Well, doesn’t Christmas just zoom by? It’s sad how quickly it’s flies by. But I had such a lovely time! I feel so much better than I did thankfully. I still have a cough but my body no longer hates me!
Christmas morning I woke up early, got my running stuff on and went for a run. Hurrah! It had been far too long. And it definitely felt that way – it was really tough, like I hadn’t been running for months! How depressing. Also Christmas day was absolutely tipping it down so I only ran 2 miles – and definitely not a fast 2 miles! I started to get worried I was going to make myself ill again because I was soaked through. Luckily though I was fine.
Then I had a steaming hot shower and got dressed ready to face the day! Because I am quite boring and predictable, I just had my usual porridge for breakfast (sorry re-used photo).
The only sad thing is that I haven’t been eating my usual amount as I my stomach isn’t quite back to normal yet in terms of quantity food in the morning. So I had a smaller bowl, which I guess is a good thing considering there would be a lot of food later!
Then Ben’s mum came over to spend the day and my parents dropped by to give us some gifts. I got some brilliant presents. From my parents:
I am so pleased about the waffle maker!! I can’t wait to make some yummy fluffy waffles. And the Game of Thrones book is amazing. So many beautiful photos and behind the scenes information from the series. I am 75% of the way through the fifth book. It is EPIC. I need to read something lighter afterwards I think, it’s quite intense.
Then when my parents left I got into the kitchen and got things going. I put the two turkey joints that we were having in the oven, peeled carrots, washed parsnips, prepared the stuffing…and then when everything was in the oven I prepared our starter. I didn’t take a photo but we had little bite-sized cream cheeses wrapped in smoked salmon.
Because I had a fair amount to do I bought them ready made – don’t kill me!
Then the main event. My favourite meal of the year. I was so worried when I was ill that wouldn’t fancy it or have an appetite for it, but there was no issue hehe.
Absolute heaven! I roasted the parsnips and carrots in a little oil, salt and pepper and a tiny bit of treacle to make them sticky. Devine!
Because we were all stuffed and Alfie was antsy, it seemed liked a perfect time for a post-Christmas meal walk! OK, maybe I was the only one excited about this. I just love being nosey and seeing through people’s windows and what they’re up to [OK, to clarify, I don’t actually go up to the windows and peer through like a stalker!!].
Ben wasn’t too keen on leaving his new Xbox games for a walk, but what can I say? We’re married and he is scared of loves his wife.
Then we came back and had some pudding. I had my standard apples as I’m not a fan of Christmas pudding. Listen to this, Ben had brandy butter, brandy cream and Courvoisier cream with his. He said he felt quite sick afterwards haha.
However, later I did treat myself to my most favourite cake in the world.
Christmas cake!! And a corner piece of course (most icing and marzipan! Ben and I fight over these pieces).
It’s soo rich and delicious. That was supper!
Throughout the day we opened presents of course. I got some amazing gifts. Lots of running gear from Ben’s mum which I’m so pleased about as I never buy running stuff and it’s nice to have some brand new clothes!
I got a beautiful necklace stand, a couple of scarves and necklaces, some Next vouchers (amazing), DVDs and Jamie Oliver’s new cook book…and more!
I really am very lucky and very grateful. One of the best presents? ONESIES!!!
And then we played some cards and just chilled. It was perfect! Time well spent with the family.
Oh and Alfie for a few presents too
Boxing day was a bit more mad. I had invited everyone over to ours for a Boxing Day buffet. I had set myself the task of making lots of bits and pieces for people to eat. So I spent the morning cooking and preparing for everyone (Ben’s mum, my parents, my granddad, my sister, brother-in-law, niece and obviously Ben & Ben’s dad who were already over).
I made hummus, tomato salsa, smoked mackerel pate, chopped some veg for crudités, sticky chicken bites, broad bean and courgette salad, normal salad, garlic bread, prawns with lemon mayo dip, and then some bits we bought like ham and sausage rolls. Ben was Mr Drinks when everyone arrived – which he does so well, bless him. So attentive! I just ran around like a headless chicken getting food together.
Nick, my brother-in-law, kindly made his very tasty pulled pork as well!
I was starving by the time we began eating. I guess cooking for like 5 hours does that to you!!
And obviously there was pudding. My parents brought over several things, bless them.
We obviously had the Christmas cake to share and I had made stollen on Christmas eve (the right photo).
And then we watched Ellie, my niece, open all her presents from my parents, Ben and I.
And obviously brought out the big kid in us all…
It was madness with so many people in our tiny house but it was such a lovely day. And I think everyone liked the food, which was such a relief as I was so worried.
And then after everyone had left, we washed up and hoovered, and then flopped on the couch.
Shattered! But a brilliant couple of days. And now we’re living off leftovers – which I personally think is the best thing ever.
How was your Christmas?
What did you eat?
Did you have a fun family-filled time?
What a lovely Christmas! Glad you enjoyed yourself, it’s definitely a time of year to be with all the family 🙂
Thanks, yeah it really is a lovely time. Everyone is so happy and in high spirits!
I can’t believe how fast this week has flown by!!! 🙁 I have to head back home tomorrow. It’s sad! But I hope you had a great holiday 🙂
Aww it does go so quickly, doesn’t it? Hope you had a good one too!
Christmas really did go by too fast! It looks like yours was great. You have a beautiful family 🙂
Thank you, that’s very sweet!
Looks like you did an amazing job cooking for your family! I know the feeling, I always worry too much about entertaining, etc. and hope and pray that everyone likes everything. It can be stressful, but worth it! And watching little kids open Christmas presents is the best…I ended up putting together quite a few toys for my niece and nephew. It was fun!
Aww that sounds lovely with your niece and nephew. It is great seeing Christmas in their eyes, the magic kind of reappears again!
That sounds perfect 🙂 I love the idea of a Christmas morning run, but don’t usually because doing my hair nice takes so long after! That stollen looks amazing 🙂
Yeah my hair takes a fair bit but I got up early and had a bit of time before Ben’s mum came over. That is the problem with running and being a girl I guess!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas!! So glad you are feeling better and were able to get in your run 🙂 I’ve also been dying to read GOT but I love the TV series so much (and books are always better than TV anyway) so I might wait until it’s not on TV anymore. I can’t decide! Ah! lol
Thanks. Oh I totally recommend GOT. It’s so good. It’s fairly epic though – I’ve been reading it for like half a year! The books are huge. But really well written.