Running has been a little up and down lately. There have been good and bad runs thrown into the mix and I’m less than seven weeks out from the Brighton Marathon. But this is Standard Anna so I won’t stress (too much) over it. I mean, same ol’ same ol’, right?
The calf/hamstring issue is slowly dying away. I know what not to do to annoy my hamstring and my calf niggle seems to be disappearing. It’s a pesky thing and one I’m not sure entirely what’s going on there but the discomfort is definitely easing up on most of my runs now to almost nothing. Progress? I certainly hope so.
So I’m currently running four times a week – two runs at work (usually Tuesday and Thursday “runches”). I tend to run one of those runs with my friend, Kyle, who’s recently got into running. He’s progressing really well, breaking 22 minutes significantly already at parkrun. We tend to do just four easy chatty miles on a Thursday which is nice.
Though I did have probably one of the coldest runs I’ve ever done last Thursday – just before all the snow came down. Literally the coldest, iciest wind in Kyle and my face the entire time. I think we managed one normal conversation between us both swearing and saying how cold it was. It was awful. I’d sensibly packed leggings instead of my usual shorts as I knew the Beast from the East was about and as we were running easy I didn’t want to be absolutely freezing (ha. I was anyway…). It always feels so weird running in leggings though! So used to my shorts – I just feel a bit more free?
Anyway, despite there being no snow on the ground yet (we had luckily gone out a couple of hours before Portsmouth turned into Narnia) I still managed to slip over. We turned round a corner and there was a large puddle iced over and I just couldn’t change my trajectory in time and ended up running straight over it – well, I say running but what I mean is skidding over it and then landing on my leg and bum.It was actually a really painful fall. But thankfully only on a superficial level – like my skin had been torn up and it was a bump on the fleshy part of my ankle rather than any bone. Whew. Kyle helped me up (probably trying not to laugh as it was so ridiculous) and I tested it out walking and, though it felt tender, it was fine to bare weight on. We decided to run for a few metres to see how it was and luckily it was OK so we carried on for another three miles. So actually it was a really good thing I’d worn my leggings! Thankfully they hadn’t torn.
And then the snow came down… meaning most parkruns were cancelled on the Saturday. It was a shame but fully understandable. Instead I went out for four miles in the snow.
This did mean a nice lie-in and no rush to get out of a lovely warm bed. It was a fun run but SO tough. I mean, it was like running on sand. The snow was really dry and powdery so pushing your feet off and working out where to put them was physically and mentally tough work.
It wasn’t actually that cold though so I was happy in my leggings, despite people on social media thinking I’m mental. If anything, in my two layers and a buff I was too warm by the end!
The pace was obviously a lot slower because it was harder and to be honest I was just happy to be outside running. The air was still and crisp and it was a very invigorating run if that makes sense?
The next day’s run however was a lot colder – not on my legs or body but on my feet. The snow had melted a little and was very slushy but still everywhere. I wanted to get between 10-15 miles, depending how everything felt. Running on the pavements was the best option because that’s where the good routes were for a longer run, but this meant a lot of running through slush. My feet got soaked and cold VERY quickly. It made them feel like dead weights at the end of my legs.
But the run went well. I felt my calf a little bit at the beginning but eventually it disappeared and everything felt fine. I’m SO pleased you would not believe. It was such a solid good run. I felt like I could have carried on. My fitness seems to be in a good place (not necessarily speed, but general endurance). I felt comfortable and at ease running. My legs did feel tired though running through the slush. The extra mechanical process of foot placement and moving them over trickier ground did tire them out. But thankfully it was slippy. There was no ice and the snow wasn’t that nasty slippery kind.
It helped going a lot slower of course. Usually I’d do my long runs around 8-8.30 mins/mile but because of the snow I was forced to slow down. This is something I REALLY need to do more of. When I was training with Mike last year for the New Forest Marathon to get him his sub-4 we were training at 9+min/miles and I had my most consistent and strong period of running. WHY DO I NOT LEARN. So my long runs, snow aside, will be a lot slower now. I just need someone to keep pulling me back….
