Random Life

Down South at the moment the weather is actually quite good. OK a bit rainy at times but it is so mild. It does make me genuinely nervous about global warming and the environment. It can’t be good. Also, does this mean winter is going to stretch out longer in 2016? I realise weather talk is boring but us Brits have a compulsion to discuss it at any given opportunity. It’s like an uncontrollable spasm, it just happens. If in doubt, talk about the weather.

I know I keep going on about my flat but well, let’s be honest, nothing else big or interesting has happened to me lately so… I’m not that creative or good with decorations but I’ve impressed myself on how much I love the way my flat looks right now. For my last home we didn’t really do much in terms of decoration or coordination with furniture as we assumed we wouldn’t be living there for a long time (well, half of that was true anyway in the end…). We bought cheaper stuff so we could easily move later on without having spent too much. It was a lovely home, don’t get me wrong, but we didn’t really do too much to it.

For my new flat it was really important, as you can imagine, that it turned into a home that I could look forward to going to and feel safe, comfortable and surrounded by stuff that represented me and my future life. I don’t know what the future holds but for now I assume I’ll be living here for a while. I’ve really thought about what things I wanted, where things went and basically an overall theme. Even the small details, like changing door knobs to match my furniture.IKEA door knobs

I also bought a vase to put some decorative balls in (I saw it in IKEA and it looked really cool). Unfortunately I bought a vase one size up from what I’d see and then didn’t have enough balls to fully fill it…


Still looks OK I think. I just don’t know if I can bear to go into IKEA to just buy more balls.

I’m still into Hello Fresh but I’ve paused it over Christmas while I get myself together and with Christmas meals and going out it’s just not worth it right now. What I have done though is ordered a meat pack from Muscle Food. I’m not affiliated with them, I just like them. That said if you do fancy ordering anything from them, I do have a referral code HERE which gives you, for free, any of the following when you order with them:

– Two Free Award Winning Horse Fillet Steaks
– Two Free 6oz British Beef Hache Steaks
– Free loaf of Protein Bread
– Free Chicken & Pepper Protein Pizza
– Free 250g Whey Protein Concentrate 85

I always see adverts for them on Facebook and I bit the bullet and ordered myself a box full of meat (with a Black Friday discount it was £10 for chicken breasts, hache steaks, burgers, chicken sausages, beef meatballs, chicken meatballs and lean bacon). As you probably already know, I’m a big lover of meat so I was keen to fill my freezer up with handy protein items that I use for random meals. I can heartily recommend the hache steaks and the chicken sausages. I also bought a litre of egg whites which I love adding to stir fries and scrambles because it just boosts the protein. They’re cheaper on Muscle Food compared to getting them at the supermarket (or wasting egg yolks).


This was a random meal of chopped up chicken sausages, egg whites and Laughing Cow Blue Cheese triangles and it was SO good. Obviously I went overboard with veg because I can’t not.

I’m loving my local area as well as it’s perfect for walking Alfie. Just a minute or so from my flat there’s a beautiful park where I can let Alfie off and he can run free. Before I had to keep him on his lead for most walks as there were too many roads nearby, but this is perfect. Though I did get concerned when he looked like he wanted to go and chase the birds near the little lake (pond?).


It just makes me so happy that Alfie can properly race around and stretch his legs every morning and evening. And there are so many other dogs about as well. It’s funny though because I think Alf is similar to me. He’ll go and say hello to a group of dogs but he’ll run back quickly to me and not want to spend too much time socialising. He likes his own company, that or he’s a mummy’s boy 😉 The only dogs he likes to spend lots of time with are my parents. Like me he struggles to push himself in social situations and prefers to stick with who and what he knows.

When I was at Whiteley on Sunday for that INCREDIBLE meal (which I keep dreaming of) I noticed that some of the animal statues they have dotted around the place were dressed up for Christmas. Check out this otter:IMG_6658

Very sweet!

And my last random titbit… I saw this on RunEatRepeat’s Instagram and it really made me chuckle.

Ghost outfitSo true! For me I’d hope to be wearing comfy leggings and a nice hoodie. Comfort over appearance is crucial if it’s eternity you’re talking about!

Tell me something random but interesting!

What outfit would you choose to wear for eternity?

Are you good at home décor?

20 Replies to “Random Life”

  1. Haha, oh god, now it is going to take me even longer to get dressed as I am going to forever be guesting if I want to be in this outfit forever as a ghost.
    You could go to Ikea just for more balls, but I guarentee you will come out with much more. I can’t go in that place without spending a fortune, I just look at everything and go “ooooooh” and then buy it.
    Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Vanilla and Ginger Rice Pudding by DanniiMy Profile

  2. With you on the weather. It’s not right to be running round in a tshirt in December. I was absolutely dripping after 2.5 miles this lunchtime! I get anxious about global warming too. Have done since I was small.

    I cannot think of anything both random and interesting to the wider world. Other than that polar bears have black ears. They’re brilliant.

    Comfy shoes. My eternity outfit must include comfy shoes. Or I’m going barefoot!
    Jane recently posted…Glad Tidings!My Profile

  3. An outfit for all eternity? I’m tempted to say this (http://www.thegreatgoth.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=18_130_55&products_id=1027) or this (http://www.thegreatgoth.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=18_130_55&products_id=319) because they are the only pieces of clothing to actually make me want to wear a dress. But it would be difficult to run in them! Even as a ghost I would want to run. I could haunt and spook people during races 😀

    I was on the same social level as my cat. She had been so badly neglected that she hated most people and would hiss/spit at them then attack them if they didn’t back off. But she eventually grew to trust me…even if at times she would still get confused/upset and lash out. No matter how salty she was, I didn’t care. I loved her and I still miss her so much.
    Jess recently posted…December Virtual 5K ~ Week 2 ~ 19:56My Profile

  4. Haha I always feel the same when I’m walking my parents dogs around the lake in Sefton Park – I’m always sure that Nina, the cheekiest one, is going to make a run for it into the lake after the swans.

    I quite fancy trying muscle food in the new year and stocking up on some meat for the freezer.
    Helen recently posted…My first cross country raceMy Profile

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