Just keep breathing

I am so glad it’s Friday. This week has been rather stressful to say the least. I’ll admit I’ve struggled quite a bit. I’m sorry to sound so moany and pathetic, I just need to rant.

Mostly it is my own fault really. Planning a holiday around a time I knew I’d potentially be leaving and near my marathon date was probably not my best idea. At the time though, when it was all going to plan and my friend was coming with me, it seemed like a great escape.

Having finally found out the moving date (a few days before my marathon), this week has been spent sorting out all those things you can’t do much about until you have said date…Internet, gas, electric, water. Not to mention the solicitors only informing us now (despite hassling for weeks) that the man buying our house didn’t want our furniture. I’m taking barely any furniture with me so I’ve then had to try and sell, donate or just give away stuff as quickly as possible.

Ben has been helping as well, obviously, but he’s leaving to work and live in Switzerland very soon and so his time is limited. My emotions are everywhere. I’m happy for him and want him to do well and find what he’s been looking for, but I can’t say I’m not sad. Everything is changing so quickly and I can’t catch my breath.

To add to this was finding my passport in the washing machine after a full cycle. That’s a small complication that I wasn’t prepared for. I took a risk and decided to apply via the postal reapplication system, being reassured by several people that passports were getting processed quickly as it was outside the holiday season and I had a solid 2.5 weeks.

*Sighs* In true Anna form I decided to use photos that weren’t the specified month-old and risked it with using photos I already had (saving cost and time, I believed). They were only a few months old so I didn’t think it would be an issue. Apparently it is. I received a letter to say I needed to send new photos from this month.

So yesterday I scrambled about getting new photos and sending them off ASAP. I’d hoped I could go to London to sort this in person (something I initially wanted to avoid) but since I’ve started the postal process there’s nothing I can do now apparently. Just sit and wait and hope that by Thursday next week I get my passport back. Otherwise, I can’t go to Iceland. I’ll lose a chunk of money but my biggest grievance is losing a holiday and the escape.

My parents, who have always been such a rock to me, are away on holiday at the moment. I know it’s pathetic but it’s been such a struggle with all this and not having them here for advice or just a hug. I know I’m 27 but I’m not embarrassed that my parents are an important part of my life. I won’t lie, there might have been a FaceTime conversation with them where I was just in tears, up to my limit.

But I’ve got great friends around me. When I thought I’d have to go to London on Saturday my university friends, who were supposed to be coming down to see me on that day, were so lovely. Instead of being annoyed, they were there for me, suggesting meeting in London instead or trying to help me in any way. Thankfully they can still come and I cannot wait to see them tomorrow.

Through all this (I appreciate that “all this” isn’t that big a deal compared to other people’s problems) I still have a marathon to run. But running has been my saviour. After an awful day yesterday, an eight mile run just cleared my head and calmed my nerves. If I was injured I’m not sure how I’d be coping. I have the Bath Two Tunnels half marathon on Sunday which I’m using as a training run and pacing a friend which I’m really looking forward to. I’ve just got to focus on the good and fun stuff, stop whining and just GET ON WITH IT.

Sorry for my lengthy rant…

How has your week been?

How do you deal with stress?

Who’s your “rock” when times are tough? I couldn’t be more grateful for my friends and family right now.

26 Replies to “Just keep breathing”

  1. Oh Anna, I just want to give you a big hug! It’s horrible when it feels as though the world is conspiring against you :-(. I’m really glad that running is helping you though. I’ve got everything crossed that your passport arrives before next Thursday and you can just get away from it all for a bit.
    Autumn recently posted…It’s Never Too LateMy Profile

  2. I don’t know what it is about solicitors and house moving. I swear they sit on information out of sheer cussedness. We never managed to persuade our vendors to give us a boiler report. Let alone the instructions for the burglar alarm…so we managed to set that off within about three hours of taking possession of the place.

