I haven’t done one of these posts in a while… all the things I’m currently loving lately.
Harry Potter clothing: During my meanderings around the delights of Amazingstoke’s Festival Place last weekend I popped into Primark. In general I don’t do much shopping in physical life. As in, non-online shopping. But occasionally I’ll pop into H&M as there’s one local to me. We don’t have a very accessible Primark nearby (it’s in the centre of Southampton and I don’t generally go there that often because the Internet and Whiteley, a little but fantastic shopping village nearby, save me from such efforts).
Anyway, I’ve digressed. So I went into Primark to hunt down a really nice sports bra someone at work wore when running (she wore it as her running top outside, I didn’t spy on her getting changed or anything weird). I didn’t find the sports bra but I DID find a Harry Potter jumper. And, weirdly, Harry Potter underwear.I bought the jumper but not the pants (and forgot to take a photo of said jumper…). The jumper will go nicely with my Harry Potter t-shirt ready for my friends and my Harry Potter-themed escape room at the beginning of December. There are four of us and we’ve each got a house that fits our personality. I’m Gryffindor 😀
New boots: And as a nice segue… a few weeks ago when I was in Chichester my friends and I popped into a charity shop because the Harry Potter-themed window lured us in. Most of the window items had been sold (including an amazing looking Harry Potter chess set!). However I then spotted a very cool pair of boots in almost perfect condition. For £8.50!
OK I rarely wear heels but I’m sure I can push the boat out one day… After all, I no longer have a standing desk at work (I mourn for it daily, believe me. It just means I have to get up and move about more frequently. But it does mean I can relax a bit more at work) so really I could wear heels.
Gin: And another great segue(!), my lovely friend Charlotte and her husband, Paddy, gave me a prototype Christmas present when we were in Chichester. A sort of “make-you-own hipster gin” ingredients set.How cool is this? So each little jar contains different ingredients, like dried lemon peel, cinnamon, juniper berries etc. that you can add to a gin and tonic to spruce it up. Gin has become rather “in vogue” (though to be fair to Paddy and Charlotte, they were loving it waaaay before it became cool) and my dear mother has appointed herself some sort of gin connoisseur recently. She’s bought about five different kinds of gins! So when I showed her this little set she was VERY excited. That evening we made up a few glasses of lemon and juniper berry flavoured gin. Ooh er!
So fancy! It tasted very nice. I’m not a big drinker but my drink of choice is a G&T. So crisp and delicate.
Protein powder: Speaking of tasty things. I am currently OBSESSED with the MyProtein marzipan-flavoured protein-powder. I adore it. I add about 20g (so maybe a scoop?) of it to my porridge and it rocks my world. It’s not overwhelmingly sweet or crazy strong, but subtly almondy. I was using the Chocolate Smooth flavour but this is SO much better. I got a small pack as I wasn’t sure what I would think (450g I think) but I’ve since gone back and bought a 1kg. I also bought the Cinnamon Danish flavour and the Speculoos. I had to Google what Speculoos was though. It’s a limited edition flavour (as is Marzipan) so I thought what the hell, why not.As a side note, as I’m living at home I obviously get these things delivered there. My dad also buys lots online as well (usually some random cables or part for his latest robot craze or yet another Alexa – I swear Alexa is becoming an omnipresence in the house. You can’t move for her) and he mentioned the other day that it can be quite disappointing when something is delivered but it’s for me not him. He grumbled that it’s usually “running gear or some powder of some sort”, which did make me laugh. He’s not wrong.
Cake: Cake has been very much in my life in a big way recently. The guys at Wiggle are fantastic at bringing in snacks and baking. It seems like every week we have something new to munch on. I’m not mad. On Monday last week it was one of the guy’s birthday and he brought in a chocolate cake he made. Someone else from another team had also baked him a cake too! A chocolate melt-in-the-middle cake. Obviously I had a bit of both. I was glad to have tried both as well because at the end of the day as he picked up the cake he’d baked to put in the fridge he dropped it on the floor! How devastating! I mean, it was hilarious but equally heart-breaking at the same time. RIP cake.And I’ll try not to think of just how many bits of cake I had the other week when someone left. There was literally an idea table covered in delicious home-baked goodies. I’m an absolute sucker for anything home-baked. After eating 80% of what was in the bowl I decided not to have any more (it was only 10am…). I put it in my drawer and tried to forget about it. Well, the afternoon came and the cake was promptly eaten.
*Sighs* I had the best intentions at least.
