Hi guys. Thanks for your reassuring comments regarding my latest confessions. I don’t feel so alien and crazy now
This week at work has been a ‘thrown in the at the deep end’ kinda week. We’ve got a new project going on so suddenly there are a hundred pages of documentation to get my head around and understand.
Fun, fun! But I do love my job and the people I work with are great. Working with a bunch of software developers is always quite relaxed and jovial.
Enough shop talk. Today is Wednesday so, as always, it’s WIAW. Thank you, Jenn, as always for hosting! This is yesterday’s eats.

As always, nothing exciting for breakfast, just my usual oats and almond milk cooked in the microwave until a beautifully stodgy consistency.
This filled me up perfectly. Nothing added, just pure oats and milk. I am an oatmeal purist and not ashamed!
Lunch time I took my usual salad to work and copious snacks.
So for actual lunch I had my usual tuna salad with lots of random veg and salad bits (tomatoes, leaves, carrot chunks, peas, beets – just anything really).
Eaten at my desk while reading blogs. I know should go out and have a walk and get some fresh air but I also love this time to enjoy my lunch while reading some good old blogs. I followed that with a Babybel…
…and a big dollop of Soya yogurt over a fruit salad [took this photo in the morning – I use frozen fruit so it’s defrosted by lunch].
I love Soya yogurts, so creamy and vanilla-ry. As you can see, I’m loving my Alpro products at the moment!
Then a bit later I snacked on some carrots that I had peeled and chopped.
A bit of an embarrassing snack considering they crunch so much in the office…oh well!
I had two black coffees, peppermint tea and lots of water with squash in my funky glass during the day.
Then I had an apple and a banana about 4pm when the munchies set in [old picture sorry – it’s embarrassing enough sneakily taking photos of lunch but snacks are quite tricky!].
And then home-time an hour or so later and dinner – my favourite meal of the day as it’s the one meal Ben and I eat together. It’s lovely because he’s usually in before me and has walked Alfie and then while I cook dinner he sits and chats with me about his day and my day and it’s just a nice catch-up time. I made a salad with chicken fried in balsamic vinegar, with mozzarella dusted with basil and had roasted vegetables also in balsamic vinegar (addicted to that stuff).
Delicious and very easy! I’ve basically been eating a lot of these style meals. You know I love my salads and adding balsamic roasted veg just rocks my world.
This was Monday’s dinner: grilled halloumi and salad with roasted veg.
Other than that I’ve been snacking on lots of chocolate…
These are chocolates from Bruges which I’ve kept in the fridge…oh so good!
And I made some banana bread at the weekend.
What’s life without a few treats?
This morning I went on a 5 mile tempo run (as part of my training plan). I find 5 miles (dare I say it?) an easy distance.
It’s not too short, and not too long. I have a great route I always do and the time flies by. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still tough (especially the tempo run) and at times during the run I want to give up and go home (usually within the first 5 minutes), but there’s always those good moments throughout where the ‘power of the run’ feels damn good. Especially afterwards when you’re finished running
And I’d though I’d share with you my post-run picture and then my post-shower ready-for-work picture. As you can see, still dark outside before and after. Oh the joys of winter! And behind is the rowing machine that never gets used… (*whispers* I told you so, Ben!!)
My running is going good – honestly, having such a rigid goal works wonders for motivation. And it’s quite nice to not just run the same all the time in terms of distance and speed. Finger’s crossed it remains as good!
And that’s me! Have a great Wednesday
Are you back fully into the swing of work/education after the break?
What’s your favourite meal of the day and why?
Love both your running & work outfits! You are adorable Anna!
Aww thanks 🙂
The idea of putting frozen fruit with the yogurt to defrost during the day is genius! Perfect snack for work!
It’s good having a bunch of fruit in the freezer as there’s no rush to use it up and it stays lovely and cold at lunch 🙂
Banana bread! I need to make a new loaf this weekend!!! Alpro Soya….a dietary staple if you ask me 🙂
I need to branch out and make different breads though as I always make banana bread. I might have a nosey at some of your recipes 🙂
Lol 😉 we had a rowing machine that never got used as well! What is it with men eh? I made him give ours away as it was taking up way too much space!
Haha I know and I just knew it would happen. Luckily it didn’t cost a fortune but seriously it’s such an eye sore now…
Nice work on the run in the morning- it is super tough getting up at the moment and I am a morning person for most of the year!
Balsamic roasted veggies are lovely 🙂
Urgh I know what you mean, it’s a good job I have to walk our dog before running in the morning because I’d be running half asleep otherwise!
Hahaha I’m LOLing about the rowing machine 😉 I totally understand your frustration!! And I also agree about snacking on carrots at work; they are so noisy!! I always wonder if people can hear me and if I’m annoying them. Oh well!
Yeah I try to chew the carrots really slowly and quietly but I think that just makes it worse and then people wonder why I’m eating carrots in a weird way haha.
I am definitely back in the swing of work now that everything is back to normal again. I missed my routine!
It’s nice having time off, but it’s nice having a proper routine and timetable for the day. I definitely like being structured!
Simply adore all of these steam showers
Was in actual fact shopping for just an ordinary shower enclosures before I stubled onto this web site,
did not have any idea there were such a thing as a ‘steam shower enclosure’, really,
may very well just may have to have one
Read the information on this site lots, hoping to take the plunge in
the near future and buy a steam shower cabin, very likely immediately
after the holiday break