Wedding recap and back to reality

I’m back! After an amazingly epic week away in Spain at the BTN Fitness Retreat I am home safe and sound. I got back Friday and then sadly was struck down with some awful illness for about three days. I couldn’t even make it into work on Monday and spent the entire day pretty much in bed sleeping. I feel a bit better now but still not hundred per cent. Hey ho!

I’ll do a full recap of the fitness retreat soon… it deserves a good coverage. It was a fantastic week and I learnt a lot about myself (both good and bad). Before going to Spain I had my friend’s wedding as well. I’m the genius that books to go on holiday the day after a wedding!

The wedding was so good. It was my close friend, Shell, who I know from university and her lovely partner Rob. The wedding was held in Dumbleton Hall near to Cheltenham. As I live in Southampton this is quite a drive so I stayed with my friends in Bristol, getting the train from work on the Friday. We went to a fantastic Lebanese restaurant, Lona Grillhouse, on the Friday night which rocked my world.Lona Bristol

We shared a platter of different meat, including lamb cutlets, king prawns, lamb kuftas, shish taouk and lots more Lebanese-style meat. It came with couscous, chips, nan bread and salad. Very tasty! There was also free Turkish delight at the end when you paid your bill.

The next day we got up fairly early to go and do some running. Kate and Jamie have recently just gotten into running (they came down to do the parkrun the other week with me). Though we’d have loved to have done a parkrun, sadly the nearest one was about 30 minutes away now Little Stoke is no longer there. And we just didn’t have the time with the wedding being at 1pm.


They took me to their local park instead which was basically a 1000 metre track. It had 100m markers and went in a loop. It was exactly 1km.





We did that five times (not the most exciting of runs but very cool to have the markers) and then we got ready for the wedding.

Shell's wedding 5

The wedding venue was literally perfect. The weather was good – sunny but not too hot. All in all it was a fantastic day. Shell and Rob are such a lovely couple as well and we were all so happy to see them get married.

It was also nice to have another get together with my university friends and just laugh and chat like we always do. And so nice to put a dress on and be all fancy Winking smile


There were lots of garden games as well to keep everyone entertained. And a hog roast sizzling away for the evening’s buffet… yessss!

IMG_2715Jamie and I were very pleased about this Winking smile

Shell’s dress was beautiful as well. She looked amazing.


And of course the food and cake was amazing. Probably the best food at a wedding I’ve ever had. And I have a very good friend, Charlotte, who traded half her pudding with me so I could try both Winking smileShell's wedding meal

I had soup to start, lamb (very tasty!) for main and then half an apple tart and half a chocolate mousse thing. The wedding had a Japanese theme as they both love Japan. The favours were these very pretty tea light holders as well as some homemade Welsh cakes (as Rob’s side of the family is Welsh). Lovely touches.

I’m not going to lie. I did drink a fair bit (for me). I wanted to let my hair down and relax. I rarely ever drink… unfortunately I didn’t really stick with a type of beverage and went from Pimms, to a Bud, to sparkling wine, to red wind to then gin and tonics. It tasted great at the time… The cake was delicious (obviously) with a carrot cake layer and chocolate layer.

Shell's Wedding  9

We all had a good time boogying the night away as well. It was a great evening. My lovely parents came to pick me up at midnight and it was time to go home. I felt rough on the way home. A combination of all those different drinks and too much food (read: cake) meant I might have had to have stopped (*cough* twice) on the way home to be sick. Much to my parents great amusement. As I said, this isn’t something I normally would do! Oh the shame…

I had my alarm set for 6am and arrived home at 2.30am (ouch). And for whatever bizarre reason I woke up at 4:59am and got up! I was so convinced my alarm was going to go off at 5am. So I got showered and ready and then at 5.45am wondered where my taxi was… The penny then dropped that I was a full hour early. Needless to say I reset my alarm and went back to bed (fully dressed).

I have to say I have never felt so ill in my life from alcohol. On the plane I was freezing cold. I asked for a blanket but they didn’t offer them (well, it was FlyBe…). I felt unbelievably rough and it only reconfirmed to me why I don’t drink excessively. And sadly my first night in Spain, after meeting everyone at the retreat, was spent missing dinner and going to bed early. You know I’m not well when I miss a meal time!! Serves me right I know.

Do you enjoy getting dressed up?

Do you drink? When was your last hangover?

What’s your tipple of choice?

9 Replies to “Wedding recap and back to reality”

  1. That running track looks great! Nice to be very precise about the distance. I have seen marked paths for walking before (that could be for running) but nothing as good as that.
    I must say I really hate getting dressed up- I feel so awkward and self conscious so it is one of the worst parts for me. I don’t mind casual smart (dress and leggings or whatnot) but anything with tights, bleurgh! It’s not me, makeup isn’t me, I can’t do my hair….
    Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Midsummer 5 mile series round 1My Profile

  2. Free Turkish delight?! Sign me up!! I do love a good wedding and weekend away with friends.

    Glad to hear you’re feeling a little better now!

    Ouch about the hangover. I have to admit I drink very little because it just takes me too long to get over being drunk and I value my time out of work to feel ill for it. Well done for getting up early though! I don’t think I could have done it.
    Steph recently posted…Whole 100: 60 days inMy Profile

  3. I do love a good wedding! Especially outdoorsy-type ones with garden games and a hog roast. Winner! 😀
    Poor you for having to stop twice on the way home from the wedding though. 🙁 I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that drunk at a wedding, but I remember my brother calling me up for a lift once when I still lived at home, as he had drunk a little too much so left the wedding early and really didn’t want to ask my parents to collect him. The wedding was about 10 miles away, but the drive home took hours as we had to stop so many times!
    Mary recently posted…The inaugural Linford Wood parkrunMy Profile

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