So I feel really positive at the moment. I still don’t have any time goals for Brighton but I’ll see how the coming weeks go. The Reading Half Marathon will be an interesting one to test my where I’m at. I’m looking forward to that race as a good tune up and to help me plan for Brighton. Hopefully another solid long run this Sunday and then Reading the week after. It’s all go!
How’s your running going?
Did you run in the snow?
Do you prefer to wear shorts or leggings?
I went out running with my friend during the Christmas hols and he did something similar on the ice. Just as we turned the corner there was an icy patch and he went straight down onto his knee and managed to skid along the pavement for what seemed like forever! Glad you weren’t injured from it. That’s always my concern when we have icy paths. We had actually been on our way to a trail run but my friend went down in the half mile of pavement we had to navigate before getting to the trails!
I didn’t run in the snow this time round unfortunately. Logistics mean I haven’t been able to run with others for a few weeks now and I seem to have lost all confidence when it comes to running on my own at night time. Hoping it returns soon!
Mary recently posted…Why I love my Out ‘n’ About Nipper Sport running buggy
I’m surprised I haven’t gotten an injury from it… haha. It’s painful, hope your friend was OK too.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Things I’m loving lately – February/March
Tried to avoid to snow but it was still slushy over the weekend. Managed to find a local parkrun that wasn’t cancelled. Fantastic volunteers had spent their Friday deicing the course #legends. I don’t mind running in leggings or shorts but if its less than about 5 degrees I’ll tend to wear leggings. It’s been soooo long since I’ve run in shorts as a consequence. I’ll have to apologise everyone near me when they’re blinded by my snow white legs 😀
Haha well my legs are just as white I assure you!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Things I’m loving lately – February/March
Nice work on the 15 miles- very impressive especially with all the slush and snow. It is horrible when you get wet and cold- not sure what you can do about feet really because I don’t think many shoes are waterproof (trail shoes might be?). My long runs are always loads slower than any races because I just zone out and listen to podcasts whereas in a race I don’t have headphones so I think more about running, plus I do think other people help to carry you along a bit.
Just seeing people run in shorts makes me feel cold, although on Sunday I was back in cropped leggings. I only wear shorts in emergency situations (30 degrees) as I feel rather self conscious when I am wearing them, plus they don’t have pockets, and I have some knee length capris which are nearly as short anyway.
Lucky you didn’t do any damage when you fell over- it’s so easily done. A while back I was running along and I think looking up to avoid low hanging branches and I slipped on an ice puddle- partly why I didn’t go out at all last week as the pavements were pretty slippery and I didn’t see the point in risking anything so close to the half marathon. Usually I would go in the snow though as it’s good fun- I know what you mean about the cold fresh air feeling so invigorating too.
Maria @ Maria runs recently posted…Snow-ga (don’t worry, we weren’t actually outside in the snow)
I was super lucky not to have any serious injury. I mean, crazy lucky considering it’s me!
Yeah the shorts were fine. Honestly, my legs rarely get cold. It’s more my upper body.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Things I’m loving lately – February/March
I got a few runs done in the snow and loved them – even when it was actually snowing while I was out (yes, people on social thought I was mental too ). I wore my waterproof socks so my feet didn’t get cold.
I like leggings in the colder weather and shorts as soon as the temperature creeps up a bit. I rarely wear cropped leggings to run so I guess it’s one extreme or the other with me. In fact I’m rather hoping the shorts might make an appearance soon. They usually do in March…
Allison recently posted…Week In Review – The Beast From The East
Waterproof socks…such a good idea!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Things I’m loving lately – February/March
Great work on running in the snow. I dislike leggings too- I prefer my legs to be free.
Lauren (@poweredbypb) recently posted…The Big Half 2017
Exactly!! Free the legs!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…Things I’m loving lately – February/March
Hamstring and Calf strains can be so naggy! You are one brave person running in the cold like that, well done!!
Kolten recently posted…The Best Hamstring Compression Sleeve
Waterproof socks saved the day for me. A friend recommended them to me & didn’t think they would make that much difference. But I’ll never go back again now.