    This week has been full of people. I need a day off from people. I fired up Bertha last night. It helped. Then I knitted. It also helped.
    Jane in London recently posted…I stood on a rat this morningMy Profile

  3. Just remember in a a few weeks you will be sitting in your new place with a Bournemouth marathon medal, a passport, a slice of cake and it will all be good!

  4. Moving house is so horrific, you sound like you’re doing a great job holding it together and I’m sure it must be additionally difficult given the circumstances of the move.
    I’m crossing my fingers and toes that the passport comes, your furniture disappears (you know lots of charities will come and take it for free?) and everything goes smoothly! xx
    Claire @ Flake and Cake recently posted…He brings us so much joyMy Profile

  5. You’re not whining or moaning. You’re going through an incredibly stressful time by anyone’s standards and comparing to others who have it worse is never going to be helpful. If something is upsetting to you and bothering you, the magnitude is irrelevant. Of course it can be good to put things in perspective, but that does not invalidate your feelings. It’s okay to be sad, angry and frustrated. You’re allowed to cry.

    I’m incredibly grateful for my parents, and I’m 29. They’re the only people in the world I really trust…probably not the best situation, but it is what it is.
    Jess recently posted…Run Durham Hamsterly Trail 10 Miles and Middlesbrough Tees Pride 10KMy Profile

    1. Very wise words as usual!
      I think being close to your parents is nothing to be ashamed of (not that I’m suggesting you are ashamed!). I always feel sorry for people who have a bad relationship with their parents as for me they’re such a source of stability, love and information.
      AnnaTheApple recently posted…Just keep breathingMy Profile

  6. First of all, I want to say I think you are handling all this really well. Even though this is obviously a really hard time for you, I can tell by your tone that you are still so incredibly positive and strong. Just try to remember that time heals all wounds, and things will get better. Keep your head up! Second I want to say that we – your semi-invisible internet friends – are all here for you too! No need to apologize for a rant or needing to get that off your chest. We are here to read about your life and interact with you, and cheer you up when we can. 🙂
    Chelsea @ Chelsea Eats Treats recently posted…Fun Food & Fitness Survey!My Profile

  7. Agreeing with all of the above comments Anna. My fingers are so tightly crossed that you your passport arrives back in time. It sounds like you have done everything that you possibly can so all you can do now is sit back and wait. Always the worst part. 🙁
    I think getting away to Iceland and taking a complete break from everything is probably exactly what you need right now so I really hope it works out.
    I get the impression that you have a fantastic set of friends, so make sure you forget about everything tomorrow and enjoy a fun day out with them.
    My Mum is the person I always turn to when things get shitty. She can be the least comforting person in the world and at times very straight-talking, but she still knows how to make me feel better again.
    Mary recently posted…Don’t leave reading the race instructions until the last minute!My Profile

  8. Oh Anna, I am not a person that hugs, but I really want to send you one via the internet. It must be so tough dealing with all those changes, emotionally and practically too- a house move is stressful anyway, let alone all the other things going on. I think it’s great you are so close to your parents.
    Argh that passport thing is so stressful- my fingers are crossed for you. A break sounds like just what you need so I hope it works out.
    I hope you enjoy the race this Sunday 🙂
    Maria @ runningcupcake recently posted…My version of Grasshopper BarsMy Profile

  9. This isn’t pathetic. I always think revealing a struggle requires the biggest strengths. And you’re doing all you can to tackle it head on, like you say just keep breathing and seek the positive. These things require one little step at a time. I always think what’s the worst that could happen, and if nobody’s going to die then it’s not the end of the world. Fingers crossed you can go to Iceland, worst case scenario if not make a little UK hideaway for yourself! It’ll be okay 🙂 xxx
    Pip {Cherries & Chisme} recently posted…My First Half Marathon – Great North Run 2015My Profile

  10. More {{hugs}}! I’m envious that you can lean on your parents. I don’t know what that feels like. And the passport situation will sort itself out – I’ve had many close calls with passports but all with happy outcomes.

    PS. Iceland is on my bucket list. It’s about the only thing on my bucket list 🙂
    MrsB recently posted…Your body is not a templeMy Profile

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