I’m six weeks away from my seventh marathon, Chester. I’m not going to lie, it’s been really tough.
Since my annoying hamstring niggle since the Boston marathon I wasn’t able to begin my training as early as I’d hoped nor was I going into it with any sort of running base having not run over 10 miles a week for eight weeks.
This meant that each long run has jumped quite sharply. I much prefer to gradually build up the mileage, e.g. 9 miles one week, 10 the next, then 12, then 14, then 15 etc. But I didn’t have that luxury this time around. I only had 12 weeks from starting running again to the big day. So each long run has felt really tough because my body’s not had the time to properly adapt.
The hot weather hasn’t helped either. All in all, I’m finding things tough and less enjoyable than I usually would. That’s not to say I’m not excited or not looking forward to the marathon, it’s just harder to get my head in the game on a Sunday morning just before I head out to run for hours on end.

Last week’s long run was my longest yet, 17 miles, and it literally drained me dry. I struggled pretty much from mile six all the way to the end. It was very warm and my legs were fatigued from walking around London all day the day before. My long runs had also jumped 12, 15, to 17 miles quite sharply. Maybe for some people this is no issue but for me I found it tough.
These runs are such a difference to last year’s long runs which seemed to go a lot smoother and I was constantly having to slow myself down. I was also running a good 30 seconds per mile faster. This time around is clearly a lot different! At mile 14 I stopped and had a little word with myself. I was lagging and wanted to give up. I switched my podcast to music which helped immensely and got on with it.
This week I was thankful for the temperature to have dropped. Because I’d found last week’s 17 miler so tough I decided to go out with the intention of running only 12 miles. That didn’t sound too bad at all and gave me a positive outlook to the run rather than dreading it. It was windy but cool so I was happy with that trade off. As I got to around seven miles, at the point where I’d make the turn to head back for 12 miles, I decided to push on straight with the aim of 15 miles. It helped that the wind was behind me which made things feel a bit easier (though I knew it would be against me on the final three miles).
Each mile over 12 miles felt like a bonus and I told myself I could stop at any point. Even when I got to 15 miles I decided to push on for another one. Mentally and physically I felt stronger than last week though it was still a grind at times.
I didn’t feel quite as destroyed by the end either. Finger’s crossed this is my body adapting! Next week the plan is 18 miles…
parkrun on Saturday was a toughie and gave me a horrible reminder of things to come in the winter… I went to Netley and helped set-up and it was horrendously windy.
As we set up all the signs and flags we were getting blown all over the place. Then it started raining. As it turned into a full-on downpour we ran and hid under the trees for a bit to shade from the worst of it.
It was cold and miserable. And I was soaked even before we began running. I decided to keep my jacket on as I was so chilly.
As it was so windy I knew that I wouldn’t be that speedy and settled with the goal of 25 minutes. My friend Chris (who’s a good minute faster than me at the moment) said he was aiming for 23 minutes. Everyone was re-adjusting their goals.
After the first mile though the sun broke out and it started to heat up. We were all pretty much steaming then with the sudden hit of heat. I took my jacket off as I felt so warm. In the end I managed a nice negative split and a time of 23:07.
I was really happy with that. Chris achieved a course PB of 21:24 and my friend Mike, coming back from injury, wiped a minute off his time from last week. Smiles all round Especially when our friend, Kate, who was celebrating her 100th parkrun whipped out her DELICIOUS chocolate tiffin.
I could have easily eaten about five pieces… I settled with one (only because they disappeared so quickly!).
Going back to my training as a whole, I think what will help is mixing things up to stop myself getting into a rut of “oh God, here we go again”. I’m not sure what to do about this weekend. I was considering doing 15 miles to parkrun then do parkrun but I’m not sure. It helps that I have the Reigate half in the horizon as well – and no I’m not just saying that because I have a free entry! At one point I wondered if I should just give up on Chester and stick with training for the half in a down de-motivated moment, but the 16 more positive miles helped squash that thought. I haven’t done a race in ages and I wonder if that’s causing me to lose a bit of focus and motivation? Who knows! I just hope I survive the 18 miler!
How do you invigorate some motivation into yourself?
How do you cope running/working out in the heat?
Are you looking forward to the autumn?
