Well, my post for today was going to be very different from this one! It was going to be my standard WIAW post, but something a bit out of the ordinary happened.
Yesterday (Tuesday morning) I woke up, got up out of bed and headed to the other bathroom (which is just down the hall) while Ben was just finishing his shower in the en suite. The next thing I know I’m lying in a heap at the top of the stairs and Ben is shouting at me to wake up. I’d collapsed and fallen (part-way, thankfully) down the stairs! [Before I go on, I am fine and this story has a happy ending]
You can see the knock in the wall where I hit my head. Apparently I was lying face up and out cold. Ben had heard a bang and rushed out of the bathroom to find me in a bit of a crumpled heap. I woke up very confused and very dizzy, my vision all starry and feeling extremely sick. Ben called an ambulance and I went and sat on the bed. They were round in minutes – I am so impressed.
I’ve never fainted or been unconscious before. And I’ve never had an ambulance called for me before (thank goodness). It was all very dramatic!
The paramedics were amazing – I am so thankful for how quickly they got round and helped me. Because I had pain in my back, they got me onto a stretcher and took me downstairs to the ambulance. [I bet my neighbours loved this]. Then I had an ECG to check my heart, which was thankfully fine, and my blood pressure. My blood pressure is normally quite low but apparently it was very low.
Then we dashed off to hospital. At this point, Ben had rung my parents and my dad was on the way (my mum was already at work – she’s a nurse incidentally, but at a different hospital). And then the waiting game ensued. I’m honestly so grateful for all the hard work doctors and nurses and other hospital staff do, but honestly, the waiting does suck.
We soon found that essentially, I was OK. My back was just a bit sore, no x-ray needed, and I wasn’t critically ill. Whew. But they wanted to run some tests and ‘run some fluid through me’ to give me a bit of an MOT…their words not mine haha.
[Yep I am still in PJs!]
As you can see, by this point the panic was over and we were just waiting around to find out what had caused me to faint. Ben and my dad were playing on their Iphone games and I was just feeling a bit queasy from the concussion.
I was a bit excited by the fact that I had a drip. I asked the nurse if it was full of a magical powerhouse of ingredients to make me feel better. Nope, just saline solution. Clearly I don’t watch enough ER or Grey’s Anatomy.
[You can see my boredom from the random photos I was taking…]
In the end, the doctor concluded that I had simply woken up dehydrated and stood up too quickly and due to my low blood pressure, fainted and unfortunately fell down the stairs and hit my head. So essentially, I’m fine. If not a little on the pathetically weak side. To be honest, I think the wall got the raw end of the deal.
There’s a fun job for Ben at some point
On to less dramatic but more fun things…food!
I won’t do much of a meal recap as I’ve blathered on a bit long already. So my WIAW post will be a bit disappointing on the food side I’m afraid.
On Monday night I finally made a recipe that I’ve had earmarked for ages ever since seeing it on Chelsey’s blog.
I made chicken pot pie calzones (originally based on THIS recipe). I followed the recipe pretty much exactly but left out the celery. I made the pizza dough using a simple recipe I had to hand but unfortunately ran out of normal flour and had to use half chickpea flour which incidentally worked very well.
I might have also been a bit greedy on the filling side and had to have a spill-over into some ramekins.
But it was very good none-the-less!
Snacks have obviously included a lot of this…
And a little of this…
Delicious frozen fruit. It’s nice to have frozen fruit for a change as I don’t tend to gobble it up quite as quickly.
Apologies for the abnormal WIAW, but I didn’t want to miss out completely! I’m feeling much better now, if not a little stiff. Obviously I haven’t been running!
Have you ever been to hospital? I hope for nothing serious!
What’s your favourite calzone flavour? I’ve never had calzone before but this was a great introduction.
What Easter egg(s) did you get this year? Normally I have a milk egg but I’ve been loving dark chocolate lately so this was a wonderful change.
Anna, I am so glad you are okay. You sure did a number on your wall, Ha Ha!
Thanks, I know…bless Ben, he’s getting all excited about doing some DIY this weekend to fix it.
That calzone looks fabulous!! I should definitely try making a vegetarian version :).
Yeah I’m sure there are so many flavours you could do that are non-meat and would be just as tasty and filling I’m sure.
oh my god! that’s so freaky! Thank god you’re ok!
It was all very strange and exciting! But thankfully I’m absolutely fine now.
I’m so glad you’re ok! Love all the random pics you took 🙂
Thanks, haha well there was nothing else to do hehe.
Oooh that could have been nasty! I’m so glad that you are ok!
Yeah thankfully nothing too serious, just a bit crazy!
Oh my goodness. That sounds awful. I hope you’re OK. Sending you lots of cuddles. xxx ps that calzone looks amazing.
Aww thanks Nikki! 🙂
Wow I’m so glad you’re ok!! That sounds really scary! Especially judging by the size of that dent in the wall- whew!! That definitely would have spooked me. I’m so glad you tried the chicken pot pie calzones!! What did Ben think of them?? I loved them and will definitely be adding them to my rotation 🙂
I know! The dent is a bit scary but honestly, apart from a bad headache and a bit of a bump I wasn’t in that much pain. Crazy.
Omg, the calzones were amazing. Ben really enjoyed it. I think he wants me to experiment further to make a really cheesey one haha.
Oh my word I am so glad you are ok, that is scary! The Calzone looks amazing 🙂 Hope you are ok today!
Hehe thanks, yeah I’m perfectly fine now if a little bruised!
I can definitely reccommend the calzone. Really nice change!
I’m really sorry, but I laughed when I saw the damage that your head did to that wall. That’s crazy! 🙂
But, I’m glad you are a-okay too 😉 Did they offer you any suggestions for preventing this from happening again? Like having a glass of water on your bedside to drink before you get up in the morning?
I’m not offended don’t worry, it is quite funny!
Yeah they said that I need to ‘get up slower’ when I’ve been laying or sitting down, and, like you said, drink some water in the morning before getting up.
So glad you are okay! That is definitely scary!!!
It was a bit out of the ordinary!
Oh dear, poor you- glad you are OK in the end!
Those sticky things are horrible for the ECG- when I was in hospital last year (well, end of 2011) one day my heart was just racing and so I had one of those but I think in the end I was dehydrated and the magic drip sorted it out. But some of the stickers took ages to come off.
Oh wow, glad you had nothing serious either! Yeah those stickers are damn painful and left annoying marks on me. Ahh well, all for a good cause I suppose hehe.
Bless you can’t believe you hit that wall so hard 🙁
So glad you’re ok, Ben and your parents must have been so worried, not good! x
I know, I’m glad I wasn’t aware of hitting it to be honest as I’m sure it would have hurt. Though I had a pretty horrendous headache for a few days.
Sorry I’m late reading this, I’ve fainted a few times but not in awhile, and I know how awful it can be! I’m glad that you are essentially Ok though!