Hello! And to all my fellow Brits, I hope you’re experiencing the lovely sunshine like we are here in the South. Though it’s still fairly crisp and chilly, it’s just lovely to have those rays! However, does anyone else experience static hair in the cold? I’m a girl with quite a bit of hair and seriously, it’s not cool. All I have to do is touch it and it goes crazy. Any advice is much appreciated!
Speaking of hair, I finally got my hair cut over the weekend. After 5 months!! Here’s my before photo:
And my after photo:
Yep a huge amount of difference. Not. Hence why I don’t go for ages…[Also, can I just say that I am rubbish at taking photos of my self in the mirror. Seriously, there is an art to this and I have not mastered it. I feel like a right idiot smiling at myself…]
So it’s WIAW once again, how the time is flying!

Check out Jenn’s blog for more information and food envy.
Let’s get going. These are my eats from Sunday.
Breakfast: Since getting back from skiing, I have been having my good old fashioned oatmeal every single morning. Ahh bliss. No scary looking Bulgarian meats for me!
I’ve been browsing online and found some great looking savoury oat dinners as well that I really want to try. Ones that really appealed to me:
Gluten-Free Savoury Porridge with Bacon, Cheddar, Fresh Tomatoes, and Chives
I’d never thought of savoury oatmeal! Amazing. Watch this space…
Lunch: Lunch on Saturday was a random concoction. I was going to have an egg scramble with tuna (a very standard meal for me) but I couldn’t be bothered to open a tin of tuna (yep, I was that lazy). So I added a heaped tablespoon of Philadelphia cream cheese to my three eggs instead. And I also added chopped onion, mushrooms, tomatoes and zucchini.
With a small serving of broad beans The added cream cheese made the eggs so creamy. Really enjoyed this. Afterwards I had half a small melon (no photo sorry).
Throughout the day I enjoyed black coffee and my current favourite herbal tea:
For dinner I wanted to make curry but I couldn’t make my mind up what kind. I had coconut milk that I wanted to use but I also had some dried apricots I wanted to add…so I just kind of threw it all together.
I vaguely based it on THIS recipe.
Fruity Coconut Curry (serves 2)
- 1 tbs oil
- 1 garlic clove, diced
- 1/2 inch fresh ginger, diced
- 1 white onion, diced
- 1 small carrot, cut into small chunks
- 3-4 small mushrooms, sliced
- Quarter of a zucchini, sliced
- 2 chicken breasts, cut into small chunks
- 1/4 can of coconut milk (light or normal)
- Generous tbs. yogurt
- 150ml hot chicken stock
- 1 tbs. tomato ketchup
- 1 tbs. curry powder
- 1 tsp. garam masala
- 1 tsp. chilli powder
- Sprinkling of dried/fresh coriander
– Fry oil for one minute, then fry onions until golden, add garlic and ginger, fry for another minute or so.
– Add vegetables and chicken and cook until chicken is almost cooked.
– Then add coconut, ketchup, yogurt and the spices.
– Once all is cooked and hot, add coriander and then serve.
Really easy, really yummy. I didn’t have any mango chutney so I substituted with tomato ketchup as I wanted the sweetness and the tomato flavour as I also didn’t have any tomato puree. I added the yogurt to add a bit more creaminess.
We’ve also been enjoying balsamic chicken, tomato and mozzarella salads:
Yum! We ran out of basil which was hugely disappointing as you can’t beat basil with tomato and mozzarella. This was with salad and roasted vegetables.
And Monday night, while Ben was eating leftovers from the party on Saturday (sausage rolls, garlic bread, cocktail sausages and tomato mozzarella bites…*sighs*) I decided to try a recipe I’d seen on Chelsea’s blog that I knew Ben would never want.
Sweet potato cooked in the oven, then mixing the innards with a tablespoon of cream cheese, and mushrooms and haricot beans that I’d fried together in a bit of oil and herbs.
I slightly varied Chelsea’s recipe to fit with what I had available and this honestly rocked my evening. Really enjoyed this and will definitely be having it again!
Snacks: I have been a snacking monster this past few days. My hunger has been through the roof. I’m not sure why – maybe as I’m running more miles? Not sure! Anyway I’m still loving Lindt chocolate:
Kept in the fridge…so good. Such a satisfying noise of biting into it! We went a bit overboard on stocking up…
Seriously, people, you have got to be prepared for shortages or national crises. Chocolate is a necessity. Fact.
