Let’s talk about something else for a bit

Obviously I have a few things on my mind at the moment, but instead of harping on about the marathon I’m going to post about something else.


The lovely Lora from the blog CrazyRunningGirl nominated me for the Liebster Award so I thought I’d play along and answer the questions.

The 11 questions that Lora posed:

  1. Why did you start blogging? 
  2. What is your favourite way to get your sweat on?
  3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  4. What has been your favourite moment of 2014 so far and why?
  5. What’s your favourite TV show of all time? 
  6. Where do you find your inspiration?
  7. Do you consider yourself Type A or Type B?
  8. What’s your favourite season? 
  9. How do you find time to fit it all in?
  10. Where’s your favourite place to find new recipes?
  11. Where is your dream vacation spot?

1. Why did you start blogging? 

I guess this is similar to lots of bloggers, but I started blogging because I was already reading quite a few blogs and I loved the idea of documenting what was going on in my life in terms of keeping fit and being healthy. I love the fact I can search back through my archives and read race recaps, strength routine ideas, recipes…the fact that people read my ramblings is just amazing. Thank you lovely readers 🙂

2. What is your favourite way to get your sweat on?

Running. Surprised?


3. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Queue jumpers. Don’t even get me started. Maybe it’s the Brit within me but seeing someone jump in line with their friends really gets me angry. My stink eye has been well perfected for such occasions.

4. What has been your favourite moment of 2014 so far and why?

I’m hoping if you ask me this next week I’ll say the Paris marathon. But at the moment I’d say the Marathon Talk weekend. I loved it. It was the start of me getting back into my running mojo post-injury and I was feeling good. It was a brilliant weekend.

Marathon Talk and me

5. What’s your favourite TV show of all time?

I don’t have one ‘all time favourite’. I have many I really like. Game of Thrones, Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, Sex and the City, Prison Break, Downton Abbey, Mad Men, 24, Homeland, Fringe, Family Guy…

6. Where do you find your inspiration?

For running, it’s my running club. Some for speed, some for amazing determination, some for just brilliant attitude to life. I always say that I think I’m quite a selfish person and no one’s going to write a book about my life, but if I can be a little bit like those amazing people then that is pretty special. Also I have some pretty inspiring friends as well – kind, selfless, intelligent, funny…I’m a better person just knowing them.

Psst! Obviously my husband as well but don’t tell him because it’ll go to his head 😉

7. Do you consider yourself Type A or Type B?

Type A to my core. I have lists about lists. I can be quite neurotic at times. I’m a failing perfectionist but the effort is definitely there 😉

8. What’s your favourite season?

Spring! There’s the hope in the air for a lovely summer. And those odd days where the sun shines and you don’t need your coat. The mornings get lighter, the evenings are longer and the temperature can be just right.


9. How do you find time to fit it all in?

I don’t have kids 😉

10. Where’s your favourite place to find new recipes?

Pinterest. Hours have been lost on that website. And from fellow bloggers – I follow some pretty talented bloggers who somehow every week manage to post amazing meals or cakes.

11. Where is your dream vacation spot?

I’d love to go to the Far East, like Japan or China. But right now I’m happy to explore places in Britain and Europe. I love the fact that we’re off to Paris to run a marathon and get a holiday at the same time. Hopefully it will go well!

I think that’s one of the reasons I love doing races. Ben and I get to visit so many different places we normally wouldn’t.

Anna CG photo 2

I should nominate 11 more bloggers but I read far too many great blogs to choose.

If you fancy, leave a comment answering any of the questions 🙂