As you know, I’m a big fan of parkrun. I’ve done 144 (officially… though actually 149 but those five don’t count because they were on a different old account which I can’t transfer over; this will never stop annoying me). I’ve done 28 different ones: 27 from the UK and one from the States (Clermont Waterfront, Orlando). I’ve done most of the ones around me but still there are a few within a 30-40 minute radius I need to get done.
The best time I’ve ever done is 20:06 (my 5k PB – I rarely ever run actual 5k races), but that was from back in 2015. I feel like when I’m in the 21’s I’m in good shape and in the 20s in really good shape (and probably about to get injured…).
But I digress. I’ve got onto the cool parkrun tourism list (you have to have done at least 20 parkruns within the UK to appear on the list) and now I’m ready for another challenge: the parkrun alphabet challenge.The parkrun alphabet challenge is a popular one. But it’s also really tricky. Well, actually I guess it’s tricky for some more than others depending on where you live and how accessible different parkruns are to you.
I worked out I have 12 left to do (‘X’ doesn’t count apparently as there are none at the moment). The tricky ones I think for most people (again, depending on where you live) are ”I, ‘J’ and ‘Z’. The only ‘I’ I’m aware of is Ipswich. ‘Z’ is Zary in Poland. And ‘J’ is Jersey. So it’s not going to be easy! I plan to do ‘Q’ (Queen Elizabeth Country Park) next month… but I still have ‘D’ (Didcot?), ‘J’, ‘K’, ‘O’ (Oxford?), ‘T’, ‘U’ (Upton House in Bournemouth?), ‘V’, ‘Y’.
There are some bucket list parkruns I’d like to get done eventually as well, like Bushy Park (the first ever parkrun) which I’ve never done. I’m annoyed I missed the Paris one when I was there for the marathon as it didn’t exist then… and the one in San Francisco. Hopefully I can go and do the one in Berlin though when it’s set up as one of my best friends has family there and I love going to Berlin (think I’ve been six times now).
I’ve just had a look to see what parkruns are available now in America (I think the first one was the Orlando one I’ve done) and I’ve spotted Leakin Park in Baltimore… is that the same one from the Serial Podcast? It would be interesting one I guess!These sorts of parkrun challenges encompass everything I love about running in general: seeing new places, meeting new people, ticking off something from a list and the whole parkrun ethos and “happy vibes”. I don’t particularly care about times – and this is true for most of my running. Yes it’s nice to get a PB or be in the ballpark for “being in good shape” but most of the time I just want to run it and enjoy it. Each parkrun is unique and lovely. The course, the people and the individual quirks.
My next five weekends are doing different parkruns than my usual Netley. Not all will be new ones but will involve meeting up with friends and then going for coffee or whatever after – it’s my perfect Saturday morning. I just love doing this sort of thing.By the end of the year I’ll have gotten ‘Q’ done, which will leave 11 letters left, but then I’ll need to do a bit more organising to get the others done. I definitely foresee some day trips to other parts of the UK, and hopefully a trip to Poland eventually! I feel very excited about things to come 😊
Do you have any running challenges?
How many letters of the parkrun alphabet do you have left to do?
I love that challenge! I’m doing my Herts one at the moment, but I have put a page on my blog where I keep track of them- it’s in alphabetical order just to be organised- I was going to do it chronologically but then I’ve been to some more than once and it got confusing ( . I just checked and I have 11 left to do (not counting x)- I fancy Inverness for the I as I have a friend who lives nearby and I reckon an Easyjet flight could be quite simple to sort.
It might be a challenge for me to do next year once I have done the Herts ones— one day!
I’d like to do a few in some of the Scandinavian countries too- Copenhagen or one of the Finland ones- and yes once Germany gets going that will be on the list too. I always see groups of people going to Zary for the Z- that always looks good fun.
I’ll look forward to hearing about the Queen Elizabeth park- sounds like a good one to do. There is a good blog, blog7t which has loads of parkruns on there- he is based in Essex but does a lot in the south so it’s worth checking out.
Maria @ Maria runs recently posted…Bright10 2017, bad things coming in threes and a power cut!
Ah Inverness would be a good one for I! I haven’t to Scotland since I was born!
Yes I really want to do more foreign ones 🙂
Hi, Nick Clark here from Reading, I just need J, V, X, Y and Z, am planning to do Valentines and York, then I’m stuck. Have done Inverness, its flatter than you would expect.
How about volunteering at Junior Parkrun for J!, or hopefully Jarrow will start one. How Xmas Parkrun for X or Oxford.
I’ve done 15 parkruns in 6 different locations, so I’m a long way off!
Come and do Valentines Park near me for your V. It’s flat and fast!
Lucy Edwards recently posted…#Getonyourfeet and win a Fitbit Charge 2
That’s the V I was thinking of! I most certainly will 🙂
I’m all overexcited because I got to 60 parkruns this week. But I’ve only managed 4 locations. Kirkcaldy (outskirts of Edinburgh) was rather nice…
I want to do 50 half marathons (The vicar who married us is aiming to cover 1042 miles this year – he’s fundraising for the church. To include 52 Half Marathons in 52 weeks, two lots of 7 halves in 7 consecutive days, and one day of two halves….
Wow yeah that’s a fantastic challenge!
That’s a great idea! I need to do a few different ones, there are plenty in Kent I’ve yet to do. Another ‘U’ you could do is Upton Court near Slough, it’s a nice 2 lapper around a large park with a fantastic view across to Windor Castle on each lap.
Yes I thought about the Slough one. I have a friend in Bournemouth so it might be a call for parkrun and brunch again 🙂
I’m going to do parkrun in San Francisco when I go on hols this month- really excited to add it to my list ha.
Lauren (@poweredbypb) recently posted…Hanson’s Marathon Method: The Verdict.
Daaaamn so jealous! Enjoy!
Just a J left for me and my 12 year old son to do. Zary was visited and run 3 weeks ago. Lovely event. My J will not be Jersey but will be Jablonna. So it’s back to Poland (Warsaw) again in December.
Omg so jealous! Well done to you both, fantastic!
Lee has a nice coffee shop for afterwards, you know, if you fancy it 😉 I’m going to do some tourism in 2018 for sure
Rebecca recently posted…My Holiday to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
I’ve never been to the coffee shop! Maybe I need to test it out 🙂
That’s a great challenge. Despite approaching my 100th parkrun I only have 3 locations – Perth (home), Camperdown (Dundee) and Clermont (Florida). I need to pull my finger out on the parkrun tourism lol!
Allison recently posted…Week In Review – Winter Begins…
Yes you do! Hehe. It’s a lot of fun 🙂
We have a new one starting nearby in the new year so I’m planning to add that one to my list…
Allison recently posted…500!!
Hi. There id news location near Poznań – Dąbrówka starting on D and it is not Zary it is actually Żary – I was there once and I met people from UK 😉
Inverness is another I
If you are looking for you theres a parkrun starting up in my hometown of Ulverston in South Cumbria/The Lake District. The course is being trialled mid August 2018.
Doh. Looking for U i meant to say!