I am not surprised that you are finding marathon training difficult in this heat – I am finding walking difficult. Although, chocolate tiffin is always a good motivator.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Greek Yoghurt Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough by David @ Spiced
I couldn’t even imagine how being pregnant could feel! You are a superwoman!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…How to survive a long run
Heat AND rain? You poor thing!! Looks like you pushed through it and got your time goal easily though! 😉 I always loved playing soccer in the rain, although I usually felt like 1000lbs in the end from my jersey and socks being so wet!
kat recently posted…Peanut Butter Fudge Bites
I was wishing for that rain on the long run! Sadly it did not come that morning.
Haha yes, it does weigh you down!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…How to survive a long run
Training for a marathon is tough as it is, but the humid conditions at the moment must make it awful. Looking forward to reading more about your progress and the actual race.
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes recently posted…Peanut Butter Brownie Energy Bites
Finger’s crossed it’ll get a bit easier… can’t wait for the taper!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…How to survive a long run
The weather has been so changeable recently! I think I prefer running in the heat to running in the cold – I’d love to do the London marathon again one day but the idea of training in the winter and remembering how cold it was isn’t too appealing! That chocolate tiffin looks amazing. x
LilyLipstick recently posted…Travel: NYC City Guide – Food and Booze
I think I look forward to runs more in the summer but the actual run feels worse than in the winter. Once I get going when it’s cold out I’m absolutely fine, whereas the reverse is true for summer.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…How to survive a long run
I’m doing Chester as well. This will be my first marathon so I’m really excited. It’s funny how sometimes a long run will go really well and then other times you’re really struggling. Hope your next step up goes well!
Lucy x
Oooh how cool! Chester’s supposed to be really good so you chose well 🙂 Good luck with your training!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…How to survive a long run
Mmmm tiffin!
Running in the heat is so tough, it saps your energy so it’s no surprise you are finding it tough. Hopefully on race day it will be cooler and you’ll get a boost that way. That might be easier than long winter runs and then a warm spring marathon? I just slow down and try to run in the shade, even if that means crossing roads a lot.
That parkrun weather looked so autumnal. Over in Canada all the shops have their “fall” ranges out ( pumpkin shower gel etc) and it does make me look forward to running when it’s a bit crisper, and wearing cosy clothes, and seeing the golden leaves.
Maria recently posted…London hokey-cokey
That’s what I’m hoping. It’s at the start of October which could go either way I guess in terms of the weather but we’ll see!
Yes shade running is definitely a thing I’m enjoying right now hehe.
Ahh I bet it’s so pretty in Canada (well, I know it is from all those amazing photos you keep posting – literally stunning!).
AnnaTheApple recently posted…How to survive a long run
I’m glad it’s not just me finding conditions somewhat trying at the moment…
Jane recently posted…Things to remember
Hehe yes it’s very tough isn’t it??
AnnaTheApple recently posted…How to survive a long run
The weather must be making things so tough this year. Hopefully it will have cooled down a fair bit by October and so then you’ll find racing a marathon much easier than you’re finding your long runs at the moment. It came up on my timehop app earlier today that it was this day last August that I had set out for an 18 mile run, which turned into 16, and ended up getting broken down into four runs as my head just couldn’t get into the right place to be running consistently at the time. Dan even came down on his bike to meet a very sulky me as at one point I sat on a bench and couldn’t even face walking home! Yet, a few weeks later I was loving running again and I went on to PB at Chelmsford in October, which only falls a few weeks later than your marathon. There is still hope!
Mary recently posted…34 weeks pregnant
It must be tough being pregnant as well in this heat!
Oh this gives me such hope then! You’re my long distance running idol so if you struggle but still do well then there’s hope for us all.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…How to survive a long run
There’s so major mental toughness right there! You say that after six miles it was really difficult but your paces indicate otherwise. Nicely done! I think you will do better at this marathon than you expect to.
I think my mind and pace are entirely unrelated sometimes hehe! I sometimes can feel like I’m flying and then look at my watch and realise I’ve gotten slower… bizarre what running does to the brain.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…How to survive a long run
Glad you enjoyed the cake, I’ll make it again for some other occasion!
I hope you most definitely will! It rocked my world 🙂
I can’t deal with this heat, I much prefer winter training, hence why I’ve done no winter races the last few years.
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