Christmas snacks: And on the note of delicious snacking, I popped into Lidl before work one morning (handily located on the road from my gym to work. I love Lidl and am really glad I can frequent it more often). I love browsing supermarkets (I’m a strange breed I know) and Lidl’s Christmas selection is always worth a gander. As a side note though, their bakery is at the front of their shop and it gave off the most intoxicating, delicious scents of freshly baked pastries, bread and cakes. I almost passed out (this was post-workout after all). Once I came to my senses though I found one of my favourite Christmas snacks: lebkuchen gingerbread. I first had them when I was in Berlin visiting my friend and they were amazing. I mean the big fat ones you can get at the Christmas markets are the best (I don’t know if they’re the same things but they’re very similar). They’re gingerbread but very soft and almost cake like. I’m not a huge fan of hard gingerbread (the British creations) but these are DIVINE.Running: And finally something to do with running! I’ve “officially” started marathon training. I mean, nothing much has really changed to be honest. My long runs will be getting longer and I hope to do a speed session once a week. The speed session is a new addition to the rota because I never normally do it (other than a speedy parkrun occasionally).
Yesterday I went out at lunch with the intention to do some sort of speed workout. Originally I was going to do two minutes of hard effort, followed by 30 seconds of easy as many times as I could be bothered but during my (almost) mile warm-up I decided to do mile repeats. The lake next to the office has a gravel path around it and it’s about a mile long so I decided to just blast it round, have a jogging break, then repeat. My intention was to go sub-seven minutes for the mile as this is what I’ve been able to do on some miles at parkrun. Well, I definitely surprised myself. I managed THREE mile repeats (with 0.4 mile jogging recovery) at sub 6.45 pace. I mean it was TOUGH, both mentally and physically. But I did it! I definitely needed those recoveries between but I felt strong maintaining the pace (though it did feel like death. God I hate speed work). Afterwards though the feeling was AMAZING. In the end I did 10k total and I was around a minute off my PB! Not too shabby. Unfortunately though after showering and getting back to the office, I had the most ridiculous red face which quite a few people commented on. Wonderful.
What kind of speed work do you do?
What Christmas treats do you like?
Are you a Harry Potter fan?
Another great read Anna, find myself reading your blog posts regularly lately!
I like the sound of marzipan protein porridge (love marzipan… heads to MyProtein site…). Impressed with your speedwork numbers, you are a speedy lady. Have you always been a fast runner or has your gym work helped? I ask as would dearly like to improve my 5K time and have recently joined a gym as am hoping this will help.
Ahh thank you, Lee 🙂 lovely to hear!
I’ve always been around this speed BUT I get injured far far less. I’m a stronger runner because of my gym work.
I am feeling the porridge love. I’m going to let my inner Buzz Aldrin out….
Speedwork: I would prefer to be doing my running club Monday night sessions, but Reasons at the moment. So, it was the half-hour-lunchtime-quickie-podcast recently. Boring, but effective. If this round of IVF doesn’t work, I’ve got intentions of going back to Monday night sessions for a couple of months until the next one starts.
Christmas treats: N loves Lidl Stollen. We no longer have a nearby Lidl… I like a chocolate orange, myself.
I loved the first three Harry Potter books, but then the love sort of slipped away. I’ve read all the books, but haven’t watched the films in forever (that said, I loved Fantastic Beasts….but then again, Eddie Redmayne).
Jane recently posted…It ain’t over yet
Not sure who Buzz Aldrin… just googled… still none the wiser… googled with the word porridge… ah! 😉
Stollen yessss!
We bought those gingerbreads too as I love them so much but often the icing contains gelatin so no good- I was very excited when I saw that they were OK. We used to have an Aldi near us, and since we’ve moved the option is Lidl, and I was pleasantly surprised, although we bought the fancy stollen because the cheapy one contained barn eggs which annoyed me.
Nice work on the speedwork- a very impressive session. parkrun is my speedwork… (when I feel like pushing myself)- I do tend to do a negative split and run faster than I do on my own.
That gin kit is such a lovely idea- I love home-made and personal things like that.
I have not read any of the Harry Potter books- when I was at uni it was a big thing, but I am not into fantasy and magic (I read The Hobbit but that was enough for me), so I didn’t ever fancy it.
Maria @ Maria runs recently posted…A long run, and afternoon tea to recover!
Oooh I’ll look out for that stollen!
Yeah parkrun used to be the only place I’d attempt to run fast but I think I need more marathon specific stuff.
Ahh that’s a shame about not fancy HP. It really is a good read (but I’m sure you’ve heard that before!)
I love your laid back approach to planning in speedwork…”as many times as I could be bothered”…Love it! 😀 Sounds like you had a really good session though. Well done. Super speedy!
I’m now about to order some marzipan powder. You’ve sold it to me…It just sounds so good. I really hate it when good products are sold as ‘limited edition’ though. For about six months I fell in love with an amazing Red Thai Curry easy pouch pack in Tesco, then they stopped selling it and I was devastated! It was a really sad day when I took out the final pack from my cupboard. 🙁
Mary recently posted…The EnduranceLife Gower Marathon (Pt 1)
Ooh I LOVE Harry Potter! Finally made it to the Harry Potter shop in Edinburgh (Diagon House) a couple of weeks ago and could have been all day, but my husband has never read or watched any HP. I really must sort that out!
Allison recently posted…Friday Finds – 17th November
Thank you so much for this enlightening post, I have significantly got some thing right here and I will bookmark this page for your next upcoming post.