Last week was unbelievably busy. Mainly due to work but also life in general. I do love being busy and feeling the thrill of getting lots done, but it also means lots of other bits and pieces get pushed down the priority list.
I wanted to recap on a few things that have been happening round here, like the other weekend my dad completing his first ever 5k race. It was called Boys Against Cancer and was basically the male equivalent of Race for Life. Both Ben and my dad were taking part as well as a friend’s husband and their son.
My dad has been on the quest for losing weight. He recently got a Garmin Vivofit (really want on of these!) and has been walking more and being a bit more conscious of what he’s eating.
It was really strange for me to get up early on the Sunday morning and watch Ben getting ready for a race I wasn’t taking part in (girls aren’t allowed). Ben was fairly nervous as he wanted to try and blast it and get a good time.
The weather was lovely, maybe a little on the warm side for running but perfect for spectating 😉 My dad was not going to run it but power walk it and was really keen to do it in under an hour. He was nervous so I said I’d walk round with him from the sidelines as much as I could and give him water if he needed it.
Got my bag full of water bottles!
I spied a guy warming up and we all bet he would win (he did – by a long way!). He just looked like that type you know? Then we were off. My dad’s pace was amazing. He is a brilliant power walker! He set himself targets of other walkers to overtake and did brilliantly. I saw Ben whizz past a few times (it was a crazy two loop course going all over a rugby field).
He looked very speedy and comfortable.
My dad was so worried he’d be the last one to finish but in the end there were loads of people behind me and he overtook a fair number as he went.
For the last 200m he started to run and did a marvellous sprint finish. I was so proud of him! Everyone was clapping and cheering, it was brilliant.
Ben got a new PB of 21:16. He was ecstatic. And my dad got well under an hour with 47:38 of which he was very chuffed with. Good times all round!
On another note, I’ve been getting a little bit addicted to cycling. I am obviously still training for Berlin but I felt a cut back week was needed (mentally and physically) so decided to go for some solo cycles.
Without trying to annoy any cyclists out there (this is merely my observation and purely my inability at being good at cycling!) but I do find cycling easier. I find that you can coast a lot more and an hour’s worth of cycling is definitely not equivalent to an hour’s worth of running – for me anyway. My standard 15 mile route goes up quite a few hills but there are also a lot of down hills where you can freewheel and speed along quite easily. My heart rate never peaks to what it would when running and I find this frustrating.
After talking to some more experienced and better cyclists, the solution is just to work harder, go faster, go longer and find more hills! In terms of my cardiovascular system, I’m fine with cycling but it’s my legs that seem to struggle to get going any faster. I guess it’s different muscles. But hopefully all good cross training for running!
And because it wouldn’t be my blog without a bit of running…we had a fun parkrun the other week. I cycled beforehand (19 miles) and then did parkrun with Ben and a friend, helping pace the friend. My legs, jeeze, were like bricks!! I am in awe of triathletes, seriously hard running and despite running so much slower than normal.
We then enjoyed a lot of cake afterwards as it was our lovely friend, Sheryl’s, 100th parkrun (!!!!).
Such good cakes, especially the chocolate banana loaf. And then a 10 mile ride home. I was shattered! But great to mix things up a bit 🙂
What’s your favourite form of cross training?
Have you ever supported someone at a race?
How do you support someone who is trying to lose weight? My dad is the worst person when it comes to food and I try to be really firm with him to not eat rubbish. It helps I work with him so can keep an eagle eye on him (much to his delight I’m sure) but I worry so much and he knows I do it because I love him, but it can be very hard. He has the best intentions but the worst will power.
2:16?…! That’s a speedy 5k! 😛 Haha! Well done Ben though for another new PB. Massive well done to your Dad. Such an achievement. Does he have any more races lined up? That shot of you all with the cake at parkrun is great! You must be heading quickly in the 100 parkrun direction now?…
Mary recently posted…I am a 70 mile ultramarathoner!
Haha thanks for highlighting that!
I’m trying to persuade him do another 5k to try and beat his time. He’s quite motivated to do it at the moment so need to fully embrace that and sign him up!
Sadly I’m no where near 100 parkruns 🙁 Maybe 20 or so from 50?
