So glad Monday is over. I had to do a Big Scary Work Presentation for the project I’m working on. But I got through it, and actually sounded like I knew what I was talking about, which is always a plus I guess. Even got some good feedback, hurrah!
Although it didn’t go completely smoothly – things never do with me. After dialling in to the people who were working from home and just getting ready to start, in true Anna style, I decide to knock my laptop into the phone subsequently hanging up everyone on the call. Mortification doesn’t quite cover my feelings at the time. Nor does beetroot for the colour of red my face turned…
Ah well, they saw the funny side so it wasn’t a complete disaster. An ice breaker I suppose.
Then we had a little ‘party’ to meet and greet all the people involved in the project. And there was a buffet. Buffets are my absolute weakness. All my good intentions and healthy behaviours just fly out of the window. I become overcome by the thought that the food might run out, all the good stuff will go quickly…so I panic. I’m invariably the first there eagerly waiting with my plate. I stack it high with everything, even food I wouldn’t usually touch with a barge pole! I don’t know what it is. Maybe some sort of underlying psychological insecurity about going hungry. Needless to say I look like a bit of a pig and there’s usually always food left over so my intentions are in vain anyway.
It’s so difficult to know when to stop as well. Mini food is never good in my eyes. It’s deceptive and you never can tell how much you’ve eaten. So I just keep going. I probably ate the equivalent of three meals…whoops.
Right, back to being healthy! Today is a new day after all.
Source: via Jennifer on Pinterest