I thought I’d do a post covering how I’ve found the New Rules of Lifting for Women as I’ve just completed Stage 1. Just rolling back before I started this, I was still doing lots of strength work in the gym. I’d found lots of good stuff on RunnersWorld, Kinetic Revolution and other random places. …
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Hopefully you can find something useful here to do with running and strength training! Please email me if you have any specific questions though (annatheappleblog@gmail.com) Marathon Training Plans: Boston Marathon Training Liverpool Marathon Training (PB’ed) Injuries: Hamstring IT Band Knee (and here) Peroneal tendon Pool running (here and here) Specifics for Marathon Training: The long run Food …
Continue reading “Training”
Firstly thank you for the lovely messages, comments and kind words after my last post. It really meant the world to me. I know I’m young and my life is ahead of me, I just needed that cathartic vent… Anyway, onto the subject of this post. Since being injured and being unable to run I’ve …
Continue reading “Why I don’t regret getting injured”
As I can’t blog about any current running, I can do a running survey instead! This is stolen from Mary’s blog and I love the questions so thought I’d steal it… Would you rather run along a beach path or on a mountain trail? I’d much prefer a mountain trail. This is probably because I live …
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There is nothing like a long weekend to really kick start out back into life. Though I know not everyone got to enjoy a day off yesterday! It was a fairly quiet weekend I must say – but sometimes you just need a bit of ‘downtime’ to try and recharge your batteries and, in my …
Continue reading “Feeling a bit drained and flat”