I’m looking out the window and it looks like winter again. What is happening? Well at least it’s a lot lighter in the evening and morning.
I had a bit of a scare this morning when I woke up a minute just after my alarm was supposed to go off. But it hadn’t. Luckily I’m one of those weird people who tends to wake up naturally around their alarm time anyway. I remember at the weekend I was so worried I wasn’t going to wake up for my very early start (5.45am) for my long run that I woke up at 5.15am and then 5.40am thinking I’d messed up and over slept.
Anyway! Ben and me went to our running club’s annual general meeting (AGM) on Tuesday night.
I love my running club. If anything it’s just nice to be around people who are so like-minded. If you’re a runner and you’re not part of a club then I can’t recommend it enough to you. Having people to run and train with is just a small part of it. The support is just brilliant when you’re doing well in races, smashing PBs and feeling great. But, probably more important, is the support when things aren’t great; being injured, having a rubbish race or just feeling de-motivated.
I love having a network of people that you can talk to about running and they GET IT. And the club is full of so many different people from different walks of life and ability. People who are running sub-7 minute miles to people who are running 12+ minute miles. Old, young…everyone is welcome and celebrated.
I’m sure it’s the same with any sporting club really. Though maybe the love of cake is most strong with runners 😉 I wish I had taken a photo of just how many cakes there were after the AGM! All restraint went out of the window I can tell you!
Speaking of food. I’ll just leave you guys with a random meal I made the other day in the slow cooker that I loved.
Slow Cooker Chickpea and Sweet Potato Salsa (Serves 2)
- Onion, diced
- Courgette, chopped into chunks
- Medium sweet potatoes, chopped into chunks
- Tin of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
- Jar of salsa (I used Discovery)
- Generous tbsp. cream cheese
– Very simply, vegetables and chickpeas go into the slow cooker.
– Mix the salsa with cream cheese and then add to the vegetables, mixing it all up.
– Switch the slow cooker to LOW and cook for 6-8 hours.
The sauce makes it lovely and creamy with a bit of sweetness. Though I have to say that Discovery salsa can be quite sweet so I’m going to switch to another brand I think.
I’m going to the running club tonight – fingers crossed all will be well! It’s my last club night before the marathon. Next week is all about solo sessions I think to make sure I don’t do anything stupid.
What’s your favourite brand of salsa? I used to use the supermarket brand and that was brilliant.
Are you part of a running club or any other club? Do you like to get involved?
Do you wake up at the same time every morning quite easily?