Fitness: So far this week is going well in terms of running. I ran a 7 mile tempo run on Monday, a 4 mile interval run on Tuesday and today’s a rest day. I’ve got a 12 mile long run planned for this weekend which I’m strangely looking forward to. I’ve gone from the girl who was really worried and nervous about long runs to the girl who really enjoys them! I guess because I just run and there’s no pressure on speed or time. And the feeling afterwards is just amazing. Like you’ve conquered the world!
Also, on a random note…my mother-in-law has kindly said to Ben and me that she will buy us a camera as our wedding present but we haven’t a clue which one to go for or anything – hence why we still don’t have the camera yet we got married last year! Any tips? We don’t really know the price range we’re looking for so I guess something that’s not really cheap, but fairly decent (but not HUGELY expensive!)
I’d love to take better photos of my meals (as one of my friends kindly directed me to an article online about how to take good food photos – haha lovely hint ). And it would be nice for when we go on holiday not to just depend on the IPhone.
Hope you have a good Wednesday
Do you have days when your just strangely really hungry?
How often do you go to the hairdressers? Am I an embarrassment to the female race??
Favourite chocolate? Cadburys? Nestle? Milka? Lindt? Hersheys?
Ha! I love your Lindt stash! Your fruity curry sounds amazing. I’ve been loving the warm spices of curries lately.
I think one of the main reasons I wanted curry is because of all your recipes you’ve been putting up! I got the craving hehe.
Fruity Curry… alright, that sounds strange but good 🙂
Hehe yep it was very good!
I had my hair cut today! I love going because I now have a hairdresser who is fantastic, whereas for years I would put it off as they always tried to give me layers (as I have thick hair) even though I always told them that layers made my hair puff up even more. I try to go in the school holidays, as it is a rush to get there after work, so that will be every 8 weeks ish, but then if we are away I leave it much longer. I love it when they wash your hair for you too 🙂
I meant to look for the Lindt with blueberries that Jemma has had on her blog, but I forgot, whoops. At the moment I am having a Montezuma’s obsession/
By the far the best thing about the hairdressers is them washing your hair. Just such a luxury. I love having someone else wash, comb and blow dry my hair as it’s such a hassle. It’s nice someone else dealing with it hehe. Every 8 weeks sounds like a good plan. I really need to go more often as otherwise I start to look a bit like a hippy haha.
Ooh I’ll have to have a look at Montezuma – never heard of it!
I also hardly ever get my haircut. It’s such a bad habit I know, but I also save a ton of money so it works haha. I’m in desperate need though, I gotta make an appointment soon. The coconut curry dish looks great, I still haven’t cooked with coconut milk! Strange I know, I better get on that.
I just never remember to go and then end up being like “woa my hair’s a little bit too long now..whoops”. Coconut milk is so good in curries and soups. Really nice flavour and creaminess.
Oh yum. Double-stuffed sweet potatoes!
Hmm.. I tried savoury oats awhile ago and they just weren’t my cup of tea. If I were to try them again though, I would definitely make that savoury porridge with bacon.
I’m not sure how savoury porridge will go to be honest. I don’t usually have sweet porridge in the morning so I’m hoping the leap won’t be too great haha.
I definitely have hunger monster days, recently it was protein I was craving so I sat and ate a load of chocolate protein puddings it was bizzare! I have heard of savoury porridge but always been too scared to go there!
Haha yeah I’m going to attempt the savoury porridge for dinner tonight…hopefully it won’t be a disaster!
I’m so glad you liked the sweet potato!!! 😀 What a nice little surprise to see the link on your post today! It’s funny that Ben wasn’t interested in the sweet potato because Fabio wasn’t either LOL. Those boys…
When I saw it on your blog I knew I really wanted to try it, it looked so yummy and filling. Ben detests sweet potato. I think he just doesn’t like it because he’s convinced himself it’s too healthy haha.
I love sweet and savoury combos so I’m sure I would love the curry. One meal I used to make all the time but haven’t had in ages was a fish curry with white fish, chickpeas, a tomato sauce, and I add a bit of honey and chopped up apricots to it- yummy!