things like “Pain is temporary! Glory is forever!” and “the incline is a figment of your imagination!” and got a few laughs and wry smiles. I really enjoyed myself. Alfie even got a few quick strokes.

After my marshalling duties I then headed out for my own run. Four miles round the block. It was windy but lovely and sunny. The run started fairly sluggishly but then I got faster as I went on. The route was a new one to me and nice because it was literally two miles away from home then swinging back for two miles home again so it felt quite satisfying.4-miles




I then got showered super quickly and made some lunch. I had a date planned (met through Internet dating, God help me) for a coffee in Winchester at 2pm so I needed to have an early lunch. I’d luckily had an early breakfast so this worked out nicely…Until the prospective date cancelled at the last minute saying his mum wasn’t well and her partner had asked him to look after her at the last minute as he wasn’t there. I’d practically given myself indigestion trying to eat as quickly as I could to make the time. *Sighs* I’d washed my hair, put a nice outfit on and made some actual effort…for it to be wasted. Oh well! I went shopping with my mum instead. Hey hum.

Do you do any marshalling at races?

Have you been to the O2 before?

Have you ever had a date cancel on you?

12 Replies to “Last long run and dating frustrations”

  1. Sounds like a darn good weekend of running Anna – those mileage splits are impressive!
    I met my current partner via Internet dating, but it does have it’s ‘moments’ and at times the situation is genuine but it’s still extremely annoying. Mainly, because you don’t yet know that person and it’s very easy to create a charming persona…No harm in trying to meet up again?
    Did anything come of the attractive chap in your spin class who always had a companion with him? I’m sure you mentioned him on Twitter a few weeks back..

  2. Nice work with the long run!
    The O2 sounds fun- I have been there a couple of times for a wander when I have been in that part of London (and went when it was the actual dome). Seeing a podcast live is always good.
    And the marshalling sounds so much fun- I have only marshalled a couple of races, but I do love marshalling at parkrun- cheering everyone on is good fun.
    I’ve not had dates cancelled, but I have had friends cancel which was annoying- two of them were going to come over as they wanted to see our new house (and had already cancelled once after a brunch outing)- I was decorating with my dad in the morning and said we would hopefully finish around 2, but I would message them. We finished on time (in fact I left one coat of gloss for the next day), I messaged them, started to make a cake and quickly eat lunch (they were around 30 mins away) and then they decided that they could not be bothered because their kids would need food at 5 or something. But by then I had rushed lunch and could not un-mix the cake…. It was annoying.
    Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…When I realise that I need to plan my runs out…My Profile

  3. I can’t remember that I’ve had a date cancel (although I do remember failing to ever meet up with someone from some website…). I did have a really successful date, only for him to get frozen feet the next morning while I was on my way into work. Dumped by text before I’d even started going out with someone. Whinged at a colleague. Married my colleague 3 years later!

    I’m marshalling on Friday lunchtime for our club 5K thing. I can’t get there in the lunchhour to run it, but because we get time off for volunteering…I’ve booked that to use as traveling time.
    Jane recently posted…Tallinn Half MarathonMy Profile

  4. I’ve marshalled at the Sheffield Half Marathon before which really gave me the bug for volunteering at parkrun every week. It was great but also very scary as even though it was May it was a very hot day and people were collapsing. I’ve put my name down to marshal at the Gosport Half in November but am a little worried about having to stop traffic leaving the car parks at Lee!
    Rebecca recently posted…September RoundupMy Profile

  5. It was really inspiring how you did it, and frustrations becomes a success in your part. Thanks for sharing your great story here. Hopefully, I can run anytime soon also. I got really excited and inspired because of your post.

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