Hi guys! Hope you’re enjoying the long weekend (if you’re lucky enough to not have to work/study). And would you believe the sun is out? OK it’s still very cold but there is actual sunshine and sunlight coming through the window as I type. Hurrah!
Well this week has flown by (I guess it would do being only four days). But I felt like I’ve done a fair bit. I have finally joined a running club. I found a very local one to me that meet on Tuesday nights. Originally I was sceptical of running clubs because I never run in the evenings. It just isn’t my thing. I like to get up and get it done first thing.
However, the appeal with running with other people was quite tempting. So I joined and went on Tuesday night. It was weird getting back from work and putting my running gear on and going running. I wasn’t used to not having dinner straight away.
The running club meets just over a mile from where I live so I ran there. There were so many people! About 20-30 I think. But I felt like such an outsider as everyone knew each other. We started warming up outside in the car park and it felt a little like a PE/gym lesson with a teacher. This went on for about 10 mins and I was thinking “let’s just run already!” All the faffing around was a bit annoying. Anyway we finally started and we did intervals. Basically the main guy stood a distance away from us and we had to sprint towards him as fast as we could and then jog slowly back. Then he would move further away. It was INTENSE. Hello competitive Anna. It was nice to have that motivation to run fast as I’m sure when I do intervals on my own I don’t push myself that hard! Though there were four guys who were just astounding in their speed. Crazy fast. Then after warming down it was over and I ran home. The next morning my thighs were so painful.
I’m still not wholly convinced as it basically took my entire evening from me and I do prefer running in the morning but it was nice mixing things up and the intervals obviously pushed me hard. Well, I’ll see how it goes I guess.
I made things a bit easier by making dinner in the morning so Ben could still have dinner when he got in and I could just grab something quick when I got back from the club. I made the chicken and apricot lentil thing again which was so good after the running.
Running, in general, this week has been back to normal after recovering from the half marathon this week.
Monday – 5 miles, average pace 7.42min/mile.
Tuesday – running club
Wednesday – I ran with the guys at work during my lunch break and I felt shattered. My legs ached and I was tired. We ran 3 miles, average pace 7.42min/mile.
Thursday – I wasn’t sure about running but Ben persuaded me (yes you read that correctly). The preference of getting the run done Thursday and fully enjoying my lie-in Friday made sense. Also meant I would be rested before my long run Saturday.
Friday – rest
Saturday – 10 mile long run planned.
Sunday – rest
And I’ve been loving my new trainers.
Mizuno Wave Alchemy 12
Because I have over-pronation when I run (my feet roll inwards) I needed trainers with a lot of support to help prevent this from happening as otherwise it ripples up my legs and makes my knee painful because I’m not running properly (my physio tells me!) So with insoles as well I’m sorted. Apart from a MOTHER of a blister when I wore them for the first time on a run, they’ve been brilliant. I’ve had no issues with my knee or my Achilles’ – TOUCH WOOD!!
I meant to post this earlier in the week but never got round to it but I went on a baking frenzy last weekend to bring cakes into work and for Ben’s work for people who sponsored my half marathon. I thought I’d pick a two very simple cupcake recipes to make it easier, but honestly I was baking for HOURS. I did like 6 batches of cupcakes!
And that wasn’t even all of them!
I made a standard chocolate cupcake but with a chunk of dark chocolate in the middle that I poked in just before baking, and I made a vanilla cupcake with vanilla icing and either the sugar balls or sweets stuck on the top.
I am a self-confessed bad baker (see exhibit A) so I am so pleased these actually turned out really well! The only disaster I had was when I was whizzing up the icing sugar and butter to make the frosting with a hand blender the icing went up in a huge puff of icing smoke literally coating everything, including my hair, in a film of sweet dusting. Alfie loved it.
So today is all about chilling and getting the chores done. We’ve got just two episodes left of Game of Thrones, a custom-made pizza from Sainsbury’s (no cheese, extra veg, chicken & BBQ sauce – YES) and maybe some sneaky chocolate…well, it is Easter
Have a great Easter everyone!
What have you got planned for this weekend?
What kind of trainers do you prefer?
Are you/have you been part of a running club?
I refuse to believe for one second that you’re a bad baker! Look at those gorgeous cupcakes! And not only that–you frosted them beautifully, too! I love the idea of adding a piece of dark chocolate to the batter; I’ll have to try that next time I make cupcakes. 🙂
Congrats on joining a running club! Sprints are killers–especially when the competitive edge kicks in and you really push yourself (I would have reacted the same way in a group setting like that). I think it’s great that you’re mixing up your routine a bit–even if just for awhile. You’ll probably meet lots of fun, like-minded people, too!
Love the new trainers! I over-pronate when I run, too, and I’ve had great success with Asics Kayanos. They’re super comfortable and provide lots of support. I usually wear Nike Frees now, though, since I’m not running long distances at the moment, but when/if I start building my mileage, I’ll definitely switch back–or give a pair of Mizuno’s a try! Free’s are not good for over-pronaters!
Hope you’re enjoying a relaxing weekend! Happy Easter! <3 xoxo
Thanks, I think occassionally I get the baking right but most of the time something goes wrong…but I’m slowly getting there! I love baking but I just find it quite exact, whereas cooking you just sort of throw it all together.
Yeah I’d love to wear more ‘free’ trainers and even try barefoot running but it wouldn’t be good for my legs I don’t think. I need the support for now. Maybe one day though!
Hope you had a lovely Easter too, Sara 🙂
that’s an epic baking session! Putting chocolate chunks inside the cakes is a brilliant idea and they look great, such a lovely idea 🙂
The running club sounds a good idea but I think personally, I’d be a bit unconvinced like you as I think I’d rather do it in the mornings… and wasn’t it great to have a bit of sun? Still fecking freezing but I suppose you can’t have everything!
Yeah the chocolate chunks was a nice little surprise in there and adding a bit of texture.
The sun is so annoying, it comes and gives us hope and then quickly disappears, leaving it miserable looking and COLD. Come on spring!!
Dang girl you weren’t kidding when you said you went on a baking frenzy! Anyone who had the chance to enjoy one of those beautiful & delicious looking cupcakes are lucky lucky people!!!
Haha thanks, well they seemed to enjoy them!
I’m so glad you watch Game of Thrones too!! It’s one of my favorite shows 🙂 Also I giggled a little at all of the cupcakes right next to all of your apples. You must go through apples sooooo fast at the pace you eat them! I usually eat about four – five a week.
Haha yeah the apple stock level has to remain at a high level at all times. It’s a bad day when that basket is empty. Four or five a WEEK? Wow I probably get through about 3 bags a week… :-S