AnnaTheApple recently posted…A proud daughter and enjoying cycling
Please tell your Father he’s a champ!! 🙂
Jessie recently posted…Football Season is Back!
Will do, thanks Jessie 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…A proud daughter and enjoying cycling
Well done to your Dad…fab! And 100 Park Runs is amazing and definitely deserves cake to celebrate. 🙂
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes recently posted…Superiority in food choices
I was so proud 🙂 And 100 is amazing – I’m no where near 100 yet!
AnnaTheApple recently posted…A proud daughter and enjoying cycling
Well done Ben, and your Dad, great effort!
Lauren (@poweredbypb) recently posted…Berlin Marathon Training Week 8- Another week, Another Injury!
Thanks Lauren 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…A proud daughter and enjoying cycling
Well done to your Dad on his first ever 5K. I was only saying to Dave the other day that there should be a male equivalent of Race For Life, so I am glad to hear that there is.
I find cycling easier too. It doesn’t mean I find it easy, but I definitely feel like I get more done than compared to running.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Friday Favourites – Zombies, Cakes and BBQs
I’m glad they’ve done an equivalent because it implies men aren’t affected. This is great though, there should be more.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…A proud daughter and enjoying cycling
Yay to your papa!!! All my clients want to lose weight and it can be quite frustrating at times being a trainer as I give them the tools but really its up to them, I find its not until something inside them suddenly clicks and they are in the right frame of mind to do it the weight starts to come off….I guess i just support them in any way I can but its great when the scales start to change and their confidence sky rockets!
Tamzin recently posted…Weekend Eats and Moves
I think it comes down to the person realising – it doesn’t matter how many times I’ll say something or nag him, my dad needs to do this on his own for his own reasons. We can support of course but at the end of the day, it’s their personal demons and battle.
AnnaTheApple recently posted…A proud daughter and enjoying cycling
Omg this is so awesome. Your dad should be so proud of himself!! I would’ve been crying like a baby lol I’m such a Daddy’s girl!
KAT recently posted…Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Hehe I was very proud I must say 🙂
AnnaTheApple recently posted…A proud daughter and enjoying cycling
Way to go Anna & family!! You are all doing so well 🙂 I think I’m going to send this post to my dad; I’ve been trying to get him to lose weight for years but he’s totally not into it. Maybe if he sees your dad it will help!
Chelsea @ Chelsea Eats Treats recently posted…Weekend Highlights {8/1-3}
Definitely send to your dad – and with yours and Fabio’s support he’ll be absolutely fine 😀
AnnaTheApple recently posted…A proud daughter and enjoying cycling
Awwww this is adorbs 🙂
jessiebearwhat recently posted…Getting Into the Swing of Things
Haha thanks Jessie.
Congratulations to your brilliant Dad! What a fab effort for a first 5k and managing a sprint finish too. Huge claps on the back to speedster Ben, what an ace time!
Claire @ Flake and Cake recently posted…Pancakes, puppies and perseverance
Thanks Claire, I’m so proud of both of them!
Well done to your Dad, that is awesome! Well since it’s kind of my job to support people losing weight 😉 I’d say be as encouraging and supportive as possible, help him identify the easy things he can tweak, for example some simple healthy swaps, and take things a week at a time, setting goals each week like drinking more water or eating an extra portion of veg. The best way to lose it and keep it off is to create new habits that will last 🙂
They’re great tips, thanks Laura. He drinks so much Diet Coke so that would probably be the first target. Baby steps!
Wow, well done to your Dad- that is excellent! Will he be going to parkruns next?
And well done to Ben – he is so speedy!
And 100 parkruns is amazing- I am working towards 50 but am not quite half way yet- I only go once a month or so, so it will take me years. Such a great achievement.
I have supported Andy at a race, but I was a bit fed up as I was signed up to it too, but could not as I was waiting for me op. One of my friends has just started doing couch to 5k, so I told her about parkrun and she has said once we has reached 5k in her training we can go together and I am really excited about it 🙂
Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…Awesome Ottawa
It does take so long to get to 50 doesn’t it? I’ve been going for over a year and I’m still on like 35 I think.
I could try and persuade him to walk a parkrun in the future but we’ll see!
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